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Understand the risks and impacts of earthquakes, including common damages, likelihood, and preparedness steps. Learn about high-risk areas and resources for earthquake readiness.
Earthquake PreparednessApril 2013 “Preparedness is for everyone, not just for the movers and shakers.”
An Earthquake Is . . . • A sudden slipping or movement of a portion of the Earth’s crust, caused by a sudden release of stresses, usually less than 25 miles below the surface.
Richter Scale • Small: 5.0 to 5.9 • Moderate: 6.0 to 6.9 • Major: 7.0 to 7.9 • Great: 8.0 or greater
Damage Caused by Earthquakes • Collapsed buildings • Damage to utilities, structures, and roads • Fires and explosions • Structural instability
Likelihood of an Earthquake Greatest likelihood of a major earthquake is in: • The Western United States. • The New Madrid Fault Zone in Missouri. • A few pockets on the east coast.
Earthquake Statistics • 15% of the population lives in zones of potential major disaster. • Residents of California face the highest risk. • Four million people along the New Madrid Fault Zone are at great risk. • Residents of Massachusetts, North Carolina, and South Carolina are also at risk.
Utah is “Earthquake Country” Most of Utah’s populated area lies within an active earthquake belt (Wasatch Front)
Earthquakes in Utah Region • More than 36,000 earthquakes have occurred in the Utah region since 1962. • You can see that earthquakes don’t just occur along the Wasatch Front either.
Reality Check: How Likely is a “Big One*” “Big One” vs. Cause of Death
Questions to Ask Yourself: • Where will your family be? • Will you have medical services? • Will you be able to get home? • Will you be able to stay in your home? • Can you live without the services you rely on? • How will your job be affected?
BEFORE an Earthquake: • Step 1: Identify potential hazards in your home & begin to fix them. • Step 2: Create a disaster-preparedness plan. • Step 3: Prepare disaster supply kits. • Step 4: Identify your building’s potential weaknesses & begin to fix them.
DURING an Earthquake: • Step 5: Protect yourself during “shaking.”
AFTER an Earthquake • Step 6: After the earthquake, check for injuries & damage • Step 7: When safe, continue to follow your disaster-preparedness plan.
Earthquake Preparedness Resources • Utah Seismic Safety Commission http://ussc.utah.gov Putting Down Roots in Earthquake Country • State of Utah http://bereadyutah.gov • Questions?