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The Self-Certification process (Croatian example) Prof. Mile Dželalija, PhD

The Self-Certification process (Croatian example) Prof. Mile Dželalija, PhD. Regional Network on Qualifications Frameworks for South East Europe, Fourth Meting Istanbul, 16 September 2011. Referencing and Self-certification. Self-certification to the QF-EHEA. III (PhD): min. 3 y. BP

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The Self-Certification process (Croatian example) Prof. Mile Dželalija, PhD

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  1. The Self-Certification process(Croatian example) Prof. Mile Dželalija, PhD Regional Network on Qualifications Frameworks for South East Europe, Fourth Meting Istanbul, 16 September 2011

  2. Referencing and Self-certification

  3. Self-certification to the QF-EHEA III (PhD): min. 3 y BP (QF-EHEA) BP (QF-EHEA) II (MSc, ...): min. 300 ECTS I (BSc, ...): min. 180 ECTS RECOGNITON OF FOREIGN QUALIFICATIONS Nonformal and informal learning “Short”: min 120 ECTS EQF VOCATIONAL (VET) GENERAL EDUCATION (GE) Referencing to the EQF

  4. QF-EHEA Criteria (7) and Procedures (6)

  5. Criterion 1 (QF-EHEA) The national framework for higher education qualifications and the body or bodies responsible for its development are designated by the national ministry with responsibility for higher education. Criterion 2 (QF-EHEA) There is a clear and demonstrable link between the qualifications in the national framework and the cycle qualification descriptors of the European framework. Criterion 3 (QF-EHEA) The national framework and its qualifications are demonstrably based on learning outcomes, and the qualifications are linked to ECTS or ECTS compatible credits.

  6. Criterion 4 (QF-EHEA) The procedures for inclusion of qualifications in the national framework are transparent. Criterion 5 (QF-EHEA) The national quality assurance system for higher education refers to the national framework of qualifications and is consistent with the Berlin Communiqué and any subsequent communiqués agreed by ministers in the Bologna Process. Criterion 6 (QF-EHEA) The national framework, and any alignment with the European framework, is referenced in all Diploma Supplements. Criterion 7 (QF-EHEA) The responsibilities of the domestic parties to the national framework are clearly determined and published.

  7. Procedure 1 (QF-EHEA) The competent national body/bodies shall self-certify the compatibility of the national framework with the European framework. Procedure 2 (QF-EHEA) The self-certification process shall include the stated agreement of the quality assurance bodies in the country in question, as recognised through the Bologna Process. Procedure 3 (QF-EHEA) The self-certification process shall involve international experts.

  8. Procedure 4 (QF-EHEA) The self-certification and the evidence supporting it shall be published and shall address separately each of the criteria set out. Procedure 5 (QF-EHEA) The ENIC and NARIC networks shall maintain a public listing of States that have confirmed that they have completed the self-certification process Procedure 6 (QF-EHEA) The completion of the self-certification process shall be noted on Diploma Supplements issued subsequently by showing the link between the national framework and the European framework.

  9. Additional: Common Principles for QA (9)

  10. Common principle 1 (QA) Quality assurance policies and procedures should underpin all levels of the EQF. Common principle 2 (QA) Quality assurance should be an integral part of the internal management of education and training institutions. Common principle 3 (QA) Quality assurance should include regular evaluation of institutions, their programmes or their quality assurance systems by external monitoring bodies or agencies. Common principle 4 (QA) External monitoring bodies or agencies carrying out quality assurance should be subject to regular review.

  11. Common principle 5 (QA) • Quality assurance should include context, input, process and output dimensions, while giving emphasis to outputs and learning outcomes. • Common principle 6 (QA) • Quality assurance systems should include the following elements: • Clear and measurable objectives and standards; • Guidelines for implementation, including stakeholder involvement; • Appropriate resources; • Consistent evaluation methods, associating self-assessment and external review; • Feedback mechanisms and procedures for improvement; • Widely accessible evaluation results.

  12. Common principle 7 (QA) Quality assurance initiatives at international, national and regional level should be coordinated in order to ensure overview, coherence, synergy and system-wide analysis. Common principle 8 (QA) Quality assurance should be a cooperative process across education and training levels and systems, involving all relevant stakeholders, within Member States and across the Community. Common principle 9 (QA) Quality assurance orientations at Community level may provide reference points for evaluations and peer learning.

