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FERC Information Assessment Team (FIAT)

March 2, 2005 Commission Meeting. FERC Information Assessment Team (FIAT). Final Recommendations. Background.

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FERC Information Assessment Team (FIAT)

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  1. March 2, 2005 Commission Meeting FERC Information Assessment Team (FIAT) Final Recommendations

  2. Background On January 12, 2004, the Chairman convened an inter-office team (FIAT) and charged the team to assess the Commission’s information needs to promote greater transparency in electricity markets

  3. Team Goals • Goal 1: Identify what information is needed to promote greater transparency in electricity markets • Goal 2: Propose ways to reduce reporting burden through the elimination, reduction, streamlining or reformatting of current information collections • Goal 3: Propose plan to institutionalize continuous Commission-wide review of information needs.

  4. Past Year’s Events • One year ago, presented team’s goals to the Commission • In April 2004, submitted Interim Report to the Chairman presenting staff-generated ideas

  5. Past Year’s Events (cont.) • Designed and sent goal 1 and 2 surveys to FERC staff, Federal agencies, trade associations, NARUC and Federal power authorities • Held follow-up meetings with trade associations

  6. Past Year’s Events (cont.) • In July 2004, summarized survey results for the Chairman • In Oct. 2004, reported tentative recommendations to Chairman and senior staff • In Jan. 2005, reached consensus on Final Recommendations

  7. Final Recommendations • There are three Goal 1 and seven Goal 2 recommendations ready to be drafted into proposed rules • The team has submitted a plan to implement a continuous information review process

  8. Goal 1 Final Recommendations

  9. 1. Adopt or modify new NERC definitions and methodologies for: • Total Transfer Capability (TTC) • Available Transfer Capability (ATC) • Transmission Reliability Margin (TRM), with Capacity Benefit Margin (CBM) stated separately by region

  10. 2. Require the posting on OASIS of: • Standardized definitions of TTC, ATC, TRM, CBM, and • Simultaneous import capability (SIC)

  11. Obtain standardized, accessible generator run status information on a confidential basis: This information is relevant to economic dispatch and market power analyses

  12. Goal 2 Final Recommendations

  13. 1. FERC Form 73 – Oil Pipeline Service Life Data • Delete outmoded filing procedures • Provide option to file in Excel spreadsheet format • Reduce certain data requirements such as identifying utility codes

  14. 2. FERC 512 – Application for Preliminary Permit • Change requirement to file progress report from semi-annually to annually • Eliminate need to identify proposed generation market area and related power system information at preliminary permit stage

  15. 3. FERC 516/ Order 580 – Nuclear Plant Decommissioning Trust Fund Guidelines • Eliminate need for utilities owning nuclear units to file information on each purchase and sale of investments • Require continued internal maintenance of those records

  16. 4. FERC 520 – Application for Authorization of Interlocking Directorates Require the e-filing of FERC 520 data AND . . .

  17. Form 561 – Annual Report of Interlocking Directorates FERC 566 – Annual Report of Utility’s 20 Largest Purchasers • Require submission of information in electronic, web-based format • Create database to cross-reference captured information • Coordinate filed information with FERC 520 compliance reviews

  18. FERC 523 – Application for Authorization to Issue Securities • Convert filing to electronic, web-based format • Facilitate easier staff financial analyses of filed data

  19. FERC 576 – Report of Gas Service Interruptions • Update filing methods and standardize filing format • Provide CEII protection to safeguard pipeline security • Develop filing tracking method • E-notify staff of filings

  20. FERC 588 – Emergency Natural Gas Sale, Transportation, and Exchange Transactions • Update filing method and standardize filing format • Provide CEII protection to safeguard sensitive information • Develop filing tracking method • E-notify staff of filings

  21. ICAT Goal 3: Create Standing Cross-Office Team Charged with Ongoing Review of New and Current Information Needs • Proposed Team Name: ICAT (Information Collection Assessment Team) • Proposed Logo:

  22. Team Members • Virginia Strasser, Team Leader, OAL • Samuel Berrios, Jr., OMOI • William O. Blome, OGC • James B. Caruso, OMOI (now retired) • Edward J. Fowlkes, OEP • Joseph Lynch, OGC • Michael P. Miller, OED • Patricia Morris, OMOI • Michelle E. Veloso, OMTR • Nicole Wilson, Signal IT (contractor)

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