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TAARIS System Guide Book for Title I Student Support Services Teachers. TAARIS Website. To get to the TAARIS home page, you have to type the URL www.taaris.com into the Address Bar. If you added TAARIS to your Favorites, you can select it from the Favorites List in your browser.
TAARIS System Guide Book for Title I Student Support Services Teachers
TAARIS Website To get to the TAARIS home page, you have to type the URL www.taaris.com into the Address Bar. If you added TAARIS to your Favorites, you can select it from the Favorites List in your browser.
Logging Into TAARIS You will login into TAARIS using your NYC DOE email address (name@schools.nyc.gov).
Logging Into TAARIS Your password is printed in the letter you received about TAARIS*. Type that password into the box next to Password. • • • • • • • • For security reasons, your password will not be revealed in the Password field. *If you do not have a password, please see the “Password Problems” Section
Logging Into TAARIS “Remember me on this computer” Checking this box will save your email address so you will not have to retype it every time you go to log in. You should only check this if you are on your personal laptop or your private computer. • • • • • • • • This setting will not save your password. You will still need to enter your password every time you log in.
Password Problems If you do not have a letter with the password, or if you ever forget your password, please click “click here” next to “If you forgot your password,” • • • • • • • • The password will be sent to your NYC DOE Email Address.
Password Problems Enter your NYCDOE Email address in the field. Click “Send Email” to have your password sent to you. Please login into your NYCDOE Outlook Account to retrieve your password (it’s in your Favorites!)
Enter TAARIS When you log in for the first time, you will be required to change your password. This password must be at least 5 characters long: easy to remember, but hard to guess!
Enter TAARIS Enter the password you just used to enter the TAARIS system Enter a new password Re-enter the new password 1 2 3 • • • • • • • • 1 2 3 For security reasons, your password will not be revealed in the Password fields.
Enter TAARIS When you log in successfully, the top of the web page will change. These changes are noted below: Welcome [Your Name] Welcome [Your Name] Menu items, like “Home”, “Staff”, and “Student” will appear. On the right side, your name will appear next to “Welcome”.
Enter TAARIS Please Note as You Go Through the TAARIS System You will be automatically logged out after 15 minutes of inactivity. You will know you were logged out when you click a link and you are asked to login to the system. Your data will not be saved unless you have clicked a SAVE button.
TAARIS: Navigation The menu bar along the top will allow you to quickly access all the pages of the TAARIS system. The links in the menu will change colors as you move the cursor over each item.
TAARIS: Navigation In addition, at the bottom of each page, is the Back Page arrow. Left-clicking this arrow will bring you back to the previous page you viewed. You must use the Menu bar and the Back Page arrow to move between pages. The Back and Forward buttons in your web browser may cause you to lose data you enter.
TAARIS: Navigation To view the Home page from any other page, left-click the word Home in the menu bar.
TAARIS: Navigation There are three links under the Staff menu item: My Schools, Create Daily Activity, and Daily Activity Log List. The links will appear when you move the mouse cursor over the word Staff.
TAARIS: Navigation There are two links under the Student menu item: Create Student and Student List. The link will appear when you move the mouse cursor over the word Student.
TAARIS: Navigation To change your password at any time, click the Change Password link. See page ## for instructions if you need help.
TAARIS: Home Your name will be displayed on the top of the page, as well as any announcements and notices. These will be posted by the Bureau of Non-Public Reimbursable Services, so this page should be visited often for any new information or helpful links. Announcements: Loremipsum dolor sit amet, consecteturadipiscingelit. Integer fermentum, dui necegestasfermentum, magna enimsempersem, sedtempordiamodioeu dui. Utdignissim, auguesedplaceratporta, lectus lacus scelerisquemetus, id condimentumjustorisusvel mi.
TAARIS: My Schools Move the mouse cursor over Staff, and then My Schools in the menu bar. The menu changes color as your mouse cursor moves. Left-click the My Schools link to view the schools assigned to you.
TAARIS: My Schools The My Schools page contains your Day Service Schools and Per Session Service Schools. Your supervisor will set in what schools and how many days a week you will be required to be in each school.
TAARIS: Caseload Each blue underlined School Name is a link you can click. You can click the name of the school to view your caseload. If you have not added students to a school’s caseload, you will taken to the ADD STUDENT page when you click on the School Name. To begin, click the name of the first school under School Name.
TAARIS: Caseload This is the Add Students to Caseload page. You will see this page if this is the initial visit to a school.
