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Using Resources

Using Resources. Being critically aware of the authority and credibility of the information you use. Citation & Referencing . The 5 W’s. Who? What? Why? When? Where?. Applies equally to . Books Magazines Journals Periodicals Websites TV Programmes Podcasts Newspapers.

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Using Resources

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  1. Using Resources Being critically aware of the authority and credibility of the information you use.Citation & Referencing

  2. The 5 W’s • Who? • What? • Why? • When? • Where?

  3. Applies equally to • Books • Magazines • Journals • Periodicals • Websites • TV Programmes • Podcasts • Newspapers • Radio broadcasts • Interviews • Blogs • Current material • Past material • Anything... • Everything...

  4. Ask yourself.... • Who is the Author/Editor – who are they? Are they an expert? Can you trust them? • Where was the book published – is there a potential for cultural bias? • When was it published? Is the information still up to date? Is the historical nature important? Is t still relevant? • What is it you are looking at? Is it actually relevant to the subject you are researching? • Why was it published?

  5. Where do you find the information? • Books look at the - Title Page • Now at front of book • Past some detail at front some at the back • ISBN • Magazines/Journals/Periodicals • Often by the contents page • Sometimes at the back • ISSN • Websites • Contact information • URL (Web Address) • Content back up

  6. Ask yourself.... • Does the author have authority – can you find reference else where to them? • Why was the resource published? What is it’s purpose? Propaganda? Official information? Personal interest? • Is it Objective? If there is a bias find a balance, question it. • Is it Current? Does the currency mater to your purpose?

  7. Website Issues • Self publishing • Information overload • Hoax’s • Propaganda • Personal opinion • Viral posts • Spoof sites • Using a search engine? How does it work? How does it rank/order results?

  8. Hints and tips • Avoid Wikipedia – great to get a basic idea but would you take what a 7 year old or a drunk told you as being relevant? Use the links at the bottom of the article. • Use a wide range of resources to support your argument – virtual and published. The more your read/reference the better your understanding – breadth and depth of knowledge. • Be wary... Look for common ground.

  9. Examples • Landover Baptists * • Martin Luther King jr. : A true historical examination. * • The Hitler Historical Museum • Preparing for Emergencies or official British Govt. Site • Christopher Walken for President • DihydrogenMonoxide • Bio-Hazard Alert Detector • Save the Guinea Worm • Save the Rennets • Feline reactions to bearded men • Coalition to end female mammary mutilation • BabybushToys • Police Guide FBI Records Search • History of a Victorian Robot.

  10. Referencing sources used Print vs Online • Who wrote/edited it? Surname, initial • What is it called? Title • Who published it? Website address/publisher • Where was it published? Does it have a last updated note? Place of publication/edition • When was it published? When was it viewed? Date/edition • If quoting directly reference author and use quotations.

  11. References • Phil Bradley – Making the Net easier http://www.philb.com/fakesites2.htm • http://searchenginewatch.com/ • http://www.noodletools.com/debbie/literacies/information/5locate/adviceengine.html Viewed 03/10/2012 05:51

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