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Ethical theorists: A comparison of main ideas

Ethical theorists: A comparison of main ideas. Aristotle: Teleological Approach. Aristotle (384-322 BCE) Educated in Plato’s Academy Explored natural world and human experience rather than ideas Teacher of Alexander the Great. Aristotle with Bust of Homer by Rembrandt.

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Ethical theorists: A comparison of main ideas

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Ethical theorists: A comparison of main ideas

  2. Aristotle: Teleological Approach Aristotle (384-322 BCE) Educated in Plato’s Academy Explored natural world and human experience rather than ideas Teacher of Alexander the Great Aristotle with Bust of Homer by Rembrandt

  3. Immanuel Kant: Deontological Approach Kant was born, lived and died in Königsberg, Germany At the age of forty-six, Kant received an appointment as a professor of logic and metaphysics at his alma mater the University of Königsberg. His famous claim: "Though our knowledge begins with experience, it does not follow that it arises out of experience.“ A philosophical classic is his work Critique of Pure Reason wherein he asserts that our perceptual apparatus is capable of ordering sense-impressions into intelligible unities, which, while in themselves cannot be proven, we are led to conclude through "pure reason," that intelligible unities, such as God, freedom, and immortality, do exist magazine.uchicago.edu/. ../punchline.html

  4. Emmanuel Levinas: Relational Approach (1905-1995) Representative philosopher of relational ethics Jewish Born in Lithuania At 17 moved to France Lost much of his family in the Holocaust

  5. Ethical theorists: A comparison of main ideas

  6. Ethical theorists: A comparison of main ideas

  7. Ethical theorists: A comparison of main ideas

  8. Ethical theorists: A comparison of main ideas

  9. Ethical theorists: A comparison of main ideas

  10. Ethical theorists: A comparison of main ideas

  11. Ethical theorists: A comparison of main ideas

  12. Ethical theorists: A comparison of main ideas

  13. Ethical theorists: A comparison of main ideas

  14. Ethical theorists: A comparison of main ideas

  15. Ethical theorists: A comparison of main ideas

  16. Ethical theorists: A comparison of main ideas

  17. Ethical theorists: A comparison of main ideas

  18. Ethical theorists: A comparison of main ideas

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