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Commonsense computing: What do students know before we teach? Episode 1. Sorting

Commonsense computing: What do students know before we teach? Episode 1. Sorting. Beth Simon Univ. of California San Diego. Gary Lewandowski Xavier University. Tzu-Yi Chen Pomona College. Robert McCartney Univ. of Connecticut. Kate Sanders Rhode Island College.

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Commonsense computing: What do students know before we teach? Episode 1. Sorting

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  1. Commonsense computing: What do students know before we teach?Episode 1. Sorting Beth Simon Univ. of California San Diego Gary Lewandowski Xavier University Tzu-Yi Chen Pomona College Robert McCartney Univ. of Connecticut Kate Sanders Rhode Island College

  2. Student performance studies

  3. Student performance studies • McCracken et al., 2001: Can students write code?

  4. Student performance studies • McCracken et al., 2001: Can students write code? (No)

  5. Student performance studies • McCracken et al., 2001: Can students write code? (No) • Lister et al., 2004: Can students read and trace code?

  6. Student performance studies • McCracken et al., 2001: Can students write code? (No) • Lister et al., 2004: Can students read and trace code? (No)

  7. Student performance studies • McCracken et al., 2001: Can students write code? (No) • Lister et al., 2004: Can students read and trace code? (No) • Eckerdal et al., 2005: Can students design code?

  8. Student performance studies • McCracken et al., 2001: Can students write code? (No) • Lister et al., 2004: Can students read and trace code? (No) • Eckerdal et al., 2005: Can students design code? (No)

  9. Student performance studies • Simon et al., 2006: Can students do anything?

  10. Student performance studies • Simon et al., 2006: Can students do anything? YES!

  11. Overview • Why commonsense knowledge? • Related work • Methods (who, what, how) • Analysis: what can they do? • Effects of instruction • Conclusions and future work

  12. Why commonsense knowledge?Why sorting?

  13. Specific questions • Can students provide an algorithm? • How do students approach the task? • Do students use control structures? • Can we use these results in teaching?

  14. Key observations: entering students • Most students described a correct algorithm to sort numbers • Most students used length and individual-digit comparisons to compare numbers • In iteration, preference given to post-loop tests.

  15. Related work • Onoroto & Shvaneveldt (differences between naive/beginner/experts) • Miller (natural language descriptions of programming task) • Bonar and Soloway (natural language pre-programming knowledge vs. Pascal)

  16. Related work • Ben-David Kolikant (student preconceptions about concurrency from real-life experiences => synch mechanisms) • Gibson & O’Kelly (algorithmic understanding in precollege and beginners) • BRACE (Simon et al) (various tasks with beginners: paper folding, giving directions, telephone-directory searching)

  17. Methods (who) 409 subjects: • 118 students in CS 1 (2 institutions) • 274 students in a non-CS course with no CS experience • 17 students in CS 1.5, with either CS 1 or other background • (49 students in CS 1.5 who had been part of 118 above)

  18. Methods (what) Write a paragraph in complete English sentences describing how you would arrange a set of 10 numbers in “ascending sorted order” – that is, from smallest to largest. You might consider the following list of numbers, but make sure that your paragraph describes how to do it with any 10 numbers. 33 14 275 326 213 190 205 4 428 254

  19. Methods (how) Develop categorization along various dimensions from a subset of 20 CS1’s: • Is it correct? In general, or only for this case? • What approach? Strings or numbers? What did they focus on? • Did they use control structures, specifically iteration and conditionals? • Other content: length, use of example, use of CS “terminology”

  20. Categorization Correctness: Does it make sense and “work”? In general, or only for this case? Approach: Strings or numbers? What did they focus on (main task)? Control structures: Did they use iteration? Did they use conditionals? Other content: How long? Included example? How much use of CS “terminology”?

  21. Correctness

  22. Approach: string vs. number

  23. Approach: focus

  24. Control structure

  25. Effect of instruction: CS 1 considered harmful?

  26. CS 1.5 paired vs. different CS 1.5?

  27. Conclusions Students can express sorting algorithms, although may be different than instructor CS students do this better than non-CS, given same experience CS 1 has some negative effects on performance

  28. Future work There are other potential skills to examine that are based in commonsense understandings: troubleshooting; evaluating interfaces; concurrency; discrete probabilities;… Currently: • Collecting new data, more varied schools • Piloting other questions

  29. Thank you! My collaborators: Tzu-Yi Chen, Pomona College Gary Lewandowski, Xavier University Kate Sanders, Rhode Island College Beth Simon, Univ. of California, San Diego

  30. Thank you! Other collaborators who are currently collecting preconception data.

  31. Thank you!

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