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How to avoid Plagiarism while ensuring the originality of their manuscript - Pubrica

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How to avoid Plagiarism while ensuring the originality of their manuscript - Pubrica

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  1. HOW TOAVOID PLAGIARISMWHILE ENSURINGTHE ORIGINALITYOFTHEIR MANUSCRIPT AnAcademicpresentationby Dr.NancyAgnes,Head,TechnicalOperations,Pubrica Group:www.pubrica.com Email:sales@pubrica.com

  2. TODAY'SDISCUSSION Outline Introduction TypesofPlagiarism HowtowritearesearchpaperwithoutPlagiarism HowtouseanonlinePlagiarismChecker HowtoDealWithPlagiarism

  3. INTRODUCTION Appropriately,digitalizationhas madecopy-paste Plagiarismandimproper reuseof sourcematerial from websites, online journals, and other electronic mediamorecommon. Plagiarismbystudents,professors,andresearch scholars plagiarism iswidelyaccepted“withinacademia, bystudents,professors,andresearch scholars is considered academic censure, up to and including expulsion,” and researchers and professors are typically punished for Plagiarism with sanctions rangingfromsuspensiontotermination,aswellasa lossof credibilityand perceived integrity. Contd...

  4. TYPESOFPLAGIARISM DELIBERATEPLAGIARISM Plagiarismistheactofattemptingtopassoffsomeone else’s work as your own, andit is very unacceptable. PARAPHRASING Plagiarism of this sort is a little morecalculated. It entails reading a few texts, jotting down a few important lines, rearrangingthelanguage,and sprinklingin afew quotesand citations to confuseyour turgor. Contd...

  5. SELF-PLAGIARISM Self-plagiarismiswhen someone plagiarises hiswork. Theauthorcancombinehispreviousworkwithhiscurrentworkto createasuccessful hybrid. Butyoucan’treceivetwogradesforthesamething/work;therefore, even if you don’t realize it’swrong, youcan’t earn two grades. Plagiarismisstillanissue. MOSAICPLAGIARISM ThisformofPlagiarismdoesnotentailcopyingeverywordbut rather combining one’s own words with someone else’s thoughts andbeliefs. Contd...

  6. This is a patchwork method of copying and pasting. CYBERPLAGIARISM “Copyingordownloadingarticles, researchpapers, and ideas from the internet in part or their full without givingdueacknowledgementisunethicalandfalls underthe category of cyber plagiarism.” IMAGEPLAGIARISM Plagiarism is when you use a picture or video without getting permission orproviding the correct reference. “Imagesmaybetamperedwithto supportresults, favouroneapproachoveranotherto reinforcethe accuracy of poorly seen conclusions, eliminate image flaws,and misleada picture.

  7. HOWTOWRITE A RESEARCH PAPERWITHOUTPLAGIARISM Plagiarismisanimmoral,unfair,anddishonestaction that many people are aware of, which is typically enough todeter us from committing it. ManytechniquesexisttoavoidPlagiarism,butfor thosewhousethem,the resultscanbeunpleasant; manyexpertshavehadtheirprofessional reputations ruineddue to plagiarising. Contd...

  8. Thereareafeweasymethodstotakewhilewritingresearchpapersto ensurethat yourcontent is plagiarism-free: PARAPHRASE Whenyoucomeacrossanyaccuratematerialforyourresearchpiece, read it first and then incorporateit into your own words. Makesureyoudon’tcopymorethantwowordsfromthediscovered textinto araw. When thereareextrathantwowordsin arow, quote marks areused. Contd...

  9. CITE Citing sourcesmighthelp youavoidplagiarising, following the document formatting requirements set out by youreducationalinstitution, suchastheAmerican Psychological Association(APA), Modern Language Association(MLA), and Chicago style. The authors’ names, as well as the publishing date or corrected information, are generally required. If you do notcorrectlycredityoursources,yourisk plagiarising. Contd...

  10. QUOTING Usethereferenceexactlyasitiswritten.Nobodylikesto bequoted incorrectly. “Blockquotes”orreferencesof40wordsormoreare frowned upon in most higher education societies. Themajorityofcontentshouldbeabletobedramatically paraphrasedby a pupil. ToavoidaccusationsofPlagiarism,thecitationmustbe completedaccurately. Contd...

  11. REFERENCING It is necessary to include a reference page of works afteryourresearch paper. Thispage servesasthedocumentformatting guidelinesutilizedby yourresearchinstitutionsin somecases. The author’s name, publication date, title, and source areall included in the citation. Follow theinstructions toobtain the correctreference. Contd...

  12. HOWTOUSEANONLINE PLAGIARISMCHECKER A search of the Internet indicates that there is more concern about cheating among students thanamong faculty. Whenthetitlewas scan,90%ofthearticle dealt with students and the detection method of Plagiarism. Thislackofarticlescouldindicateeitherthere islittlePlagarismamongfacultyorunwillingto admitit. Contd...

  13. The most way to detect Plagiarism is to use available online tools, mainlysoftwareandonlinePlagiarismChecking Services. Here some of the most widely used Plagiarism Detectionand Preventiontools. – Contd...

  14. ‘Mydropbox’providesSafeAssign. SafeAssignisbasedonaproprietarytext-matchingalgorithmthatcandiscover precise andinexact matches between submitted papersand source material. Students’submissionstoSafeAssignareevaluatedagainstavarietyofsources, including: Contd...

  15. DocumentArchivesinInstitutions. DatabaseofInternationalReference DatabaseofProQuestJournals InternetSecurityAssignasystemthatcan detectboth locally and via the Internet. Docolc-InstitutfürArgewandteLentechnolgien suppliesthis Internet service(IFALT). Contd...

  16. Documentswillbe examination bya database. uploaded to Docolc software for a thorough andahuge programme Plagiarism, quotes, or other web-based copyright document As a result, you may encounter infringements, sources. Contd...

  17. HOWTODEALWITHPLAGIARISM Plagiarism is a form of intellectual dishonesty and a violationofacademicethics. Plagiarismisnotacrimeinandofitself,butitcanleadto copyrightinfringement. Itis amajor ethicalviolation in academics. Plagiarismissanctionedbyinstitutionsratherthanbythe law. Contd...

  18. Authors canmakeaspectauthorizations, suspensions,andeven expulsionfromprofessionalgroups,educationalinstitutions,and publishingfirms. If editors suspect wrongdoing by authors, reviewer’s editorial staff, or othereditors,they shouldtakeaction,”accordingtotheCOPE standards. This requirement applies to both published and unpublished articles. The editors first look at the accused’s answer. Supposetheeditorsaredissatisfiedwiththeanswer.Inthatcase, they should inquire about it with the authors’, reviewers’, or editors’ employment,or any other relevant body.” Contd...

  19. If the editor believes Plagiarism has occurred, the least action he should take is to “reject” the submission if it is still in the editorial process, or “retract” if it has already beenpublished. Finally, wemustraiseawarenessamongour scientistsandauthors regarding plagiarismand ethical concerns. We must be truthful in our work and not break copyright laws. Authors should face significant consequences, including contempt and perhaps the loss of their academic post.

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