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Verona Public Schools. NJSLA Results: Spring 2019. Tuesday, October 29, 2019 7:00 PM VHS Learning Commons.
Verona Public Schools NJSLA Results: Spring 2019 Tuesday, October 29, 2019 7:00 PM VHS Learning Commons
“In partnership with a supportive community, we inspire our students to be creative, critical thinkers and compassionate global citizens through dynamic teaching, meaningful curricula, and enriching experiences.” Verona Public Schools Verona Public Schools Mission Statement
Verona Public Schools Result #1: Nurture and cultivate critical thinkers to establish a community that raises resilient students. Result #2: Integrate experiences that value diversity, promote cultural understanding, and consider multiple perspectives. Result #3: Cultivate an inclusive environment and provide opportunities for social and emotional learning. Strategic Plan - Strategy #2 Uphold a healthy and respectful school culture consistent with our core values
Verona Public Schools Result #1: Re-evaluate current curricula to ensure alignment to standards and meet the needs of all students. Result #2: Integrate strategies to foster inquiry, effective critical thinking, and problem solving skills. Result #3: Integrate STEM-based best practice educational opportunities. Result #4: Continue to integrate literacy in all subjects to produce strong analytical thinkers. Result #5: Develop UbD cross-curricular connections between core disciplines at the elementary and middle school levels. Strategic Plan - Strategy #4 Continue to implement an engaging curriculum with meaningful experiences
Verona Public Schools Result #1: Develop online professional development platform to support personalized and differentiated options. Result #2: Establish and maintain collaboration with local school districts and colleges/universities to meet staff needs and interests. Result #3: Ensure that professional development supports current needs of students and staff members. Result #4: Establish a culture that promotes the sharing of knowledge and best practices. Result #5: Utilize time for grade level or department meetings to provide opportunities for self-directed collaboration. Strategic Plan - Strategy #5 Provide relevant professional development and resources to support dynamic teaching
In the spring 2015-2018, N.J. students took the PARCC. In the spring of 2019, N.J. students took the N.J.S.L.A. • English Language Arts and Literacy Assessments (ELA/L) in grades 3–10. • Mathematics Assessments in grades 3 – 8 and End of Course Assessments in Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II. Verona Public Schools N.J.’s Statewide Assessment Program: Year 5 In 2014, New Jersey adopted the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) to replace HSPA at the high school and previous NJASK in the elementary and middle school in language arts and mathematics.
Differences Between PARCC and NJSLA • The number of units for ELA will be reduced from three to two, resulting in a reduction of 75 minutes for grade three and 90 minutes for grades four through high school. • While there is a reduction in the number of units and test items, students will be assessed on the major claims of reading and writing and all subclaims. Verona Public Schools • Grades three to five math assessments will be reduced from four to three unitsresulting in a reduction of 60 minutes of testing time. • Grades six to eight math assessments will remain at three units, but the time allotted for each 80-minute unit will be reduced by 20 minutes per unit for a total reduction of 60 minutes in testing time. Within each unit, the number of test questions has been reduced. • Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II end-of-course tests will be reduced from three units to two units of 90 minutes each, for a total reduction of 90 minutes of testing time.
Five Performance Levels (650 to 850) Verona Public Schools NJSLA uses five performance levels that delineate the knowledge, skills, and practice students are able to demonstrate. How are the NJSLA Assessments Scored?
