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Commemorating the 44th anniversary of Pitashri Brahma's uplifting journey in advancing divinity worldwide and nurturing moral and spiritual values. Learn about his transformative life story and spiritual teachings that continue to guide and inspire generations.
Pitashri Brahma1876 – 18th January 1969 THE 44th ANNIVERSARY OF THE DAY OF REMEMBRANCE of our Beloved Pita Shri….
Pitashri Prajapita Brahma was one such leading luminary who had dedicated his entire life, wealth, time, thoughts and energy in the uphill task of awakening and strengthening divinity in people and society for the world renewal and regeneration of moral and spiritual character and conduct of humankind. Pitashri Brahma who was earlier known to the world as Dada Lekhraj Kriplani, was born to a village school teacher in Hyderabad Sind (undivided India) in 1876. Like morning showing the day, righteous qualities like piety, sobriety, religiosity, philanthropy, compassion and concern for the poor, weaker and vulnerable sections of society, were more manifested from the very childhood days of Dada Lekhraj.
Dada could not understand the real portent of his experiences, but gradually it became clear that he was on the verge of a spiritual transition that was not only going to transform his own life, but that of many others as well. The final point of the transition came when Dada’s angelic form became the medium for the Supreme to use to give spiritual knowledge. A powerful and hushed presence, a vibration that speaks in the silence and seems to bring awe and wonder - a presence that is not human… but he cease to be aware of them - cease to be aware of anything but the long lines of light shooting at him, like white hot wires, from a point of focus so totally concentrated that he cannot bear to look at it, in mind’s eye… cannot bear to see it, with thoughts or with eyes… he felt transfixed by the current in those lines, those subtle wires that run right through him and glow almost unbearably hot… burning so brightly and powerfully, he was staring at the people in the room but his eyes see noting except this deep glow, a pervading red and gold, a subtle energy of life itself, glowing deep down burning and cooling at the same time - he dragged gently into a depthless Ocean of totally cooling peace… the light comes from his face and eyes, head, and note and ears, and when he open his mouth to speak, it is as if he speak words carved out of red gold light… but they are not his words, showing Himself and showing surely that He will show more… His words…
Nija anand Swarup Shivoham Shivoham…Gyan Swarupum Shivoham Shivoham…Prakash Swarupum Shivoham Shivoham… I am the Blissful self; I am Shiva I am Shiva,I am the Knowledgeful Self, I am Shiva, I am Shiva,I am the Luminous Self, I am Shiva, I am Shiva,Bliss… Knowledge… Light.
To realize the godly goals of complete peace, purity, progress & prosperity, holistic health, harmony & happiness and value based life & society on earth; Pitashri Brahma initially set up and ran a spiritual trust called Om Mandli in Hyderabad Sndh in 1936 and later renamed it as Prajapita Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya after shifting it to Mount Abu in 1950. He bequeathed a legacy of a large spiritual organization, culture and mission in the hands of his worthy followers especially elderly sisters or Dadijis who later led and helped the institution to grow by leaps and bounds and spread its centers to 130 countries in all continents. Under the leadership of Dadijis, the institution got affiliated to the United Nations as an NGO having consultative status with the UN’s Economic & Social Council and UNICEF. Even, Govt of India’s HRD Ministry, several years back, recognized the institution as Regional Resource Centre to impart Education in Human Values to Secondary & Higher Education teachers and students throughout the country.
SOME DIVINE FOOTPRINTS TO FOLLOW All to follow. They are most important for our own sojourn to personal perfection. 1. Identify and renounce all that is false beginning with the illusion that you are body along with all the subtle forms of ego which are based on this illusion of physical identity. 2. Cultivate a love for pure silence so that God may reach, touch, teach and guide you. 3. Make Incorporeal God, the Supreme soul, your constant companion, friend, Parents, Teacher and Guide and constantly enjoy these relationships. 4. Give love, respect and co-operation to every soul you meet or come across. 5. Have a clear aim and a focused vision of your final spiritual state of consciousness–your inner destination, i.e., the angelic stage..
SOME DIVINE FOOTPRINTS TO FOLLOW 6. Understand, realize and practice the consciousness of an angel as the highest form of mental service to society at this time. 7. Understand, realize and practise constantly the essence of Godly Knowledge that the Video-film of drama of 5000 years is repeating identically every second in respect of every person, place, event etc., to the minutest detail, hence just observe it as a detached observer so that you may be able to take correct decision at all times and maintain stability of mind. Also realize that as such every person is just repeating his pre-ordained role in the drama and hence fault-finding in others is baseless and erroneous and harmful to you as it creates prejudices against him in your mind. 8. Hence never get angry, criticize or blame any other person for any act or omission or event including yourself. 9. Study, churn and practise so as to make a part of your thought system, religiously and relentlessly Godly Knowledge until the final moments of your this final birth 10. Serve others with a heart that is clean, pure, free from desires and intensely and sincerely try to help others to realize truth of Godly Knowledge and Rajyoga deeply, but never try to force it on anybody.
Brahma Baba left his body in 1969 at the age of 93. The Tower of Peace stands as a tribute to the invincible spirit of an ordinary human being who achieved greatness by rising up to the challenge of the deeper truths of life. Even though, Pitashri Brahma is no more in mortal body of blood & flesh but in his angelic form of light and might, he is still guiding his one million staunch followers and rest of the humanity on the path of spiritual enlightenment, material, mental and moral empowerment & enrichment towards all engulfing rays of “Divinity, Hope & Happiness”—which is the current year theme of this global organization which is observing 18th January, 2008 as World Peace & Meditation Day in commemoration of the 39th Ascension Anniversary of Pitashri Brahma.
16 Degrees complete • Egolessness • Energetic • Farsightedness • Fearlessness • Generosity • Good wishes • Honesty • Humility • Introspection • Lightness • Maturity • Mercy • Obedience • Orderliness • Patience • Politeness • Purity • Royalty • Self-confidence • Simplicity • Sweetness • Tirelessness • Tolerance • Accuracy • Appreciation • Benevolence • Carefree • Cheerfulness • Cleanliness • Contentment • Co-operation • Courage • Detachment • Determination • Discipline • Easiness