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Selamat Datang Di HR – Convention AGRO GROUP 2010. GRAHA RADAR SAMPIT KALIMANTAN TENGAH. 11 – 12 Desember 2010. HR - OVERVIEW. Presented by: Tupak Sirait ( Head of HR Operations ). HR FOCUS 2008 - 2010. I. HR Internal Renovation Create Working Instruction
SelamatDatang Di HR – Convention • AGRO GROUP 2010 GRAHA RADAR SAMPIT KALIMANTAN TENGAH 11 – 12 Desember 2010
HR - OVERVIEW Presented by: Tupak Sirait (Head of HR Operations)
HR FOCUS 2008 - 2010 I. HR Internal Renovation Create Working Instruction Standardize company rules & regulation HR Convention Agro Group | Sampit, 11 - 12 Des 2010 | HR Overview | Tupak Sirait | Page 2 of 20
HR Focus 2008 – 2010… II. Recruitment Recruitment for Staff • Man Power Planning • Database Development • Sourcing Candidates • Website • Hardcopy • Candidate Referral • Advertising (newspaper) Non Staff: Worker Consolidation HR Convention Agro Group | Sampit, 11 - 12 Des 2010 | HR Overview | Tupak Sirait | Page 3 of 20
HR Focus 2008 – 2010… III. Employee Climate EMS Survey IV. Industrial Relation Bi-partite Committee Staff Meeting HR Convention Agro Group | Sampit, 11 - 12 Des 2010 | HR Overview | Tupak Sirait | Page 4 of 20
HR Challenges Workforce 1. Source trained labor (on-time recruitment) 2. Provide support infrastructure (housing, facilities & benefits) 3. Managing cost of living 4. Increase productivity & quality of work output 5. Adopting to structured work habits 6. Productivity driven payment system (control of OT & other additional costs) 7. Policy development as per industry norms & implementation (Permanent & Casual workforce) 8. Industrial harmony (manage unions) 9. Welfare support (schooling, medical, cultural & religious events) HR Convention Agro Group | Sampit, 11 - 12 Des 2010 | HR Overview | Tupak Sirait | Page 6 of 20
HR Challenges Workforce… 10. Effective grievance handling system & on-time disciplinary actions 11. Training & skill development on operational (EHS practices) 12. Retain trained labour 13. Increase worker satisfaction level & motivation 14. Adopt to legislative changes 15. Managing migration to industrialized environments 16. Obtaining more productive contribution from entire family for stable living conditions provided 17. Reducing the burden of families/dependents to the company HR Convention Agro Group | Sampit, 11 - 12 Des 2010 | HR Overview | Tupak Sirait | Page 7 of 20
HR internal Challenges 1. Focus on main Roles and responsibilities 2. Sencitivifity in identifying and preventing problem. 3. Follow up action with a proper step action plan 4. Communication break down 5. Inter-departmental barriers for effective workflow 6. Time Management 7. Coaching 8. Developing competencies & skills to cover gaps & align to industry 9. Career development planning HR Convention Agro Group | Sampit, 11- 12 Des 2010 | HR Overview | Tupak Sirait | Page 8 of 20
1. Motivating and retaining employees and workforce, through the adoption of structured HR processes continuously, improving motivating factors & managing hygiene factors, 2. Effective man power planning and timely recruitment, 3. Effective implementation of HR policy framework at plantation level, 4. Effective HR processes and systems for recruitment, orientation, performance monitoring (appraisal), 5. Developing and building industrial harmony, effective grievance handling procedures, effective internal communication processes, Operational HR HR Convention Agro Group | Sampit, 11 - 12 Des 2010 | HR Overview | Tupak Sirait | Page 9 of 20
