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PRP therapy is a unique treatment for controlling the excess hair thinning. A very unique and safe treatment that gives you freedom from hair loss. Know more through http://prpclinic.in/
PRP Therapy Women feels very responsive about their hairs. The lustrous, shiny and silky long hairs gives them more confidence. It maybe men or women, teenagers or adults, everybody wishes to have beautiful hairs. With the daily regime, they take care of the hairs.
PRP Therapy In today’s time it has somehow become difficult for a person to take good care of their hairs. With harmful substances present on their shampoos, their hairs get thin, dull and damaged. Slowly, the hair thinning starts to worry them. Even men do not feel okay with their hair getting thin.
PRP Therapy It is not because you do not take care of your hairs, but sometimes there comes a phase, when you get hair falls. It is in fact normal that hairs starts to fall. It is a natural process of hairs to loss. As there is a cycle of water, even your there’s a natural thing called cycle of hairs.
PRP Therapy There are four distinct stages or phases of hairs, which is important for you to know. They are Anagen phase, Catagen phase, telogen phase and Exogen phase. Growing phase, regression phase, resting phase and shedding phase respectively. Everyone’s hair goes through this phases in their life which is a continuous process.
PRP Therapy So, you’ve come to know that your hairs has a phase when it sheds on its own to re-cycle. And everyday about 100 to 200 hairs are shed. But never take it for granted when you are shedding your hairs in excess amount. Your hairs can become dull, damaged and lifeless. If you feel that your hairs are getting thin, it is always good to seek a dermatologist’s advise.
PRP Therapy There are lots of treatments to control hair loss. But not every treatment is safe and effective at the same time. It is very rare to find such treatment that nourishes you hairs and with no side effects for long term. But among the rarest of the treatments, PRP therapy is one of the treatments that actually takes care of your hairs completely.
PRP Therapy Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy is a treatment in which one’s own blood helps in restoring your beautiful hairs. About 15 to 16ml of your blood is taken and centrifuge after which, injected on your scalp with the help of the needles. The platelets which has the growth factors help in controlling the excess hair loss you are going through.
PRP Therapy PRP therapy has been in practiced for several years and many has already experienced its fruitful result. Yet, there are some people, scared of going through this treatment. There are no downtimes of PRP therapy for scalp, except for little pain during the procedure. You can directly resume to your work the same day or the other day.
PRP Therapy To get PRP therapy for your hairs, it is important for you to know even if it is going to help you get your hairs the same way you desire and for that consulting a certified dermatologist is necessary. The right person to tell you if you are the perfect candidate of PRP or not is the dermatologist with abundant knowledge and with years of experience.
PRP Therapy SCULPT Aesthetic and Cosmetic Clinic Address : A-305 Defence Colony, New Delhi Phone : 011-41553444/41553445 Mobile : +91-9560052618 Website : http://prpclinic.in/