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The Rise and Fall of Sui & Tang Dynasties

Explore the legacies of Sui and Tang Dynasties in ancient China. Discover their achievements, governance, and eventual decline.

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The Rise and Fall of Sui & Tang Dynasties

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  1. Tang Dynasty Chapter 12 section 1

  2. The Sui Dynasty • The Sui Dynasty created the foundation needed for the Tang Dynasty. • Under Wendi, they had reunified northern and southern China in 589. • This dynasty only lasted for the reign of two emperors from 581-618. • The biggest accomplishment was the completion of the Grand canal that connected the Huang He and the Chang Jang. • The creation of this canal helped facilitate trade between north of south China. • The canal took 5 years to create and over a million men and women to build it. • About half of the people will die trying to build this canal. • Thousands more died rebuilding the Great Wall of China.

  3. Continued… • How do governments pay for projects like these two? • Taxing the people heavily, and they will need citizens to help build these structures. • The people obviously grew tired of being exploited by the government and they began to revolt. • In 618 a member of the Imperial court kills the second Sui Emperor.

  4. Tang Rulers create a powerful Empire • The Tang Dynasty will reign for 300 years from 618-907. • The 1st emperor was Tang Taizong • The Tang will reconquered the lands lost during the decline of the Han Dynasty. • The Han Dynasty were the ones who helped create the Great wall of China. • By 668 China began to gain influence in Korea. • During this era an empress was in power by the name of Wu Zhao. • She will be the only women in China to do this.

  5. The Tang government • The Tang rulers created a powerful central government. • In order to better establish control over their growing empire they created two capitals. • This would help them spread their power throughout their empire. • Government organization • It was organized into a bureaucracy. • A department controlled the army, another controlled agriculture, and another handled trade and foreign affairs, etc.

  6. Tang government expands • The Tang rulers expanded the civil service program in China. • Every man in China was eligible to take this program and the test that concluded the program. • This test could result in gaining an education and also gaining a government job. • In theory everyone had a chance to take this exam but only the wealthy could afford to pay for the education. • This exam helped create a class of intelligent governing officials. • Talent and education now became the key in winning power in China. • A boost of education soon followed in China.

  7. The Tang decline begins • Like the Roman Empire the Tang Empire will become too huge to control. • In order to meet the rising costs of government they will need to impose more taxes on the people. • These taxes did not do much to help pay for expenses for the military nor create more building programs. • In 751 Muslim armies defeated the Chinese at the battle of Talas. • Because of this defeat China began to loose control of Central Asia. • BY 907 the last Tang emperor had been assassinated. • they had been suffering internal rebellions and attacks along it’s borders leading up to the death of the emperor.

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