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Unit 8 Internatinal Trade. After studying this section, you are required to ; 1. learn the definitionof “international trade” 2. understand the reasons for the international trade 3. understand the theory of comparative advantage. Text A: International Trade.
Unit 8 • Internatinal Trade
After studying this section, you are required to; • 1. learn the definitionof “international trade” • 2. understand the reasons for the international trade • 3. understand the theory of comparative advantage
Text A: • International Trade
Questions for you to think about: • 1. What is trade? • 2. What is international trade? • 3. How did trade between nations first come into being? • 4. Some nations are short of natural resourcs, but they are prosperous in tourism. Is it also a kind of international trade?
Reading Comprehension • 1 .Read the following statements and decide whether they are true (T) or false(F). • (1)()International trade means the exchange of goods and commodities between countries. • (2)()Britain produces sufficient of wheat to satisfy a large home demand • (3)()The comparative cost theory is the basis of specialization in trades and occupations. • (4)()Trade in services is often referred to as invisible trade. • (5)()Invisible trade is less important than the export of manufactured goods to a country.
Analysis of the text • 1. in excess of超过,大于 • 1) to spend in excess of one's income 开支多于收入 • 2) This year's profit was in excess of a million pounds. 今年的利润超出了100万英镑。 • 2 whereas然而,反之,尽管,但是 • 1) The old system was fairly complicated whereas the new system is really very simple. 这套老系统相当复杂,但是新的系统操作起来非常简单。 • 2) They want a house, whereas we would rather live in a flat. 他们想要一座房子,而我们宁愿住在一套公寓里。
3 satisfy a large home demand 满足国内的巨大需求 • 1) satisfy the people's needs满足人民需要satisfy all requirements满足所有要求 • 2)satisfy one's desire/ curiosity满足某人的欲望/好奇心 • 3) This government-funded project is to satisfy the growing need for new housing in this area. • 这个由政府出资的项目是为了满足这一地区日益增长的对住房的需求。 • 4 Britain and wheat.这是一个省略句。原句为: • Britain is unable to produce sufficient of wheat to satisfy a large home demand.
5. made economic sense: to be economically sensible, profitable • 在经济上是有益的,合算的 • 1) make political sense在政治上是有益的 • 2) He made the deal because it made good business sense. • 他做成了这笔交易,因为这对他的生意有很大的益处。
6 theoUcomparative advantage比较优势学说 • (the comparative cost theory比较成本学说) • 这是李备图提出的依照生产成本相对差别而实行国际分工的一种自由贾易理论,指某个国家在生产某种产品时的周本比其他国家生产同类产品的成本低,即较他国在生产此类产品方面有优势,可参加国际竟争,也就是有比较优势。 • International trado should follow the Law of Comparative Advantage,otherwise,we can not make any profit in the foreign trade. • 周际贫易应遵守比较优势原理,否则,我们难以在外贫方面寻求利润。
7 afford to负担得起 • 1) She can hardly afford to wait for another hour.她再也不能多等一小时了。 • 2) I cannot afford to be critical.我不能太挑剔。 • 3) We cannot afford any delay because of the keen competition.由于竞争的激烈,我们是耽误不得的。 • 8. impediment(to...)妨碍,障碍物 • 1) a speech impediment结巴,语言障碍 • 2) Some small impediments slowed his conversatio二 • 轻微的口吃使他讲话很慢。 • 3) Shortage of money was not the only impediment to her higher education. • 经济困难并不是她无法继续高等学府深造的唯一障碍。
9 visible trade and invisible trade.有形贾易和无形贸易,既实物贸易和服务贸易。 • 英语也叫“tangible trade and intangible trade". • 10 be vulnerable to易受到(损害、责难等) • 1) Infant industry is vulnerable to the attack from foreign mature industry. • 未成熟工业容易受到外来成熟工业的影响。 • 2) Young people are vulnerable to temptations. • 年轻人容易受到诱惑。 • 3) The export of manufactured goods from the developing countries is vulnerable to all kinds of restrictions by the industrialized countries. • 发展中国家的工业制成品的出口容易受到工业化国家的各种限制。
11 specialize in搜长于,专攻 • 1) The shop specializes in mountain-climbing gear. • 这家商店专门梢售登山用具。 • 2) This travel firm specializes in charter flights. • 这家旅游公司专营包机业务。 • 12 in the way of在……方面 • 1) Hollywood fashions in the way of clothing are servilely imitated by the Japanese. • 日本人盲目地模仿着好莱坞的服装流行式样。 • 2) Hangzhou offers a great deal in the way of beautiful scenery for tourists. • 杭州美景甚多,可供旅游者游览。
13 commodities=primary commodities,即指初级产品(农产品或矿产品),是和manufactured goods(制成品)相对而言。
Text B: • Tariff Barrier
Think about… • 1)What on earth is tariff? • 2)What on earth is tariff for? • 3)How many kinds of tariff are there?
Reading comprehensions. • Answer the following questions: • 1 . What is a tariff? And what can the tariff do? • 2. In how many ways can a tariff be calculated? What are they? • 3. What is an ad valorem duty? • 4. What is a specific duty? • 5. What is an alternative duty? • 6. What is a compound duty? • 7. On what kind of goods are Advalorem levied? Why? • g. On what kind of goods are specific duties levied? • 9. On what kind of goods are compound duties levied? Why? • 10. Why will the exporter's own country sometimes impose a duty on exports?
