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Role of Hydrosystem Danube-Tisza-Danube in Water Management in the Vojvodina Province,

Role of Hydrosystem Danube-Tisza-Danube in Water Management in the Vojvodina Province, Serbia and Montenegro. Svetimir Dragović, Petar Sekulić, Livija Maksimović, Veljko Radojević, Milinko Cicmil, Sanja Pantelić Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops Novi Sad, Serbia and Montenegro.

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Role of Hydrosystem Danube-Tisza-Danube in Water Management in the Vojvodina Province,

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  1. Role of Hydrosystem Danube-Tisza-Danube in Water Management in the Vojvodina Province, Serbia and Montenegro Svetimir Dragović, Petar Sekulić, Livija Maksimović, Veljko Radojević, Milinko Cicmil, Sanja Pantelić Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops Novi Sad, Serbia and Montenegro

  2. The water regimen of this area is characterized by excess moisture during the winter and spring periods and water shortage (drought) during the summer and early fall.

  3. Until the 18th century both the drainage and land settlement were partial in the territory of Vojvodina so that only the areas at higher altitudes were used while big land complexes, which made more than 50% of the total surface, were ponds and marshes. The largest problems were large surfaces covered with ponds and marshes so that without drainage of the land the agriculture production not be successful.

  4. The idea for the construction of an integral hydrosystem was formulated by Nikola Mirkov in 1947. It took thirty years to accomplish all planning, design and construction works on the hydrosystem Hydrosystem DTD performs drainage, irrigation and other water management activities/operations of significance for the Vojvodina Province: -It resolves completely the problem of drainage and protection of land against harmful impact of external and internal waters, namely, regulation of soil water regime and increase of intensity of land utilisation.

  5. Hydrosystem DTD is a multi-purpose regional system. Its major objectives are the complex management of water regimen on the territory it encompasses, ►protection from external waters, ► drainage of excess internal waters, ► supply of water for irrigation purposes, ► urban areas, industrial facilities and fishponds, collection and disposal of wastewaters, ► water transport, ► water quality protection, ► recreation, sport, tourism, etc

  6. The Bačka portion of Hydrosystem DTD includes the canal network between the Danube in the west and the Tisza in the east. Most of this network are new canals and only a small portion are old, reconstructed canals. Hydrosystem DTD canal network joins the Danube River at the locks in Bezdan and Bogojevo and three pump stations. The canal network joins the Tisza River at the lock and pump station in Bečej.

  7. The Banat portion of Hydrosystem DTD includes several natural watercourses which flow from western Carpathian Mountains and empty into the Tisza and Danube Rivers. Basically it consists of one main canal that starts from the Tisza near Novi Bečej and flows into the Danube near Banatska Palanka, intersecting and receiving waters from several small watercourses on its way

  8. The dam on the Tisza River near Novi Bečej has been built with the purpose of maintaining the water table of the Tisza during low water levels, to permit gravity discharge of water into the Banat portion of the system.

  9. Before the construction of Hydrosystem DTD, floods caused by internal waters resulted in extensive damage to agricultural land and crop production. In 1942, for example, a flood caused by internal waters covered more than 450,000 ha of land in Bačka and Banat

  10. Hydrosystem DTD comprises a total of 8,046 km of drainage canals, 93 pump stations and other accompanying structures and facilities. There are 14 main canals with a total length of 930 km including the reconstructed canals, 600.6 km of which are navigable. A dam on the Tisza River near the town of Novi Bečej, 25 sluice gates, 17 pound locks, 6 large pump stations and other facilities (dams, long distance power lines, access roads, administrative buildings, bridges). The construction of Hydrosystem DTD required about 130 million m3 of earth to be moved and about 1.5 million m3 of concrete to be built in. The cost of construction of Hydrosystem DTD is estimated at 1.3 billion US dollars.

  11. Water for servicing the Backa part of the hydrosystem is taken from the Danube River by gravity during periods of high water level or by means of pumping during periods of low levels. The capacity of the water intake facilities amounts to 96 m3/s for gravity inflow and 27 m3/s when pumps are used. The altitude difference from north-west towards south-east is 6 m, making it possible for 96% of the territory to be drained by means of gravity. The capacity of the discharge facilities amounts to 154 m3/s for conditions of gravitational outflow, and 51 m3/s when pumps are used.

  12. Water for the Banat part of the hydrosystem is taken from the Tisza River upstream of the Novi Bečej dam. The capacity of the water intake facilities is 140 m3/s. Excess water from the Banat part of the hydrosystem is drained by gravitational flow through the gate at Stajicevo into the Tisza River, through Tomaševac gate into the Tamiš River and through Kajtasovo gate into the Danube River. The drainage basin of the hydrosystem covers 1,085,000 ha and it encompasses about 180 drainage systems. Hydrosystem DTD receives waters (up to 326m3/s) from these drainage systems and discharges them into the Danube and Tisza Rivers. The hydrosystem also drains waters from 159,000 ha in Hungary and 285,000 ha in Romania.