TAARIS: Caseload The school’s basic information, your name and Role, and Service Type are listed at the top of this page. Please confirm that you are adding students to the correct school and service type.
TAARIS: Caseload The entire school’s student roster, current to the start of the school year, is displayed. You can scroll through the entire roster to add students to your caseload, or you can filter the roster by grade, student name or student ID.
TAARIS: Caseload In this example, “Grade 4” is selected from the Select Grade drop-down box.
TAARIS: Caseload When you left-click the Search Student button, the list of students will only display those students in Grade 4. Note: If a student is not in the online system as being in the correct grade, they will not appear in a Select Grade search.
TAARIS: Caseload Alice If you know the name of the student, you can type all or part of the name in the Student Name field. If you know the student’s NPSIS ID number, type it in Student # field.
TAARIS: Caseload At any time, you can left-click the CLEAR button to reset all the filter fields and view the entire student roster once again.
TAARIS: Caseload Left-click the checkbox next to each student who will be included in your caseload. When you have selected the students for the group, left-click the Add Students to Caseload button. Please Note: You will have the ability to add students to and delete students from your caseload on another screen.
TAARIS: Caseload Upon adding your first students, you will be taken to the school’s Caseload screen. You may have more students to add to the caseload, so left-click the Add Students to Caseload button.
TAARIS: Caseload Eventually, your supervisor will lock your ability to add students to a caseload. If there is an issue where you need to add a student, you must approach this with your supervisor.
TAARIS: Caseload Continue to add students to your school’s caseload. Remember to Search for students, Check the students to add, then click the Add Students to Caseload button.
TAARIS: Caseload When you successfully add students to a group, two important changes happen on the screen: 2 1 1. The most important change is a notice below the Add Students to Caseload button confirming that the student(s) have been added to the caseload. 1
TAARIS: Caseload 3. The Group Student List will no longer display the student(s) you added to the caseload. You will not see any students who are currently added to a school’s caseload. 2 2 Please Note: If you filtered the student list and added all students listed to the group, instead of “Student successfully added to group” message, you will see a “No Student found” message. The students were added successfully, but the filter is still on.
TAARIS: Caseload When you are finished adding students, left-click the Back Page arrow at the bottom of the page to return to the school’s Caseload page.
TAARIS: Working with Caseloads If you have not created a caseload for each Day Service and the Per Session school, continue to add caseloads using the same instructions you used to create your first school’s caseload.
TAARIS: Working with Caseloads Each blue underlined word is a link you can click. To view your caseload for a school, click the link that is the School Name. To continue, click the name of the first school under School Name.
TAARIS: Working with Caseloads If you come across a school with a blank caseload, left-click the Add Students to Caseload button to add students to the school’s caseload. Please refer to page 11 in this manual.
TAARIS: Working with Caseloads After creating a caseload for a school, clicking the school will now show you those students that have been added to the caseload. Each blue underlined word is a link you can click. To view your caseload for a school, click the link that is the School’s Name.
TAARIS: Working with Caseloads The student list is sorted by Student Name. You can also sort the roster by Date of Birth (by month only) or Grade by left-clicking any of the blue-linked column headers.
TAARIS: Working with Caseloads If a student is listed in your caseload who should not receive and has not received any Title I services, that student should be removed. Do not remove past students who received any Title I services! Past students should have a Termination Date and can be set with a Status of “Inactive”. See Page 24 to set a student as inactive.
TAARIS: Working with Caseloads To remove a student, left-click the checkbox next to the student’s name. You will see a small check appear in the box. You can select multiple students from the list. Next, left-click the Remove Selected Students button located under the student list.
TAARIS: Working with Caseloads Before you remove the student and their data from the system, you will be asked to confirm that you want to delete this record. Choose OK to delete or Cancel to keep the student in your caseload. If you have any questions about whether you should remove a student, please contact your supervisor.
TAARIS: Working with Caseloads You can start adding details of the types of services the student is receiving, when they started, and by whom they were referred.
TAARIS: Working with Caseloads Left-click the Program / Status checkboxes to indicate any combination of Title I Reading, Math and ESL support. Click Sole if the student is only receiving student support services. Next, left-click the Referred By drop-down box. This will bring up a list of options for you to specify who referred the student.
TAARIS: Working with Caseloads Click the blank box under First Session Date. A calendar pop-up will assist you in selecting the month and day of your first session with the student.