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First Amendment

First Amendment. Separation of church and state Freedom to worship as one choose Freedom of expression of ideas including speech, press, assembly or petition. Fourth Amendment. Freedom from unreasonable searches and seizures Warrants must have probable cause

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First Amendment

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  1. First Amendment • Separation of church and state • Freedom to worship as one choose • Freedom of expression of ideas including speech, press, assembly or petition

  2. Fourth Amendment • Freedom from unreasonable searches and seizures • Warrants must have probable cause • Of warrants must state items or persons searched or seized

  3. Fifth Amendment • People may not be compelled to witness against themselves • Of people may not be deprived of life or property without due process • No double jeopardy • Private property may not be taken for public use without compensation

  4. Sixth Amendment • Right to a speedy trial • Right to a jury • Right to confront witnesses and accusers • Right to a legal counsel

  5. Eighth Amendment • Protection from excessive bails and fines • Protection from cruel and unusual punishment

  6. Fourteenth Amendment • No state can make law which alters the privileges or immunities of US citizens • Equal protection

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