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The Bible Teaches Jesus Is The Christ Willie A. Alvarenga “Thou Art The Christ, The Son Of The Living God”—Matthew 16:16. PURPOSE OF LESSON. Show biblical evidence that proves Jesus is the CHRIST. PURPOSE OF LESSON. The evidence shown will strengthen our faith in Christ!.
The Bible Teaches Jesus Is The ChristWillie A. Alvarenga“Thou Art The Christ, The Son Of The Living God”—Matthew 16:16
PURPOSE OF LESSON Show biblical evidence that proves Jesus is the CHRIST
PURPOSE OF LESSON The evidence shown will strengthen our faith in Christ!
OUR ATTITUDE TOWARDS THIS LESSON Acts 17:11 “Now these were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of the mind, examining the Scriptures daily, whether these things were so” 1 Thessalonians 5:21 “Prove all things; hold fast that which is good”
DEFINING TERMS Understanding the word “Christ” • The word “Christ” is the official title given to Jesus in the NT. It signifies his office as anointed Savior and alludes to his spiritual qualifications for the task of saving his people.
DEFINING TERMS Understanding the word “Christ” The word derives from the Greek Christos, which translates Hebrew Messiah(Jn. 1:41). Both terms come from verbs meaning “to anoint with sacred oil”; hence, as titles they mean “the Anointed One.” Applied to Jesus, they express the conviction that he had divine appointment for his office and function. Elwell, W.A.., & Comfort, P.W. (2001). Tyndale Bible Dictionary. Tyndale Reference Library (265). Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House Publishers.
“Anointing” • In the Bible we read of three being anointed: • Kings (1 Kings 19:16)—Jehu, king of Israel. • Prophets (1 Kings 19:16)—Elisha. • Priests (Exodus 28:41)—Aaron and his sons.
“Anointing” Christ fulfilled all these three responsibilities Jesus our King (Revelation 17:14). Jesus our Prophet (Deuteronomy 18:15-18; Acts 3:22). Jesus our Priest (Hebrews 4:15).
The Old TestamentServes As EvidenceToProveThatJesusIstheChrist
TheBibleTeachesJesusIsTheChristBecause Of The Old FulfilledTestamentProphecies
The Old Testament contains more than three hundred messianic prophecies. As Hugo McCord has said, “Testimony about Jesus was the chief purpose of prophecy. To him all the prophets gave witness (Acts 10:43)” McCord, Hugo, Internal Evidences of the Bible’s Inspiration,” The Holy Scriptures, ed. Wendell Winkler (Fort Worth, TX: Winkler Publications), p. 332
The Messiah would be born of a woman (Genesis 3:15; Galatians 4:4) • The Messiah’s mother would be a virgin (Isaiah 7:14; Matthew 1:21-23) • The Messiah would come of the tribe of Judah (Genesis 49:10; Hebrews 7:14) • The Messiah would suffer (Isaiah 53:2–12; Matthew 27:27-31) • The Messiah’s bones would not be broken (Psalm 34:20; John 19:33-36) • The Messiah would be born in Bethlehem (Micah 5:2) • The Messiah would be betrayed (Psalm 41:9; Matthew 26:14-16)
HIS SIGNS PROVE JESUS IS THE CHRIST • Waterturnedto grape juice (John 2:1-11). • Healing of a Noble man son (John 4:46-54). • Healing of a paraliticman (John 5:1-16). • Feeding of the 5,000 (John 6:1-14).
HIS SIGNS PROVE JESUS IS THE CHRIST • Jesuswalkingonwater (John 6:15-21). • Healing of a manbornblind (John 9:1-12). • Resurrection of Lazarus (John 11:1-44). • Hisownresurreccion (John 20; Romans 1:4). • Thegreat catch of fish (John 21:1-14).
WITNESSES OF CHRISTJOHN 5:1-39 • John theBaptizer (5:31-35; 1:6,19-28). • TheFather (5:36; Matt. 3:17; 17:5; John 12:28). • TheSigns (5:37-38; John 3:2). • TheScriptures (5:39; O.T.). • Moses (5:45-47; Dt. 18:15-18).
TheBibleTeachesJesusIsTheChristBecause Of Hisownacknowledgments & those of others
I AM THE CHRIST • Jesushimselfacknowledged He istheChrist (John 4:25-26). • Jesusacceptedtheconfessionmadeby Peter that He wastheChrist (Matthew 16:13-20).
HE IS THE CHRIST • Preachers such as Apollos taught publically using the Scriptures to prove that Jesus is the Christ (Acts 18:28). • The Apostle Paul also preached that Jesus is the Christ (Acts 9:20-22; 1 Corinthians 2:2; 2 Corinthians 4:5).
HE IS THE CHRIST • John theBaptizertoldpeoplethat he wasnottheChrist (John 1:19-28). • Peter toldthousands of peoplethatGodmadeJesus Lord and Christ (Acts 2:36).
IfJesusistheChrist, and He is, thequestionwemustaskis: Whatshould be ourattitudetowardsHim?
OUR ATTITUDE • We must continue to believe He is the Christ and our Savior. • We must obey Him always (John 14:15; Matthew 7:24-27). • We must tell others about Him (John 4:19-42; Mark 16:15). • We must imitate Him always (1 Peter 2:21-22; 1 Corinthians 11:1). • We must wait for His coming (1 Thessalonians 1:9-10).
REVIEW OF OUR LESSON • JesusistheChristbecause of thefulfilled Old Testamentprophecies. • JesusistheChristbecause of Hissigns. • JesusistheChristbecause of Hiswitnesses. • JesusistheChristbecause of Hisownacknowledgements of those of others. • OurattitudetowardstheChrist