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Enhancing European Space Strategy for Sustainable Development

Learn about the Copernicus Programme, a cornerstone of the EU's efforts to monitor the Earth, ensure citizen safety, and drive economic development through space technology. Discover strategic goals and actions for maximizing space benefits for society and the EU economy, advancing EU space programs, fostering innovation, ensuring secure space access, and strengthening Europe's global role. Explore the in-situ component's role in validating data for Copernicus services. Join the journey towards a sustainable, secure, and globally competitive European space sector.

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Enhancing European Space Strategy for Sustainable Development

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  1. Copernicus Copernicus – Space Strategy Catharina Bamps CopernicusUnit I2 DG GROW INSPIRE MAINTENANCE AND IMPLEMENTATION EXPERT GROUP (MIG), 01/12/2016

  2. COPERNICUS IN BRIEF • The Copernicus programme is a cornerstone of the European Union´ efforts: • To monitor the Earth, its environment and ecosystems • To ensure its citizens are prepared and protected for crises, security risksand natural or man-made disasters • Places a world of insight about our planet at the disposal of citizens, public authorities and policy makers, scientists, entrepreneurs and businesses on a full, free and open basis • Is a tool for economic development and a driver for the digital economy


  4. SPACE STRATEGY STRATEGIC GOALS &MAIN ACTIONS COM(2016) 705 - Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions (26.10.2016) • Maximise the benefits of space for society and the EU economy 1.1.Encouraging the uptake of space services and data "As space data often need to be exploited jointly with non-space data to deliver its full potential for end users, the Commission will pay particular attention to the interoperability of datasets, building on the INSPIRE Directive and the European Interoperability Framework."

  5. SPACE STRATEGY STRATEGIC GOALS &MAIN ACTIONS Main actions: The Commission will: - promote the uptake of Copernicus, EGNOS and Galileo solutions in EU policies where justified and beneficial, including in the short term, with measures introducing the use of Galileo for mobile phones, and critical infrastructure using time synchronisation. - facilitate the use of Copernicus data and information by strengthening data dissemination and setting up platform services, promoting interfaces with non-space data and services. - stimulate the development of space applications with a greater involvement of new actors from different domains. - together with Member States and industry, promote the efficient and demand-driven use of satellite communications, so as to foster ubiquitous connectivity in all Member States.

  6. SPACE STRATEGY STRATEGIC GOALS &MAIN ACTIONS 1.2. Advancing the EU spaceprogrammesand meeting new user needs Main actions: The Commission will: - remain committed to the stability of the EU space programmes and prepare the new generations, on a user-driven basis, to continue delivering state-of-the-art services. To this end, the Commission will explore alternative business models and take account of technological progress. - address emerging needs related, in particular, to climate change/sustainable development and security and defence.

  7. SPACE STRATEGY STRATEGIC GOALS &MAIN ACTIONS 2. Foster a globally competitive and innovative European space sector 2.1. Supporting research andinnovationanddevelopment of skills 2.2. FosteringEntrepreneurshipand new business opportunities 3. Reinforce Europe's autonomy in accessing and using space in a secure and safe environment 3.1. MaintainingEurope´sautonomous access tospace 3.2. Ensuring access to radio frequencyspectrum 3.3. Ensuring the protectionandresilience of critical European spaceinfrastructure

  8. SPACE STRATEGY STRATEGIC GOALS &MAIN ACTIONS Europe´seffort to meet the 3 strategicneedsachievement 4th goal: muchstrongerrole on the world stage. 4. Strengthen Europe's role as a global actor and promote international cooperation • Main actions: The Commission will: - pursue space dialogues with strategic international partners, ensure that space policy is duly taken into account in EU export control dialogues with third countries, use economic diplomacy and, trade policy instruments to assist European companies active in global markets and to address societal challenges. - foster the EU's contribution to international initiatives such as the Group on Earth Observation and CEOS. - together with the other EU institutions and Member States, engage with international partners to promote responsible behaviour in outer space and preserve and protect the space environment for peaceful use by all nations.

