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Bai Zhijun 2014.4.8

NBM. The p reparation of CaCO 3 n anoparticles and application in d rug m icrocapsules. Bai Zhijun 2014.4.8. NBM. I. Introduction. II. Experiment. III. Significance. IV .T echnology. 1. Unlike capsules Nanometer level. I. Introduction.

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Bai Zhijun 2014.4.8

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  1. NBM The preparation of CaCO3nanoparticles and application in drug microcapsules Bai Zhijun 2014.4.8

  2. NBM I. Introduction II. Experiment III. Significance IV.Technology

  3. 1. Unlike capsules Nanometer level I. Introduction Hydrophilic or hydrophobic drug; Targeting; Toxicity and side effect; …… 2. Why drugs need to wrap? 3.Nowadays?

  4. NBM Nowadays 微球Microspheres 微囊Microcapsules

  5. NBM Drug Microcapsules Preparation

  6. NBM 亲水药物 CaCO3纳米颗粒 PSS PAH II. Experiment EDTA

  7. NBM 1)Preparation of CaCO3 nanoparticles-drug CaCl2+drug+Na2CO3 CaCO3- drug

  8. NBM

  9. NBM 2)Polyelectrolyte modification Layer By Layer 聚乙烯苯磺酸钠聚烯丙基胺盐酸盐 PSS PAH

  10. NBM

  11. NBM washing SEM (scanning electron microscopy) 3)Washing treatment

  12. NBM CLSM (Confocal laser scanning microscopy) CdTe QDs : Green(inside)and Red(outside)

  13. NBM CLSM (Confocal laser scanning microscopy) CdTe QDs : Green(inside)and Red(outside)

  14. NBM III. Significance 1.It can reduce drug side effects; 2.This is a universal package technology ; 3.This is a new drug formulations; 4. This is a major breakthrough for the development of pharmaceutical formulations; 5. This breakthrough has important social value and economic benefits; ……

  15. NBM IV.Technique 1) Coprecipitation 2) Layer by layer self-assembly technique 3) Centrifugal separation technique 4) Microscopic imaging technique 5) Using EDC connecting amino with carboxyl technique

  16. NBM 共沉淀:指的是一种沉淀从溶液中析出时,引起某些可溶性物质一起沉淀的现象。

  17. NBM 层层自组装(layer-by-layer self-assembly,LBL) 是利用带相反电荷的聚电解质交替沉积在基板(substrate)表面来制备聚电解质自组装多层膜(polyelectrolyte self-assembled mulilayers)的方法,是一种简易、多功能的表面修饰方法。

  18. NBM 离心分离技术 G=1.11×10(-5)×R×(rpm)2 G为离心力,一般以g(重力加速度)的倍数来表示。 (rpm)2即:转速的平方。 R为半径,单位为cm。

  19. NBM 普通光学显微镜成像原理

  20. NBM 反应机理 EDC,1-ethyl(3-dimethylaminopropyl)carbodiimide hydrochloride 1-乙基-(3-二甲基氨基丙基)碳二亚胺盐酸盐

  21. Thanks!!!

  22. NBM 水相CdTe Qds的合成简介 NaBH4 还原Te粉到Te2-,与CdCl2形成CdTe量子点,随着回流加热时间的不同,颗粒聚集的大小不同,发光不同。用巯基乙酸做稳定剂和保护剂,所以水相合成的量子点表面带有羧基。

  23. NBM

  24. NBM APTES modification PAH Glutaraldehyde APTES PAH- NH2 + OHC(CH2)3CHO + NH2-APTES APTES-N=C—C=N-PAH

  25. NBM 水解 缩聚 APTES cross-link

  26. NBM Drug sustained-release

  27. NBM Drug targeting release Since most anticancer drugs are unable to differentiate between diseased and healthy cells, systemic toxicity and undesired side effects can result. Passive targeting(EPR) Active targeting(SMN)

  28. NBM EPR(enhanced permeability and retention ) effect

  29. Smart Multifunctional Nanostructure Aptamer SMN

  30. NBM Aptamer (sgc8) specifically binds to cell membrane receptor protein tyrosine kinase 7 (PTK7).

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