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District 6970 Grant Management Seminar

District 6970 Grant Management Seminar. Purpose. Understand how to manage a Rotary Foundation grant Learn stewardship expectations Prepare clubs to implement the MOU Qualify clubs to receive grant funds. Successful Grant Projects. Meet community needs

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District 6970 Grant Management Seminar

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Presentation Transcript

  1. District 6970 Grant Management Seminar

  2. Purpose • Understand how to manage a Rotary Foundation grant • Learn stewardship expectations • Prepare clubs to implement the MOU • Qualify clubs to receive grant funds

  3. Successful Grant Projects • Meet community needs • Include frequent partner communication • Have implementation plan • Are sustainable • Maintain proper stewardship of funds

  4. Stewardship • Stewardship is the responsible management and oversight of grant funds, including: • Rotarian supervision • Financial records review • Oversight of funds • Reporting irregularities • Timely submission of reports

  5. Qualification Requirements • Attend a grant management seminar • Agree to club memorandum of understanding and submit signed MOU to district • No more than three open grants of any type • Current with reports and receipts from prior and open grants

  6. Terms of Qualification • Valid for one year • Club responsibility for grant funds • Disclose conflicts of interest • Cooperate with all audits • Use grant funds properly • Implement the club MOU

  7. Needs Assessment • Base project on the community’s need • Assess resources of your club and potential partners • Talk to the community

  8. Project Planning • Form a three-person grant committee • Assign roles • Implementation plan • Budget • Contingency plan • Document retention plan

  9. Creating a Budget • Realistic • Reasonable prices • Disclose conflicts of interest

  10. Setting Goals • Establish baseline • Measurable • Sustainable • Qualitative (descriptive) • Quantitative (numeric)

  11. Sustainable Projects • Giving a community the skills and knowledge to maintain project outcomes for the long term, after grant funds have been expended

  12. Rotary Foundation Grants • District grants • Global grants • Packaged grants

  13. District Grants / Calendar April 30 – Application Deadline Mid-June – Share Committee meeting and initial award decisions Mid-July – District spending plan (a compilation of all district grants) submitted to The Rotary Foundation Late July – Spending Plan Approval by TRF Mid August– Award final decisions

  14. District Grants / Fund Distribution Funds Distribution***** Submit qualifying receipts and we will send you 50% of the receipt total, up to the grant amount.

  15. Global Grants • Humanitarian Work (> $30,000) • Vocational Training Team (VTT) • Scholars • Address Six Areas of Focus • Must show local community buy in • Must show sustainability!! • Measurable objectives

  16. Scholar Grants • Post-graduate work • Can be for more than one year • Global Grant application – must be greater than $30,000 • Six Areas of Focus • Must show how education will further mission of TRF • Award decision by TRF • Logistics up to Club/District

  17. Vocational Training Team Grants • Have a mission, often skill or knowledge transfer • Can have more than one Rotarian • Does not require 30 days • More than one trip allowed • Must address one or more of Six Areas of Focus • Must show sustainability!! • Logistics up to Club/District

  18. Areas of Focus • Peace and conflict prevention/resolution • Disease prevention and treatment • Water and sanitation • Maternal and child health • Basic education and literacy • Economic and community development

  19. Global Grant Financing • DDF matched 100% with World Fund • Rotarian cash contributions matched 50% with World Fund • Non-Rotarian cash contributions

  20. Financing Guidelines Contributions raised by Rotarians Funds cannot be raised from beneficiaries in exchange for a grant Funds cannot come from other grants Contributions credited to donor

  21. Financial Management Plan • Bank account for funds • Distributing funds • Detailed ledger • Include local laws • Provision to transfer • custody

  22. Document Retention • Provide access • Retain for a minimum of seven years • Make copies

  23. District Grant Reports • District Grant progress report submitted as needed for “draws” • District Grant final report submitted prior to end of Rotary Year • Scanned receipts submitted with progress and final reports • Reports and receipts sent electronically to District Grants Chair

  24. Global Grant Reports: Frequency • Progress reports • Within 12 months of first payment • Every 12 months through the life of the grant • Final report within 2 months of completion

  25. Global Grant Reports: Content How partners were involved Type of activity Evaluation of project goals How area of focus goals were met How funds were spent Number of beneficiaries and how they benefited

  26. Maintaining Qualification • Follow terms of club MOU • Appoint club member/committee to manage club qualification • Fully implement stewardship practices to prevent misuse of funds

  27. Club MOU Key Provisions • Cooperate with District and TRF audits • Conflict of interest disclosures • Club member leads qualification process • Record retention, succession and transfer plan • Attend Grant Mgt Seminar • Separate bank account for Global Grants

  28. Club MOU Key Provisions • Receipts for everything over $75 • Inventory of any equipment • Monthly bank reconciliation • Receipts for at least 7 years • All documents from application to end of project • Signed by President and President Elect

  29. Thank you

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