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Bismarck’s Alliance System. What Bismarck has joined, let no country put asunder (with apologies to marriage vows). Treaty of Frankfurt 1871. France had to pay 5 billion francs in 5 years Germany took Alsace & half of Lorraine
Bismarck’s Alliance System What Bismarck has joined, let no country put asunder (with apologies to marriage vows)
Treaty of Frankfurt 1871 • France had to pay 5 billion francs in 5 years • Germany took Alsace & half of Lorraine • Residents had until Oct. 1872 to decide whether to move to stay in France or become German citizens • German troops occupied northern France until the indemnity was paid; France had to pay the costs of the occupation • Est. Third Republic in France
Britain • Suspicious of any country that could threaten lines of communication in their empire • Saw Russia as a threat • Splendid isolation—concentrating on domestic issues, empire, Ireland • Conflict with France in Africa & Asia • Won’t sign treaties to commit to future action
Russia • Alexander II tsar until 1881, then Alexander III until 1894 • Instituting reforms; industrialization • Pan-slavism—expansion into Balkans • Wanted a useful warm water port, such as Port Arthur or port in Persia or from the Black Sea through the Bosporus into the Mediterranean
Austria-Hungary • Opposed Russian expansion into the Balkans • Austria’s interest in the Balkans was economic—pork & railroads • Multi-ethnic; opposed nationalistic movements within Austria and in the Balkans • Later Germany became dependant on Austrian friendship
France • Concentrated on “revanche”—revenge • Goal to get Alsace-Lorraine back • Paid off indemnity sooner than Germany thought could occur • Paid off in 1873; German soldiers left France • Showed strength of French economy • Germany believed France’s strong economy would allow France to reorganize & rebuild its army
Germany • Wanted to avoid an anti-German coalition • Wanted security from potential foreign threat • Avoid a two-front war • William I’s son married Queen Victoria’s oldest daughter • Bismarck wanted very little British influence in German government; disliked Britain’s more democratic two party system • Encouraged French colonial expansion as a way to distract France from European conditions
League of the Three Emperors 1873 • Austria, Russia, Germany • Mutual consultation and support in matters of international importance • Maintain existing territorial arrangements in Europe • Resist spread of revolutionary movements • Stop spread of republican ideas • Goal to isolate France diplomatically
Is War in Sight?Article in Berliner Post 1875 • Bismarck worried about France’s ability to rearm • France wanted to purchase 10,000 saddle horses • This type of purchase usually a sign of preparation for war • Bismarck banned export of horses to France • Article then appeared in the Berliner Post • Germany viewed as aggressor against France • Russia backed British protest to Germany • Incident showed that France was not totally isolated
Secret Austro-German Alliance or Dual Alliance 1879 • Because of results of the Congress of Berlin 1878, Russia refused to renew Three Emperor’s League • Bismarck wanted a general treaty of mutual assistance if attacked by a third power • Austria was getting along with France so wanted to mention Russia in the treaty • Terms—would support the other if attacked by Russia or Russia & a third power • Would be neutral if attacked by any other power • Renewed every five years until 1918
Alliance of the Three Emperors or 2nd League of the Three Emperors • Negotiated 1881; Alexander II had died & Alexander III was in favor of an alliance to help suppress revolutionary movements • Pledged the three members to neutrality if one was attacked by a 4th country • Divided the Balkans into spheres of influence… Austria in the west, Russia in the east • Agreed to consult one another if there were another Balkan crisis • For three years; renewed once in 1884
Triple Alliance1882 • Italy, Germany, Austria • Italy was mad at France when France annexed Tunis; Italy wanted to build its own empire in Africa • If Italy or Germany were attacked by France, the other would come to their aid • If Austria were attacked by Russia, Italy would be neutral; but Austria would aid Italy if Italy attacked by France • If any country attacked by two or more countries, the others would come to its aid
Problems of Italian alliance • Italy wanted land Austria controlled… Italian Irredenta • Italy eventually got over their anger at France taking Tunis • Establishment of a republican government in France that would not help the Pope retake Rome & Papal states from Italy by 1900 • Italy established several secret treaties with France in 1900 & 1902… each promised neutrality if provoked into war with a third party
Mediterranean Agreement 1887 • Italy, Austria, Great Britain • All agree to maintain the status quo in the Mediterranean • All agree to prevent foreign domination of the Ottoman Empire • Designed to be a barrier to French & Russian expansion
Reinsurance Treaty1887 • The Alliance of the Three Emperors fell apart due to problems in the Balkans • Secret treaty; Austria not told • Germany & Russia agreed to be neutral if the other became involved in a war • Exception… if Germany attacked France or Russia attacked Austria • Treaty not renewed in 1890
Willhelm II of Germany1859-1941 • Willhelm I’s grandson & Queen Victoria’s grandson • Kaiser of Germany 1888-1918; controlled supreme military & executive power • Believed that Germany needed its “place in the sun” • He loved the military and was restless; tried to upstage the British • Wanted a navy as large as his grandmother’s navy • Believed in “Weltpolitik”—world politics—no real goals other than “glory”
Quotes… • Willhelm II… “As for having to sink my ideas and feelings at the bidding of the people that is a thing unheard of in Prussian history or the traditions of my House. What the German Emperor, King of Prussia thinks right and best for his people he does.” • British politician Earl Grey… “The German Emperor is like a battleship with steam up and screws going, but with no rudder, and he will run into something someday and cause a catastrophe.”
