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Explore a comprehensive photometric pipeline software with various modules to solve equations, handle color terms, extinction, zeropoints, and illumination corrections. It provides a detailed approach to photometric calibration and correction in astronomical data processing.
The Awe photometric pipeline Software implementation
Photometric pipeline : class model Cal565 Cal569 Cal563/Cal564 Cal562
Photometric pipeline : source catalogs PhotSrcCatalog : association between standard star catalog and Sextractor catalog photsrccat.refcat = PhotRefCatalog() photsrccat.frame = ScienceFrame() photsrccat.transform = PhotTransformation() photsrccat.make() rawzero = photsrccat.photsourcelist[3].get_raw_zeropoint() rawzero_list = photsrccat.get_list_of_raw_zeropoints()
Photometric pipeline : color terms Color terms are dealt with in photsrccatalog.make() photsrccatalog.transform = PhotTransformation() transf.get_dict_of_transformed_magnitudes(mag_id, refcat) the mag_id is the primary key through which the system identifies the photometric band Examples : JohnsonV, CousinsR, SloanU, SloanG
Photometric pipeline : extinction Atmospheric extinction is treated as a pluggable algorithm three different algorithms implemented at present atmospheric_extinction = AtmosphericExtinctionFrames() atmospheric_extinction.polar = photsrccat_list_1 atmospheric_extinction.equat = photsrccat_list_2 atmospheric_extinction.extcurve = PhotExtinctionCurve() atmospheric_extinction.make() system easily extended with new ways to derive the atmospheric extinction
Photometric pipeline : zeropoints The zeropoints are derived by and contained within a PhotometricParameters object. photometricparameters.photcat = photsrccatalog photometricparameters.extinct = atmospheric_extinction photometricparameters.make() a PhotometricParameters object represents the Calfile that is used in the image pipeline
Photometric pipeline : illumination correction • software has to be implemented • current scheme is to apply the correction on frame level in the image pipeline • the input frames for the photometric pipeline are, therefore, already corrected for this effect
Photometric pipeline : a general recipe photsrccatalog.refcat = PhotRefCatalog() photsrccatalog.frame = ScienceFrame() photsrccatalog.transform = PhotTransformation() photsrccatalog.make() atmospheric_extinction = BaseAtmosphericExtinction() atmospheric_extinction.make() photometricparameters.extinct = atmospheric_extinction photometricparameters.photcat = photsrccatalog photometricparameters.make()
Photometric pipeline : a use case (1) Available resources for (rough) photometric calibration : • during the night, for every filter only ONE observation was made of a standard field • standard stars are present on only ONE of the chips of the N-chip camera • a standard extinction curve has to be used • no illumination correction is known, nor can it be derived Conclusion : the prospects are bleak
Photometric pipeline : a use case (2) the_photsrccatalog.refcat = PhotRefCatalog() the_photsrccatalog.frame = ScienceFrame() the_photsrccatalog.transform = PhotTransformation() the_photsrccatalog.make() photsrccatalog.frame = ScienceFrame() photsrccatalog.set_sky_background()
Photometric pipeline : a use case (3) atmos_extinction = AtmosphericExtinctionCurve() atmos_extinction.filter = scienceframe.filter atmos_extinction.extcurve = PhotExtinctionCurve() atmos_extinction.report = PhotometricExtinctionReport() atmos_extinction.make() Note the dependency on a Filter object Note the dependency on a PhotometricExtinctionReport object
Photometric pipeline : a use case (4) the_photometricparameters = PhotometricParameters() the_photometricparameters.photcat = the_photsrccatalog the_photometricparameters.extinct = atmos_extinction the_photometricparameters.make() photometricparameters.photcat = photsrccatalog photometricparameters.extinct = atmos_extinction photometricparameters.set_zeropoint(zp, zp_err)
Photometric pipeline : resources • /cvsroot/catalog/ • /cvsroot/opipe/Toolbox/photometry • /cvsroot/opipe/docs • /cvsroot/opipe/astro/main • Yours truly (ronald@astro.rug.nl)