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Count on the Future

Count on the Future. Tupara Morrison Group Manager Maori Strategy. Outline. Future insights Relevance to Maori Opportunities for Maori Accountants. Future insights. plausible different global. All systems globe. interdependence….

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Count on the Future

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  1. Count on the Future Tupara Morrison Group Manager Maori Strategy

  2. Outline • Future insights • Relevance to Maori • Opportunities for Maori Accountants

  3. Future insights plausible different global

  4. All systems globe..... interdependence….. Base-case scenario; continuation of globalisation model; international connectivity.

  5. Fortress blocks….. coalitions….. Conditional friendship; fortress trading blocs for border security around regional markets; protectionist policies.

  6. Get local….. independence….. Self reliance; security; nationalism; protectionism; strong nation states.

  7. Metamorphosis Scenario….. culture change….. Evolutionary values led shift initiated in Europe; sustainable capitalism; business approach changes.

  8. Climate change Common Elements

  9. Technology explosion

  10. Population pressure

  11. Growing waste

  12. Scarcity of oil

  13. Conflicts over oil and water

  14. Resource depletion

  15. Sustain living standards Without plastic? Without steel?

  16. What would our world be like?

  17. Need new bio-based resources Renewable and sustainable

  18. Supplying material needs of world using plants and trees

  19. Bio-based science capability

  20. Emerging global need

  21. Trees - the primary biomaterial

  22. Recreation

  23. Commodity

  24. Solid wood

  25. Extract

  26. Engineer

  27. Carbon

  28. Future insights • Relevance to Maori • Opportunities for Maori Accountants

  29. Forest owners/Land owners

  30. Jobs and wealth creation

  31. Biomaterials future

  32. It’s happening already...

  33. Biomaterials Engineering

  34. Bio-conversion

  35. rice C. elegans pines Arabidopsis poplar microbes Cellwall Biotechnology "Probably no other group of organisms will benefit more from the development of genomics tools than forest trees, where conventional genetic approaches are so limited" Bradshaw et al. 2000

  36. Future insights • Relevance to Maori • Opportunities for Maori Accountants

  37. Returns

  38. Value chain context Consumers Producers (1º Processors) Manufacturers (2º Processors) Distributors Growers Historical Forestry Scope Sustainable Consumer Products Delivery Mechanisms • Future focused • Ensure relevance • Integrated supply chains (forestry & biomaterials) • Connectivity to markets Biomaterials Research

  39. US predictions for the Biomaterials Economy • From US$ 30 billion in 2001 • to US$ 500 billion in 2025 Investment and policy to promote bio-based products and bio-energy

  40. Bioethanol Sustainable Energy:Bioenergy Market Demand Supply

  41. Strategic intent • Maori Economic Development • Maori Engagement • Maori Awareness • Maori in RS&T

  42. Maori Economic DevelopmentMaori EngagementMaori Awareness Maori in RS&T We engaged the right people at the right time

  43. Focus Partnership Protection Participation Outcomes Communicating sector focus Identifying Maori needs Linking common goals Maori Economic DevelopmentMaori EngagementMaori Awareness Maori in RS&T

  44. Maori Economic DevelopmentMaori AwarenessMaori Engagement Maori in RS&T We all understand the Treaty of Waitangi

  45. Focus Opportunities for scientist interaction with Maori Outcomes Closer relationships at science unit level Improved understanding of communication media Maori Economic DevelopmentMaori AwarenessMaori Engagement Maori in RS&T

  46. Maori Economic DevelopmentMaori in RS&TMaori Engagement Maori Awareness I can have five Maori scientists on that project tomorrow

  47. Focus Maori student numbers Maori scientist and researcher numbers Maori specific business cases Outcomes Increase Maori students nationally Increase Maori researchers, scientists and business people in the sector Maori Economic DevelopmentMaori in RS&TMaori Engagement Maori Awareness

  48. Focus Creating business interest Identifying strategic relationships Maori building and delivering RS&T Outcomes RS&T is not the realm of integrated company clients Preferred provider status Understand entry criteria Enter sector Maori Economic DevelopmentMaori Engagement Maori Awareness Maori in RS&T

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