Analysis of the text. • WORD STUDY • tariff barrier 关税壁垒 • advalorem duty 从价税 • specific duty 从量税 • alternative duty 选择税, • compound duty 混合税 • the port of destination 目的港 • the country of origin 原产国
local currency本国货币 • monetary value.货币价值 • inflation 通货膨胀 • manufactured goods制成品,产成品 • import duty进口税 • compensatory duty补偿性关税 • manufacturing industry制造业
1. provide sb. with sth. 给……提供 • provide sth. for sb. • 1)They provide us with food. 他们供给我们食物。 • 2)We provided food for the hungry children.‘ • 我们为饥俄的孩子们提供食物。 • 2. base…on...将··一基于,以……为基础 • 1)One should always base one's opinions on facts. • 意见应以事实为根据。 • 2) [Biz]:We should always base our trade plan on the • economic development of our country. • 我们应始终以我国的经济发展为基础制定贸易计划。
3. depend on 取决于,由…而定 • 1) It all depends on how you tackle the problem. • 那要看你如何应付这问题而定。 • 2) [Biz]:Your profits depend on thquality of your technical personnel. • 你公司的利润要由你们技术人员的质量如何而定。 • 4. free from...免除……,没有…… • 1) The film is free of charge. 电影是免费的。 • 2) [Biz]:The sellers shall be free from any claims and • demands upon the merchandise once delivered. • 货物一旦交付后,卖方可不接受任何索赔和要求。
5. In accordance with与……一致,依照,根据 • 1) We should act in accordnnre with the rules. • 我们应根据条例行事。 • 2) [Biz]:In accordance with faxes exchanged,we are glad to have sold you 50 tons of castor beans. • 按照双方往来电传,我们很高兴已售给你方50吨蓖麻子。
6. keep up with跟上 • 1) Don't run一I can't keep up with you. • 别跑了,我赶不上你了。 • 2) [Biz]:These raincoats are selling so quickly that we • 3) have had to enlarge our factory so as to be able to keep up with the demand. • 这些雨衣销售很快,我们不得不扩建工厂以便能适应需求的增长。
7. impose... on /upon征(税等) • 1) New duties were imposed on wines and spirits. • 酒类被加征新税。 • 2) [Biz]:In, our country,import duty is imposed on the value of shipment including commission. • 我们的进口税是按货物的价值(包括佣金)征收的。
Difficult sentence:s • 1. The tariff increases the price at which the goods are sold in the importing country and therefore makes them less competitive with locally produced goods. • 关税增加了商品在进口国内销售的价格,因此它们没有当地生产的商品富有竞争力。 • at which the goods are sold in the importing country是定语从句,修饰先行词Piece • competitive with:可与……竟争的,例如: • Our price is competitive with that of our rivalries. • 我们的价格是可与我们竞争对手的价格相竞争的。
2. An ad valorem,the kind most commonly used,is one titan is calculatedas a percentage of the value of the imported good-for example,10,25 or 35 percent. • 最常使用的一种是从价税,是以进口商品价格的百分比计算一例如10%,25%或35%。 • the kind most commonly used是An ad valorem的同位语。most commonly used • 是过去分词,作the kind的定语。that is calculated as a percentage of the value of • the imported good是定语从句,修饰先行词one,
3. They 'may be based,depending on the country,either on the value of the goods landed at the port of destination,or on the value of the goods at the port in the country of origin. • 根据不同国家,它们(从价税)不是以到达目的地港口的商品价格为根据,就是 • 以原产国港口的货物价格为根据。 • 本句话结构有些复杂,be based on...以……为基础;以……为根据,理解时要 • 跳过depending on the country这一短语,结构会显得更清晰。
4. An alternative duty is where both an ad valorem duty and a specific one are prescribed for a product,with the requirement that the more onerous one shall apply. • 选择税是一种产品被规定既可以征收从价税又可以征收从量税,要求按照税额更多的税种征收。 • where both an ad valorem duty and a specific one are prescribed for a product…是疑问副词where引导的表语从句。 • that the more onerous one shall apply是requirement的同位语从句。
5. Compound duties are imposed on manufactured goods which contain raw • materials that are themselves subject to import duty. • 混合税是对制成品征收的,这些成品用的原材料本身要缴纳进口税。 • 本句虽短,但结构有点复杂,包含有两个定语从句,第一个定语从句由which引 • 导,修饰先行词goods,第二个定语从句由that引导,修饰先行词materials,应该说,这是定语从句当中又有定语从句。
Check the exercises • 1 .A tariff is a tax levied by a government on goods imported into that country. The tariff increases the price at which the goods are sold in the importing country and therefore makes them less competitive with locally produced goods. The tariff also provides the government with extra tax revenue. • 2. A tariff. may be one of the four kinds:ad valorem,specific,alternative or compound. • 3. An ad valorem,the kind most commonly used,is one that is calculated as a percentage of the value of the imported good.
4. A specific duty is a tax of so much local currency per unit of the good imported based on weight,number,length,volume,or other unit of measurement. • 5. An alternative duty is where both an ad valorem duty and a specific one are prescribed for a product,with the requirement that the~onerous one shall apply. • 6. A compound duty is a combination of an ad valorem duty and specific duty一for example,15 percent of value plus 5 pence per pound.
7. Ad valorem duties are levied on most manufactured goods. This is because the monetary value of the duty varies in accordance with the monetary value of the product一thus keeping up with inflation. • 8. Specific duties are often levied on foodstuffs and raw materials.
9. Compound duties are imposed on manufactured goods which contain raw materials that are themselves subject to import duty. The“specific”part of the compound duty(called compensatory duty)is levied as protection for the local raw material industry(for example,cotton growing)and the"advalorem"part,as protection for the local manufacturing industry(for example,textiles)
10. Sometimes the exporter's~country will impose a duty on exports either to raise revenue or to discourage the export of a product that is in limited supply or needed for local use. Usually,such duties are levied on only a few products and the rates are quite low. • 11. Fill in each blank of the following sentences with one of the words or phrases in the list given below and make changes when necessary:
Assignment: • Finish the exercises related to the text • Preview Unit 9