  9. IN-SITUCOMPONENT: OVERVIEW • In situ data = "observation data from ground-, sea-, or air-borne sensors, reference and ancillary data licensed or provided for use in Copernicus" (Copernicus regulation – article 3) • Use of In situ data: • Validate & calibrate Copernicus products • Reliable information services

  10. Implementing the Copernicus in situ component. The two tier approach • Tailoredin situ dataforeachCopernicusservicelevel • Individual services focus on: • Data requirements; • Access agreements and cooperation with data providers; • Operational management and processing of in situ data. • Cross-cuttingcoordinationacrossservices by the EEA • focus on: • State of play across all services; • Data access solutions targeted multiple services; • Coordination and exploitation of synergies across all services. Service level Programme level Delegation agreement with the EEA Delegation agreements with entrusted entities

  11. Improve access to in situ data • Cross-cuttingcoordination: the EEA will improve access to in situ data for Copernicus services by operating dedicated data portals and creating partnership agreements with critical data providers. e.g. EuroGeosurveys, EuroGOOS, EUMETNET, EuroGeographics… e.g. Geoscience Australia (technicaloperation arrangement) • Specific data access solutions • EIONET* data flows • Partnership agreements • Reference data access portal (CORDA) * European Environment Information and Observation Network

  12. In-situ data access e.g. EBM, EU-DEM, EU-hydro… Centraliseddataprocurement / production 2013 fading in • Link through IDs • Maintenance e.g. national LC maps, national forest DBs… Time fading out Decentraliseddata access * Final deadline INSPIRE implementation 2020*

  13. ContributionsfromCopernicus also: Copernicus data andservices´informationcan support MS Presentation Ola Nordbeck, Space Centre Norway efgs2016.eu (EFGS: European Forum forGeographyandstatistics) Integrating Geography and Statistics, but what about Earth Observation ?

  14. ContributionsfromCopernicus

  15. Use case

  16. Use case

  17. COPERNICUS : INSPIRE COMPLIANCE Copernicus data and information should be discoverable, viewable and downloadable • Article 5.2 of the Copernicus data policy (COMMISSION DELEGATED REGULATION (EU) No 1159/2013 of 12 July 2013 ) requires compliance “ GMES dedicated data and GMES service information shall comply with the requirements of Directive 2007/2/EC (INSPIRE Directive) to the extent that the data and information fall within the scope of those provisions” • CopernicusRegulation (REGULATION (EU) No 377/2014 of 3 April 2014) : recitals: ' Copernicus data should be compliant with Member States' spatial reference data as well as with implementing rules and technical guidelines of the infrastructure for spatial information in the Union established by Directive 2007/2/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council Someexamples….

  18. CMEMS: INSPIRE implementation Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service INSPIRE compliance

  19. CMEMS: INSPIRE implementation • Discovery service: Catalogue Service Web

  20. CLMS: INSPIRE implementation- services INSPIRE compliant Web Map Services: Urban Atlas + Safe and secure parkings MS (Directive 2008/96/EC on road infrastructure safety management)

  21. CLMS: INSPIRE implementation- services INSPIRE compliant Web Map Services: European Settlement Map + TENtecnetwork

  22. CAMS:INSPIRE implementation COPERNICUS ATMOSPHERE MONITORING SERVICE (+ COPERNICUS CLIMATE CHANGE SERVICE) Conceptual development Copernicus Data, Services and Capabilities built on same INSPIRE Directive principles e.g. - Designed as distributed systems: Data is kept where it can be maintained most effectively. - Implemented functions and tools allow the seamless combination of information from different providers across Europe and share it with many users and applications. - data available through the catalogued services is collected and shared at a wide range of levels/scales;

  23. CAMS(+C3S):INSPIRE implementation • INSPIRE compliant Catalogue Service for the Web (CSW)

  24. C3S:INSPIRE implementation Viewing service

  25. COPERNICUS DATA and INFORMATION ACCESS Access to Satellite data: https://sentinel.esa.int/web/sentinel/sentinel-data-access FULL, FREE AND OPEN RESTRICTED RESTRICTED RESTRICTED Restricted to the Copernicus Service Projects Copernicus Space Component Data Access Portal* Restricted to international partners https://scihub.copernicus.eu/ Access to Copernicus Services Data and Information FULL, FREE AND OPEN • Land-related data: http://land.copernicus.eu • Atmosphere-related data: http://atmosphere.copernicus.eu • Marine-related data: http://marine.copernicus.eu • Emergency-related data: http://emergency.copernicus.eu • Climate change-related data: http://climate.copernicus.eu (Beta version) (*) Includes instructions on how to access Contributing Missions data

  26. Thank you! http://www.copernicus.eu/ https://twitter.com/CopernicusEU https://www.facebook.com/Copernicus

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