  13. Additional: EQF Criteria (10) (only when referencing to the EQF)

  14. Example: CROQF

  15. Common report: • Self-certification to the QF-EHEA • Referencing to the EQF

  16. Nacional coordination of the CROQF ... Discussions/ consultations (> 200 events; 10000 individ.) 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Curricula MSES Baseline (Government) CROQF-Implementation HKO – Reliability Committee (Government) CROQF to EQF/QF-EHEA Ref./Self-ref. Report Aktion Plan 2008-2012 Law on the CROQF By-laws (coordin., reg.) Role of sectoral WGs (25+1) www.kvalifikacije.hr CROQF Concepts Testing – standards: Qualificatins, LO; Occupations; Curricula CROQF – Introduction to Qualificatins

  17. Nacional coordination of the CROQF ... Discussions/ consultations (> 200 events; 10000 individ.) 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 IPA Curricula MSES ETF • Government Committee for the IMPLEMENTATION of the CROQF • (Deputy Prime Minister / Minister): • (all stakeholders) • + ET (MSES, experts, including international experts) • + 3 new Units (MSES-NCP, WWW-ICT, LMN) • + 25 + 1 SWGs • (all stakeholders) Baseline (Government) CROQF-Implementation HKO – Reliability Committee (Government) CROQF to EQF/QF-EHEA Ref./Self-ref. Report • Government Committee for the DEVELOPMENT of the CROQF • (Deputy Prime Minister / Minister): • (all stakeholders) • + OT (MSES): • (stakeholders and experts) • MSES Committee • (Minister / State Secretary) • Stakeholders: • Educational institutions – directly • Others – only communications Aktion Plan 2008-2012 Law on the CROQF By-laws (coordin., reg.) Role of sectoral WGs (25+1) www.kvalifikacije.hr CROQF Concepts Testing – standards: Qualificatins, LO; Occupations; Curricula CROQF – Introduction to Qualificatins

  18. (Draft) Law on the CROQF: • General provisions (concepts) • CROQF (principles, aims, classification, descriptors) • National coordination of the CROQF (stakeholders) • CROQF Register • Quality assurance (assessment, awarding of qualifications) • Referencing to the EQF and the QF-EHEA • Referencing to NQFs of other countries (3 groups) • Role of the CROQF in recognition of foreign qualifications i HR, and national qualifications abroad • Quality assurance of the CROQF • Transitional and final provisions

  19. (Proposal) National coordination of the CROQF: • Steering Committee: • 25 members, all stakeholders • Expert panel: • Up to 20 members (experts) • Unit for administrative support: • At the Ministry • Unit for analysis of labour market needs and needed competences : • Employers (Association or Chamber?) • Unit for ICT support: • Agency for HE, Ministry or Employers • 25+1 sectoral WGs/Councils

  20. Stakeholders (groups by interests): • State support to education system (ministries, agencies, councils, centres, ...) • State support to entrepreneurship (ministries, ...) • Sectoral interests (ministries, chambers, associations, NGOs) • Employers (associations, chambers, ...) • Employees (unions, ...) • Unemployed (Employment service, associations, ...) • Students/learners (Student unions, associations, ...) • Educational institutions (Rectors’ conference, associations, ...) • Finantial supoort (Funds, ministries, parents, ...)

  21. Stakeholders: • Government, ministries, agencies; • Parliamentary committee for education; • Croatian Academy of Science and Arts; • National Committee for Science; NC for HE, NC for H. schools; • National Committee for Adult Education; • National Committee for VET; • Croatian Employment Service; • Croatian Chamber of Economy; Chamber of Trades; • Croatian Employers’ Association; • Unions; • Rectors’ Conference; • Association of econdary; and Primary schools principals; • Students union; • Governmental Council for the Development of Civil Society;

  22. Sectoral working groups/councils

  23. LEVEL 8.2 8.1 7.2 7.1 (sektoral) WG (all stakeholders) 6 5.2 Interdisciplinarna ... ... Osobne i druge usluge Umjetnost Matematika, fizika, geoznanosti, kemija, biologija Temeljne tehničke znanosti Zrakoplovstvo, raketna i svemirska tehnika Sigurnost, obrana i zaštita Filologija Poljoprivreda, prehrana i veterina Šumarstvo i drvna tehnologija Geologija, rudarstvo, nafta i kemijska tehnologija Tekstil i koža Grafička tehnologija i audio-vizualna tehnologija Strojarstvo, brodogradnja i metalurgija Elektrotehnika i računarstvo 5.1 4.2 4.1 3 2 1 PROFILE

  24. Challenges? • Sublevels • Adoption of the Law (Parliament elections in December 2011) • Human resources • ...


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