Verona Public Schools PARCC/NJSLA ELA Results: Grades 3-4 % FNB Grade 4 Student Scoring 4 or 5 (2015-2019) = 68.9% % Forest Grade 4 Student Scoring 4 or 5 (2015-2019) = 61.4% % Laning Grade 4 Student Scoring 4 or 5 (2015-2019) = 77.2% % Brookdale Grade 4 Students Scoring 4 or 5 (2015-2019) = 70.0%
Verona Public Schools PARCC/NJSLA ELA Results: Grades 3-4 % NJ Grade 3 Students Scoring a 4 or 5 in 2019 = 50.3% % NJ Grade 4 Students Scoring a 4 or 5 in 2019 = 57.4% % District Grade 3 Students Scoring a 4 or 5 (2015-2019) = 65.0% % District Grade 4 Students Scoring a 4 or 5 (2015-2019) = 69.0%
Verona Public Schools Spring 2019 NJSLA Disaggregated ELA Results: Grades 3-4
Elementary CIA & Professional Development Revised ELA/SS K-4 Curriculum during the 2018-19 School Year and Summer 2019 January PD with Principal Ms. Stuto and Supervisor Mr. Schels Review NJSLA Data with grade level teachers Review School Evidence Statement Analysis & NJ Digital Item Library Analysis
Verona Public Schools PARCC/NJSLA ELA Results: Grades 5-8 % NJ Grade 7 Students Scoring a 4 or 5 in 2019 = 62.8% % NJ Grade 6 Students Scoring a 4 or 5 in 2019 = 56.2% % NJ Grade 8 Students Scoring a 4 or 5 in 2019 = 62.8% % NJ Grade 5 Students Scoring a 4 or 5 in 2019 = 57.9% % District Grade 8 Students Students Scoring a 4 or 5 (2015-2019) = 66.3% % District Grade 5 Students Scoring a 4 or 5 (2015-2019)= 69.0% % District Grade 6 Students Students Scoring a 4 or 5 (2015-2019) = 67.4% % District Grade 7 Students Students Scoring a 4 or 5 (2015-2019) = 69.3%
Verona Public Schools Spring 2019 NJSLA Disaggregated ELA Results: Grades 5-8
Middle School CIA & Professional Development Revised ELA/SS 5-8 Curriculum during the 2018-19 School Year and Summer 2019 Balanced Literacy PD with trainer Ms. Clark and Supervisor Mr. Schels Review NJSLA Data with grade level teachers Review School Evidence Statement Analysis & NJ Digital Item Library Analysis
Verona Public Schools PARCC/NJSLA ELA Results: Grades 9-10 % NJ Grade 9 Students Scoring a 4 or 5 in 2019 = 55.3% % NJ Grade 10 Students Scoring a 4 or 5 in 2019 = 58.0% % District Grade 9 Students Students Scoring a 4 or 5 (2015-2019)= 72.0% % District Grade 10 Students Students Scoring a 4 or 5 (2018-2019)= 76.1%
Verona Public Schools Spring 2019 NJSLA Disaggregated ELA Results: Grades 9-10
High School CIA & Professional Development Revised ELA/SS 9-12 Curriculum during the 2018-19 School Year and Summer 2019 Literacy PD offerings at Paramus School District’s Community Learning Days Review NJSLA Data with departments Review School Evidence Statement Analysis & NJ Digital Item Library Analysis
Verona Public Schools PARCC/NJSLA Math Results: Grades 3-4 % Brookdale Grade 4 Students Students Scoring a 4 or 5 (2015-2019) = 48.0% % FNB Grade 4 Students Students Scoring a 4 or 5(2015-2019) = 42.7% % Forest Grade 4 Students Students Scoring a 4 or 5 (2015-2019) = 52.4% % Laning Grade 4 Students Students Scoring a 4 or 5(2015-2019) = 62.8%
Verona Public Schools % NJ Grade 4 Students Scoring a 4 or 5 in 2019 = 51.0% PARCC/NJSLA Math Results: Grades 3-4 % NJ Grade 3 Students Scoring a 4 or 5 in 2019 = 55.1% % District Grade 3 Students Students Scoring a 4 or 5 (2015-2019) = 64.7% % District Grade 4 Students Students Scoring a 4 or 5(2015-2019) = 50.8%
Verona Public Schools Spring 2019 NJSLA Disaggregated Math Results: Grades 3-4