End of Reinsurance Treaty1890 • William II became Kaiser in 1888; believed Germany’s alliance with Austria was more important than its alliance with Russia • While Bismarck had not pursued colonial expansion, William II wanted colonies and navy • Bismarck had promoted peaceful relations with Britain, but William II antagonized Britain • William II fired Bismarck in 1890 and the alliance system unraveled
Russo-French Rapprochement1894 • Traditionally, it was believed an alliance between France & Russia was impossible • Russia was autocratic; France was republican • However… France had given several large loans to Russia • Both wanted to offset Germany’s military threat • Each would support the other if attacked by Germany or another member of the Triple Alliance aided by Germany
Anglo-Japanese Alliance1902 • After 1895 victory over China, Japan had been forced to give back territorial gains; they are looking for a powerful alliance • It is an anti-French & anti-Russian alliance • Britain wanted to end their isolation • Both countries would be neutral if the other involved in a war with only one country • They would come to each other’s aid if attacked by more than one country
Entente Cordiale1904 • France & Britain; Edward VII favored an alliance with France, rather than with Germany • Settled colonial disputes between the two countries, especially in Africa • France recognized Egypt & Sudan as British • Britain recognized Morocco as French • Both would support the other if a third country challenged their spheres
Anglo-Russian Entente1907 • Britain lost its fear of Russia after Russia was defeated in the Russo-Japanese War • Both countries felt threatened by Germany • The entente resolved colonial competition between the two countries in Persia & Afghanistan • Russo-French Rapprochement + Entente Cordiale + Anglo-Russian Entente = Triple Entente
Related Events…Congress of Berlin 1878 • Met to rewrite Treaty of San Stefano between Russia & Ottoman Empire • San Stefano had given territory to Russia, land to Serbia & Montenegro • Bulgaria would increase greatly in size and become independent • Opposed by Britain & Austria • At Congress, Bulgaria greatly decreased in size • Russia unhappy with lack of German support; also unhappy with German trade protectionism
Related Events…Boer War 1899-1902 • Germany antagonized Britain with the “Kruger Telegram” • Britain won the war, but because of criticisms of other countries realized how isolated they were • Motivated Britain to look for alliances
Related Events…Russo-Japanese War 1904-05 • Russia wanted Port Arthur as a warm water port • Germany supported Russia by providing coal for Russian fleet; used German navy to help protect Russian fleet in Baltic/North Sea • Germany wanted alliance with Russia who said needed to consult French ally first • By Nov. 1904,according to German Ambassador in London, the British view was “Germany is presented as the true enemy” and that Germany was trying to start an Anglo-Russian conflict
Related Events…Russo-Japanese War 1904-05 • Russia’s defeat showed Britain they did not need to fear Russia; less concerned about competition with Russia • Motivated Britain to settle issues with Russia… led to Anglo-Russian Entente & Triple Entente • Relations between Germany & Britain greatly deteriorated • Germany became diplomatically isolated, especially after the Moroccan Crises which followed
“Dropping the Pilot” • http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/ topic-art/66989/14746/Dropping-the-Pilot- cartoon-by-Sir-John-Tenniel-commenting-on
Questions • What were Bismarck’s goals? • What were the major goals of Willhelm II in leading the German nation? • How did the dismissal of Bismarck change the fortunes of Europe? • What became the new line-up of European nations after the dismissal of Bismarck? • What were obvious strengths and weaknesses of each grouping of nations? • Why did the new balance bring together such incompatible partners?