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Reminders about Papers

Reminders about Papers. Due Wednesday, 5 November Papers may be turned in until 5:30 pm on that day No late papers (don’t even ask!) Be sure to turn in all your preliminary work along with the final one-page product; it contributes to your grade An extra credit note: Due Monday.

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Reminders about Papers

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Reminders about Papers • Due Wednesday, 5 November • Papers may be turned in until 5:30 pm on that day • No late papers (don’t even ask!) • Be sure to turn in all your preliminary work along with the final one-page product; it contributes to your grade • An extra credit note: Due Monday

  2. Psalm 100:5 • KI TOV ADONAI • Because good (is) the LORD • LE’OLAM ḤASDO (2X) • To eternity (is) His hesed • VE’AD DOR VE-DOR (2X) • And unto generation and generation • EMUNATO • His faithfulness

  3. Solomon: Consolidating the Kingdom

  4. Introduction • Review • How did David create political and religious unity in his kingdom? • What event prepared the way for the future building of the Temple? • For what is Solomon best known? • A reminder about sources: What did you see in I Kings that was not in II Chronicles? (and vice versa?)

  5. Establishing Solomon as King • David as aging king – Abishag’s role • Adonijah’s scheme to become king • David’s choice of Solomon / the Lord’s choice of Solomon • David’s preparations for the Temple (1 Chr 28-29) • David’s charges to Solomon • Obedience • Temple • “unfinished business” (Joab, Barzillai, Shimei) • The end of Adonijah – significance of his request • Solomon’s prayer for wisdom

  6. Geo-politics • A reminder – Deuteronomy 17:16-17 • Peace in the expanded kingdom (I Kings 4:21) • International trade relations and treaties (I Kings 9:10-10:29) – the Queen from Sheba • Alliance with Pharaoh of Egypt (I Kings 3:1) – married Pharaoh’s daughter • Internal affairs: • Strengthening defenses (Megiddo, Gezer, Hazor) • Conscription of “native populations”

  7. The Empire in Solomon’s Time

  8. The Temple (fulfillment of Dt 12) • Geography of Jerusalem • City of David • Kidron Valley • Gihon Spring • Location of Temple

  9. Nature and purposes of the Temple • Central place of worship • Sacred space – “access to heaven” • The cloud of glory (1 Chr 5:13-14) • Fire from heaven (1 Chr 7:1-3) • Reflection of God’s dwelling in heaven • I Chronicles 28:18 • Ezekiel 1:4-28 • Hebrews 8:5; 9:23-24 • Storage place for nation’s wealth • I Kings 7:51 and II Chronicles 5:1 • Design and furnishings

  10. View from Northeast

  11. The “Sea”

  12. Interior

  13. Winged Cherubim

  14. Front Entrance and Courtyard

  15. Work of Levites as Temple Personnel (I Chronicles 23-26) • Gatekeepers (ch 26) • Set apart for ministry of prophesying and praise with musical instruments (ch 25) • In charge of treasuries (26:20) • Officials and judges (26:29)

  16. Temple Dedication(on the Feast of Tabernacles) • Solomon’s prayer (I Kings 8 and II Chronicles 6) • Recalling the promise to David • The “dwelling place” for God’s Name • The covenant blessings and curses reflected (cf. Lev 26) • Dedication ceremony • God’s response (II Chronicles 7:14) • If My people who are called by My Name will humble themselves and pray, and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sins and will heal their land.”

  17. The Demise of Solomon’s Empire[not in Chronicles] • Wives and alliances • Idolatry • Opposition and rebellion • Hadad from Edom • Rezon in Aram (Syria) • Jereboam, son of Nebat • Death after approximately 40 years’ rule

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