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This workshop introduces the benefits of hydrothermal carbonisation technology for processing wet biomass waste, showcasing the commercial potential and wide range of industrial applications. Presentations will cover the results of testing activities conducted by the NEWAPP project consortium and the potential uses of biochar as a sustainable feedstock. Stakeholders from various sectors including research, industry, and municipalities are invited to attend.
4° NEWAPP Workshop New technological applications for wet biomass waste stream products 4 June 2015 - 9.15 a.m. - Room: Schubert 4 - Vienna Conference Centre - Austria - Introduction Andrea Salimbeni - NEWAPP Project Coordinator Andrea.salimbeni@eubia.org
The NEWAPP Event "Hydrothermal Carbonisation Technology is getting more and more interesting due to the several benefits it presents in terms of wet residues processing capability, avoiding too expensive pre-treatment with a limited energy consumption. Thanks to the plant processing 3 dry t/day residues in continuous owned by Ingelia, in Spain, NEWAPP project demonstrates that HTC is already a commercial technology. The low emission, the wide range of potential industrial application and to the scalability of the process, attracted the interest of many industries and new commercial initiatives started. At the same time, the growing market potentials of HTC is bringing EU industries to maturate a large interest in biochar and its future market perspectives. The char, end products of HTC plants, presents several potential application in industry sector, from metallurgy to biofertilizers energy and chemical sector. This event addresses stakeholders from a wide range of sectors, from research to industry representatives and municipalities. The objective of the workshop is to present HTC as advanced technology for organic waste treatment, project partners will present the results of testing activities provided by NEWAPP project consortium and the studies on biochar as green sustainable feedstock for several industry applications".
The Agenda 9.15: Welcome to the participants Introduction 9.25: Event introduction and NEWAPP project presentation - Andrea Salimbeni, Newapp Project Coordinator The NEWAPP Project 09.45: Wet biomass waste in Europe. Present initiatives and future targets - Mr. Christoph Knauer, ttz-Bremehaven 10.05: Newapp Project results and expected future activities - Mr. Michael Renz, ITQ 10.25: Ingelia Plant: Solid fuel market in Europe for HTC - Ms. Marisa Hernandez, Ingelia 10.50 - 11.10 Coffee Break The Biochar Market 11. 10: Biochar market for sustainable soil conditioning - Ms. Barbara De Mena Pardo, ttz-Bremehaven 11.30: Life Cycle Assessment of NEWAPP hydrothermal carbonization system - Mr. Mikolaj Owsianiak and Mr. Morten Ryberg, DTU 11.50: Video of Ingelia Plant operating in Valencia 12.00: Poster Exhibition 12.20 Presentation of Ingelia Spain, Ingelia Italia and HTC experts 13.00 End
NEWAPP project presentation • NEWAPP – New Technological Applications for wet biomass waste stream products • Project Number: 605178 • Founded by European Seventh Framework Programme BSG-SME-AG • Project Starting date: 01/11/2013 • Duration: 30 months • Scientific representative of project’s Coordinator: Andrea Salimbeni • Requested EU Contribution: 1,756,000 € • Number of project partners: 8
NEWAPP Project Consortium Federal association for secondary raw materials and waste management European Biomass Industry Association Association of cities and regions for recycling and sustainable resource management
NEWAPP Project at a Glance Approximately 120 to 140 million tonnes of bio-waste are produced every year in the EU.... NEWAPP aims at developing an alternative cost- and resource-efficient and environmentally sound way of dealing with wet biomass waste through HTC technology. Project Technical Pathway Focus on green waste, agricultural waste, municipal solid waste, waste from food processing industry and waste from markets (5 wastes identification). Create a continuous system to recover carbon in an energy efficient HTC process (energy self sufficient HTC reactor with a continuous processing) Running the HTC process with 5 different wastes and exploring the possibility to obtain high-value carbon products.(Char analysis and upgrade potentials) Demonstrate the market potentials and competitiveness of the HTC end products. (Business Plan for different End Product)
NEWAPP Technical objectives • Turning 20% of the presently disposed biowaste into high-value carbon products • Finding and testing the 5 most appropriate wet biomass waste streams for obtaining different products – green waste, agricultural waste, municipal solid waste, waste from food processing industry. • To develop a suitable, practical and scalable HTC carbon separation procedure • To improve the potential for producing more high-value carbon products by optimized pre- and post treatment of biomass • Defining the 4 most valuable carbon products that can be obtained with HTC, their production methods, potential applications, and market opportunities • A full characterization of the effects of different wet biomass streams in the HTC reactor, as well as the products obtained, creating standards for high-value HTC products
The benefit of NEWAPP HTC Technology HydrothermalCarbonisationtechnologypresenttwomainaspectscontributingtoincreaseits market attractiveness Waste treatment and valorizationofallorganicwetwastes and residuesby processing in a single unit. Production ofHydrochar, carbonizedfeedstockofgrowing market interest due to a wide rangeofindustialapplication and the easy handling HTC Process - IngeliaPlant
WASTE streams identification and testing • Identification of biomass waste streams providers, • Estimation of selected wastes availability and market potential • Screening and chemical analysis of suitable wet biomass waste streams • Definition of quality criteria, with minimum maximum values identification • Marketable products and requirements of the desired end products 5 biomass waste streams finally selected Sewage sludge – Digestate from industrial AD plants Sludges from waste treatment - Digestate from organic residues Green waste – Vegetable wastes, prunings, with potential high volumes Household wastes – Food wastes, high volume material Common sludge – Domestic waste water treatment
Identification of marketable products, definition of end-user product requirements Report on marketable products and requirements of the desired end products. Consumption of wood pellets in the EU 2006-2014 EU-27 Gross inland consumption of lignite 1990-2012 (1990=100 %) Pellets: 23Mtons (2013) Hardcoal: 292 Mt (2010) Lignite: 457 Mt (2010) EU-27 Gross inland consumption of hard coal 1990-2012 (1990=100 %) carbonefossile, antracite, pellets
Identification of marketable products, definition of end-user product requirements
Testing for market assessment Processing five selected biomass streams at industrial scale • Auto-sufficiency; Char used for energy supply, not required anymore • Allows more accurate quantification of energy consumption • Allows slightly higher reaction temperatures for second process conditions • 5 wastes processing - Tests and trials provided for: • Evaluation of char chemical compound • Assessment of quality criteria and characterisation • Strategies for the Improvement and modification of char quality
HTC process economic and environmental sustainability After testing and characterisation of the product and the perfect continuous operation of the plant with different wastes... ...Three main activities will be provided by NEWAPP consortium in order to assess the final goal: Life cycle assessment – To secure the sustainbility of the whole value chain from the feedstock extraction to the end product Business Plan - To identify the potential application of hydrochar produced and the whole market potential of the project strategy considering present market size and competitors. Hydrochar standardization – The final, hard wall to overcome, towards a sustainable, competitive valorization of biomass wastes processed
EUBIA and the NEWAPP Project potential Why NEWAPP is so interesting for small companies, enterprises and large industries operating in very different sectors.. NEWAPP can represent a disruptive technology with a wide market potential The existing commercial plant developed by Ingelia demonstrate that HTC can be already applicable and competitive at large scale level The competitiveness of HTC can be secured by the waste treatment service. But the biochar produced has a huge amount of potential applications as carbon source in several industry sector NEWAPP will improve the sustainability of existing reactor, and tests the biochar produced from several representative wastes and define the business plan of this technology This project aims to demonstrate the impact HTC in European biobased sector
THANK YOU FOR THE ATTENTION! Andrea Salimbeni - NEWAPP Project Coordinator Andrea.salimbeni@eubia.org