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VALUASI EKONOMI SUMBERDAYA LAHAN Bahankajian MK. STELA.smno, jtnhfpub Mei 2014
KUALITAS & KARAKTERISTIK LAHAN "Karakterisiklahan" merupakanatributlahan yang dapatdiukurataudiestimasi. Misalnya: kemiringan, curahhujan, teksturtanah, kapasitas air tersedia, biomasavegetasi, dll. "Kualitaslahan" adalahkompleksatributlahan yang mempunyaiperananspesifikdalammenentukantingkatkesesuaianlahanuntuksuatupenggunaantertentu. Misalnya: ketersediaan air, resistensierosi, bahayabanjir, danaksesibilitas. "Kriteriadiagnostik" adalahsuatupeubah yang mempunyaipengaruhtertentuterhadaphasil (atau input yang diperlukan ) padapenggunaantertentu, danpeubahinijugaberfungsisebagaidasaruntukmenilaikesesuaiansuatubidanglahanbagipenggunaantertentu. “Kriteriadiagnostik” inidapatberupakualitaslahan, karakteristiklahan, ataubeberapakarakteristiklahan. Diunduhdarisumber: http://pinterdw.blogspot.com/2012/01/kualiatas-dan-karakteristik-lahan.html…… 5/11/2012
KUALITAS LAHAN Hubunganantarakualitasdankarakteristiklahan yang dipakaipadametodeevaluasilahan (Djaenudinet al. 2003).. Diunduhdarisumber: http://pinterdw.blogspot.com/2012/01/kualiatas-dan-karakteristik-lahan.html…… 5/11/2012
LAND USE Land comprises the physical environment, including climate, relief, soils, hydrology and vegetation, to the extent that these influence potential for land use. It includes the results of past and present human activity, e.g. reclamation from the sea, vegetation clearance, and also adverse results, e.g. soil salinization. Purely economic and social characteristics, however, are not included in the concept of land; these form part of the economic and social context. (sumber: http://www.fao.org/docrep/X5310E/x5310e03.htm) Land use is the human use of land. Land use involves the management and modification of natural environment or wilderness into built environment such as fields, pastures, and settlements. “LAND USE” has also been defined as "the arrangements, activities and inputs people undertake in a certain land cover type to produce, change or maintain it" (FAO, 1997; FAO/UNEP, 1999).. Diunduhdarisumber: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Land_use…… 5/11/2012
LAND UTILIZATION A land utilization type consists of a set of technical specifications in a given physical, economic and social setting. This may be the current environment or a future Betting modified by major land improvement e, e.g. an irrigation and drainage scheme. Attributes of land utilization types include data or assumptions on: Produce, including goods (e.g. crops, livestock timber), cervices (e.g. recreational facilities) or other benefits (e.g. wildlife conservation) Market orientation, including whether towards subsistence or commercial production Capital intensity Labour intensity Power sources (e.g. man's labour, draught animals machinery using fuels) Technical knowledge and attitudes of land users Technology employed (e.g. implements and machinery, fertilizers, livestock breeds, farm transport, methods of timber felling) Infrastructure requirements (e.g. sawmills, tat factories, agricultural advisory services) Size and configuration of land holdings, including whether consolidated or fragmented Land tenure, the legal or customary manner in which rights to land are held, by individuals or groups Income levels, expressed per capita, per unit of production (e.g. farm) or per unit area. Diunduhdarisumber: http://www.fao.org/docrep/X5310E/x5310e03.htm …… 5/11/2012
Neoclassical Production Theory The neoclassical production function for a single output and two variable inputs can be written: y = f(x1,x2) where y is the quantity of output and xi is the quantity of the ith variable input. The properties of this production function are specified by assumptions: Xi ≥ 0 and finite (non-negative, real inputs); f(X1,X2) is finite, nonnegative, real valued, and single valued for all possible combinations of X1 and X2; f(X1,X2) is everywhere continuous and everywhere twice continuously differentiable; f(X1,X2) is subject to the "law" of diminishing returns. Diunduhdarisumber: http://ageconsearch.umn.edu/bitstream/31977/1/rr980059.pdf …… 5/11/2012
INPUT / FAKTOR PRODUKSI Of the three factors of production in classical economics, land, labor, and capital, land may be the most difficult to define. Does it refer to just the land itself? Or is land a generic term referring to all natural resources? Air, sunshine, and water, necessary to make land productive, are all part of the surrounding ecosystems. While ownership of land itself can easily be demarcated, ownership of mobile, associated resources is trickier. DiunduhdariSumber: http://www.csa.com/discoveryguides/envecon/review.php#v2.................... 2/10/2011 .
PROSES PRODUKSI TANAMAN Many processes affect crop performance : the conservative efficiency of the use of radiation, water and nutrient on crop growth, those contributing to the soil water balance and those affecting soil fertility. Crop growth has been modelled successfully as a function of environmental factors using the concept of these conservative efficiencies. Crop production will be described for these levels in terms of potential and water- or nutrient limited production . The most suitable cereal crop (depending on the agro-ecological conditions wheat, rice, maize, millet or sorghum) is taken as a proxy for a wide range of crops that could be grown, with yields expressed in 'grain equivalents'. In practice actual production levels may differ from these calculated levels due to deviant agricultural management. Actual yield is a function of biophysical as well as the socio-economic conditions Levels of production and required data for its assessment. (Modified from Rabbinge, 1993). Rabbinge, R., 1993. The ecological background in food production . In: Crop protection and sustainable agriculture. John Wiley and Sons, Chichester (Ciba Foundation Symposium 177), pp. 2-29. DiunduhdariSumber: http://www.ciesin.org/lw-kmn/yldgap/yldgap.html.................... 5/11/2012 .
INPUT-OUTPUT PROCESS RELATIONSHIPS Stylized Production Functions or Input-Output Relationships for a Single Variable Input Figure illustrates some differently shaped production functions for the case of a single-variable input production process. Each graph shows the physical input-output relationship or total physical product curve as the level of the single variable input is increased with all other input factors held constant. In graphs A and B, the law of diminishing returns (sometimes called the law of variable proportions) prevails - beyond some point, as the level of the variable input increases with no change in the level of other input factors, increases in output occur at a diminishing rate (the marginal product is decreasing) and eventually, beyond the point of maximum output, output declines in absolute terms (the marginal product becomes negative). DiunduhdariSumber: http://www.fao.org/docrep/w7365e/w7365e08.htm.................... 5/11/2012 .
KeterkaitanFaktorProduksi KaitanFaktorManajemenDenganFaktorProduksi Lain Adaempatfaktorproduksipertanianyaitu: Alam (lahan, iklim, radiasimatahari, air, udara, dll), Tenagakerja, Modal, danPengelolaan (manajemen). Faktorproduksialamdantenagakerjaseringdisebutsebagaifaktorproduksi primer, faktorproduksi modal danpengolaandisebutfaktorproduksisekunder. DiunduhdariSumber: ocw.usu.ac.id/...PERTANIAN/sep_203_handout_faktor-faktor_prod....................... 5/11/2012 .