Elementary CIA & Professional Development Revised Mathematics K-4 Curriculum during the 2018-19 School Year and Summer 2019 Lesson Study with our trainer Mr. Jackson and Mr. Stevenson Continuing to create student-centered, rich math tasks Piloting new math series, Dimensions, in grade 3 Book Club: Faster Isn't Smarter Review NJSLA Data with grade level teachers Review School Evidence Statement Analysis & NJ Digital Item Library Analysis
Verona Public Schools % NJ Grade 7 Students Scoring a 4 or 5 in 2019 = 42.1% % HBW Algebra Students Students Scoring a 4 or 5 (2015-2019) = 90.8% % HBW Geometry Students Students Scoring a 3, 4 or 5(2015-2019) = 95.2% % NJ Grade 8 Students Scoring a 4 or 5 in 2019 = 29.3% PARCC/NJSLA Math Results: Grades 5-8 % NJ Algebra I Students Scoring a 4 or 5 in 2019 = 42.9% % NJ Geometry Students Scoring a 4 or 5 in 2019 = 31.2% % NJ Grade 5 Students Scoring a 4 or 5 in 2019 = 46.8% % NJ Grade 6 Students Scoring a 4 or 5 in 2019 = 40.5% % HBW Grade 5 Students Students Scoring a 4 or 5(2015-2019) = 61.3% % HBW Grade 6 Students Students Scoring a 4 or 5(2015-2019) = 56.2% % HBW Grade 7 Students Students Scoring a 4 or 5(2015-2019) = 44.4% % HBW Grade 8 Students Students Scoring a 4 or 5 (2015-2019) = 23.8%
Verona Public Schools Spring 2019 NJSLA Disaggregated Math Results: Grades 5-8
HBW CIA & Professional Development Revised Mathematics 5-8 Curriculum during the 2018-19 School Year and Summer 2019 Lesson Study with our trainer Mr. Jackson and Mr. Stevenson Continuing to create student-centered, rich math tasks Book Club: Becoming the Math Teacher You Wished You’d Had Review NJSLA Data with grade level teachers Review School Evidence Statement Analysis & NJ Digital Item Library Analysis
Verona Public Schools % NJ Algebra I Students Scoring a 4 or 5 in 2019 = 42.9% Math PARCC/NJSLA Results: Algebra, Geometry, Algebra II % NJ Algebra II Students Scoring a 4 or 5 in 2019 = 45.8% % NJ Geometry Students Scoring a 4 or 5 in 2019 = 31.2% % VHS Algebra I Students Scoring a 4 or 5 (2015-2019) = 27% % VHS Geometry Students Scoring a 3, 4, or 5(2015-2019) = 73.2% % VHS Algebra II Students Scoring a 3, 4, or 5(2015-2019) = 73.1%
Verona Public Schools Spring 2019 NJSLA Disaggregated Math Results: Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II
VHS CIA & Professional Development Revised Mathematics Algebra, Geometry, and Algebra II Curriculum during the 2018-19 School Year and Summer 2019 Book Club: 5 Practices for Orchestrating Productive Mathematics Discussion Review NJSLA Data with Algebra & Geometry teachers Review School Evidence Statement Analysis & NJ Digital Item Library Analysis
Verona Public Schools Verona Student Participation Spring 2019
Verona Public Schools How can I find out more information about the NJSLA and the Common Core? • Welcome to the New Jersey Student Learning Assessments (NJSLA) for English Language Arts & Literacy, Mathematics (NJSLA-ELA/M), and Science (NJSLA-S) Resource Center https://nj.mypearsonsupport.com/ • NJSLA Practice Tests https://nj.mypearsonsupport.com/practice-tests/ • Information about understanding the PARCC (NJSLA) results: http://understandthescore.org/ • GreatKids State Test Guide for Parents:http://www.greatschools.org/gk/common-core-test-guide/ • Be a Learning Hero: http://bealearninghero.org/skill-builder