  13. Flood protection The role of Hydrosystem DTD in flood control includes the following: ►Increasing the number of drainage canals, increasing the flow rate in the existing canals, joining the canals into an integrated system. ►Construction of pump stations for the removal of excess water in periods when its removal by gravity flow is not possible Construction of safety gates enables the establishment of a system for flood localization in the case of a failure of the first defense line.

  14. Drainage Drainage practice passed through several stages of development and, with the construction of Hydrosystem DTD, it became one of the basic elements for the protection and utilization of land potentials, preceding and making room for other land reclamation and agrotechnical measures. The hydrosystem receives waters (up to 326 m3/s or 250 million m3 of water yearly) from all drainage systems and discharges them into the Danube and Tisza Rivers. Despite the 303 drainage systems in the Vojvodina Province today, with 159 pump stations and a total installed nominal capacity of about 400 m3/s, the average drainage hydro-module is about 0.25 l/s/ha, A total drainage area covered by Hydrosystem DTD in Bačka region is 580,000 ha. Of that area, 339,000 ha should be covered by drainage systems.

  15. Quantities of drainage water per region, methods of removal and recipients Hydrosystem DTD, as the recipient of water from drainage systems, removes all excess internal waters. Ninety-six percent of surfaces in Bačka and 62% of surfaces in Banat are drained by gravity flow. During the construction of the hydrosystem, sections of old canals were reconstructed and several natural watercourses were partially connected to the new canal network.

  16. Irrigation Except for the periods of low water level in the Danube and Tisza Rivers, Hydrosystem DTD is capable of providing irrigation water for the foreseen area of 510,000 ha by gravity flow. With the completion of Hydrosystem DTD in 1977, favorable conditions were created in the Vojvodina Province for a more intensive implementation of irrigation practice. Unfortunately, these favorable conditions were not adequately utilized so that no more than 1,000 to 2,000 ha of irrigation systems were built annually. The largest surfaces under irrigation in the Vojvodina Province were 96,211 ha in 229 systems. Of the latter figure, about 50,000 ha received water from Hydrosystem DTD.

  17. Water supply for fishponds Presently, a total area of the existing fishponds covers an area of about 20,000 ha. New fishponds can still be constructed, on land that is not suitable for agricultural production but is located in the proximity of the hydrosystem network. Water for fishponds is supplied from the canals during March and April when, under normal conditions, the hydrosystem can provide sufficient quantities of water from the Danube and Tisza Rivers by gravity flow. The surface of canal network water plane exceeds 3,300 ha. Canals are favorable habitat for almost all freshwater fish species. This is a chance for the development of sport fishing (the network is estimated to provide place for over 20,000 fishermen) and, to certain extent, of industrial fishery

  18. ►Fishponds receiving fresh water from Hydrosystem DTD

  19. Water supply to household and industrial users Water supply to urban areas and industry is another important activity of Hydrosystem DTD. The main canals connect over 80 urban areas, passing through all large industrial centers of Vojvodina. Large industrial plants, which use water as a necessary technological component, have been constructed along the Hs DTD main Canals.

  20. Water intake capacities are not seriously affected by this quantity. Urban areas situated along the Hydrosystem do not use water from it as potable water but as technical water.

  21. Wastewater discharge Hydrosystem DTD is designed to take wastewater from the neighboring urban areas, industrial plants and animal farms. However, wastewater is discharged in the canals either untreated or inadequately treated, causing deterioration in water quality in some canal sections and often making it unfit for further uses. Approximately 20 million m3 of wastewater from 6 urban areas and about 200 other polluters (industrial plants or farms) are disposed annually through 69 discharge points in the canal network either directly (individually) or by means of wastewater collectors. Of that amount, only about 6 million m3 are partially treated or cooled. Pollution with organic waste is the dominant type of pollution.

  22. In order to improve water quality in the affected canal sections, measures are taken to increase the flow of clean water and thus dilute wastewater concentration. For that purpose, 900-1,200 million m3 of water have been diverted annually into the network in the past several years. Discharge of wastewater into Hydrosystem DTD

  23. Navigation Out of the 606.6 km of navigable canals in Hydrosystem DTD, 338.8 km are navigable for 1,000 t cargo vessels, while the remaining 261.8 km are passable for 500 t and 200 t vessels. The major industrial and agricultural centers of the Vojvodina Province are connected to the European navigation system via the Hydrosystem DTD canals.

  24. There are about 40 ports along the canal network of Hydrosystem DTD. The annual turnover of the canal network ranges from 1.3 to 4.2 million tons, which is too modest when compared with the possible annual turnover of 7 million tons.

  25. Other uses of Hydrosystem Danube-Tisza-Danube Tourism and recreation.Many summer houses have been already built along the banks of Hydrosystem DTD, and intensifying use of the canals for leisure, sport, recreation and tourism. Recreational sites help the development of water sports.

  26. Forest management. Trees planted along the canal network serve as windbreaks (intended to decrease wind velocity and surges and their impact on canal banks), to reduce filling of the canals with aeolian sediments and to prevent canal banks from becoming overgrown with vegetation. A total forested area along the canals is 2,230 ha. The European-American poplar is the most common tree species. About 100 ha are deforested and 110 ha reforested per year. Reforestation should be intensified as soon as possible.

  27. Thank for your attention!

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