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Unit 5: The Early Americas. Theme 9: Native People of North America. http://edison.mpls.k12.mn.us/uploads/native-americans.jpg. coastal - where a large stretch of land, ocean, or a large body of water meet. http://www.marinebiology.edu/Phytoplankton/images/louisiana_delta_satimage.jpg.
Unit 5: The Early Americas Theme 9: Native People of North America http://edison.mpls.k12.mn.us/uploads/native-americans.jpg
coastal- where a large stretch of land, ocean, or a large body of water meet http://www.marinebiology.edu/Phytoplankton/images/louisiana_delta_satimage.jpg Christmas trees are used to help prevent coastal erosion in southern parts of Louisiana.
waterway- a river, stream, or other body of water that people use to travel from place to place http://www.endlessfunresorts.com/images/amusements/waterwayhills.jpg The waterways were blocked and prevented fisherman for earning an income.
plentiful-to have a large amount of something http://davidruppert.com/misc/crawfish.jpg The crawfish were plentiful and spicy at the boil.
scarce- there isn’t enough of it for everyone who wants or needs something http://www.landcoalition.org/cpl-blog/wp-content/uploads/world_faces_perfect_storm_of_problems_by_2030.jpg Food was scarce after the tsunami struck the country.
population- how many of something exists in a certain area http://pothikai.files.wordpress.com/2009/07/2009-07-18population-_day005.jpg The number of people in a city is the city’s population.
plain- a flat, grassy area of land that has few trees http://www.ces.clemson.edu/hydro/FieldCamp/2006/Pix/Mammoth%20with%20Joe/images/Sinkhole%20on%20Penneroyal%20Plain_JPG.jpg I would love to lie in the plains and look up at the clouds.
survival- continuing to live http://www.project-ultra.com/userimages/af_survival_800_070827.jpg Survival in the jungle can be a very dangerous task.
surplus- more than you can use of something http://www.thepraguepost.com/articles/photos/2007-07-25/fs_3938-rice.jpg Rice can be bought in surplus for restaurant chefs.
vegetation- the plant life in a particular area. http://media-cdn.tripadvisor.com/media/photo-s/01/1e/27/6b/colurful-vegetation.jpg Tropical vegetation includes palm trees.
resource- something we use to help us live or work http://www.sph.uth.tmc.edu/catch/images/resource_library_books.jpg Some resources we use include computers, books, and teachers.