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LiveCaster – Let traffic come on auto with this livecastingapp • LiveCaster is the best livecasting software made for Facebook & YouTube. It is ultra simple to use, it supports scheduling, one-click live mode. Can Cast pre-recorded videos as live to Facebook Personal feed, Pages & even Groups. It can also livecast to YouTube! • https://crownreviews.com/livecaster-review-bonus/ • What IsLiveCaster? • Facebook gives live videos the prime placement, YouTube is dedicated to live streaming now. The newest thing about social media - Live videos are a rage! And if you are not tapping into this current rage that live videos have among audiences, you are missing out on a VERY huge chunk of organictraffic. • Here's the best livecasting software made for Facebook & YouTube, wihtout you having to golive! • LiveCaster is the best livecasting software made for Facebook & YouTube. It is ultra simple to use, it supports scheduling, one-click live mode. Can Cast pre-recorded videos as live to Facebook Personal feed, Pages & even Groups. It can also livecast to YouTube! • With LiveCaster You Can cast pre-recorded videos as liveto: • Facebook Personal feed, Pages & even Groups. • YouTubechannels. • And if you thought you had to be on camera live to be casting a video as a live event, and it's giving you jitters, then fret no more! • LiveCaster works great for you if you are camera shy, or don't have the time at disposal to record and cast live videos all the time to engage youraudience. • IT allows you to pick any pre recorded video content that you want to engage your audience with and lets you cast it as a live event. • Facebook and YouTube are putting a huge emphasis on live videos, and they offer the biggestaudience. • AND LiveCaster helps you leverage that to your marketing advantage MINUS any complexities that are there in creating and casting a liveevent.
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