6. Social development, and improving the living standards of the workforce, 7. Building and maintaining mutually beneficial relationships with community, and facilitating /assist in their development, 8. Carrying out HR audits to ensure standardization of HR policies and processes across the plantation units, and ensuring compliance to local manpower and other regulations, 9. Providing HR support for organizational initiatives/ standards accreditations, setting HR processes etc. Operational HR… HR Convention Agro Group | Sampit, 11- 12 Des 2010 | HR Overview | Tupak Sirait | Page 10 of 20
HR - CREDO • Memberikan service terbaik yang berkualitas tinggi di seluruh aktivitas HR & GA dengan penuh ketulusan hati, keinginan untuk menanggapi & menindaklanjuti dengan cepat, tepat serta kepekaan terhadap keadaan perusahaan & karyawan serta berkomitment untuk senantiasa melakukan perbaikan yang berkelanjutan. HR Convention Agro Group | Sampit, 11 - 12 Des 2010 | HR Overview | Tupak Sirait | Page 12 of 20
HR – Credo… • Memberikanlayananterbaikdanberkualitas, artinyakitasemuaberorientasipadahasildarisetiaptugasdantanggungjawab yang kitaemban, tidakadatoleransiuntukkegagalan. Bekerjakerasitubarusebuahjalanpermulaan, hasilitulah yang diharapkan. HR Convention Agro Group | Sampit, 11 - 12 Des 2010 | HR Overview | Tupak Sirait | Page 13 of 20
HR – Credo… • Dengan Penuh ketulusan hati untuk menanggapi dan menindak lanjuti, artinya kita semua akan senantiasa menjaga integritas dan kejujuran, tidak ada kebohongan, kita akan berkata apa yang sebenarnya akan dan sedang kita lakukan. Kita commitkarena kita tulus, tidak punya tendensi apa-apa dan consistentuntuk melakukannya apa yang kita katakan. HR Convention Agro Group | Sampit, 11- 12 Des 2010 | HR Overview | Tupak Sirait | Page 14 of 22
HR – Credo… • Dengancepatdantepatkitamemberikanservicedanjasasesuaidenganapa yang dimintasepanjangtidakbertentangandenganprinsip-prinsikepatutan, etikadanataukebijakanperusahaansertaperaturanperundangan yang berlaku& memberikannyadalamwaktu yang wajarsertasesuaidengankebutuhannya. HR Convention Agro Group | Sampit, 11 - 12 Des 2010 | HR Overview | Tupak Sirait | Page 15 of 20
HR – Credo… • Kepekaankepadaperusahaandanpekerjaartinyadalamsetiappekerjaan yang kitalakukanselalumempertimbangkanduasisisecarabersamaan. Ketikakitabicaraproduktifitas, makakitajugaakanberbicarakesejahteraandanbegitujugasebaliknya. Kita harusyakintidakakanadakesejahteraantanpaproduktifitas HR Convention Agro Group | Sampit, 11 - 12 Des 2010 | HR Overview | Tupak Sirait | Page 16 of 20
HR – Credo… • Kita berkomitmentuntukterus-menerusmeningkatkankualitaskinerjakitadengansecarateraturmengevaluasidanmemperbaikiprocesskerjadanhasiltermasukdiantaranyamenghilangkanaktivitas-aktivitas yang tidakperlu. HR Convention Agro Group | Sampit, 11 - 12 Des 2010 | HR Overview | Tupak Sirait | Page 17 of 20
LET’S WIN BACK THE TRUST • Ayo kitaraihkembalikepercayaandari partner/pelanggankita!!! (With Speed, Response & Accuracy) • SPEEDLakukantugasdengan cepatdancekatan! HR Convention Agro Group | Sampit1, 11 - 12 Des 2010 | HR Overview | Tupak Sirait | Page 19 of 20
Let’s Win Back The Trust… • RESPONSESegeraberikan response kepada partner/ customer bilamenerimapermintaan. Responbisadimulaidengankomunikasi/informasikitasudahterima, langkah yang akankitalakukandanberapawaktu yang kitabutuhkan. • ACCURACY Pastikansetiappekerjaan yang kitalakukanmemilikitingkatakurasi yang tinggi & kualitas yang bagussehingga partner/customer puasdenganhasil yang kitalakukanbaikitumenyangkutlayananmaupunwaktu. HR Convention Agro Group | Sampit1, 11 - 12 Des 2010 | HR Overview | Tupak Sirait | Page 20 of 20
S E K I A N D A N TERIMA KASIH Good Luck & Success!!!