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OBJECTIVO: SWBAT formulate questions and short phrases commonly used within the classroom. Hazlo Ahora : Translate the following phrases: 1) Open the book 2) Miren , Escucha , Silencio 3) Lower your hand 4) Levantense 5) Sit down. El 17 de Septiembre 2012.
OBJECTIVO: SWBAT formulate questions and short phrases commonly used within the classroom HazloAhora:Translate the following phrases:1) Open the book2) Miren, Escucha, Silencio3) Lower your hand4) Levantense5) Sit down El 17 de Septiembre 2012
NuestroHorarioOur Schedule • 1) Hazlo Ahora y Repaso (10) • 2) Introducción (10) • ClassroomPhrases • 3) Practica Guiada (20) • Skits • Reading • Writing • 4) Practica Independiente (10) • Exit Ticket • 5) Tarea (5) • Worksheet
Classroom Phrases Buenos dÍas boo-aye-nos dee-ahs Good Morning
Classroom Phrases Buenastardes Lboo-aye-nas tar-days Good afternoon
Classroom Phrases ¿CÓmo se dice…en espaÑol? Coe-moh say Dee-say… en S-pan-yol How do you say…in Spanish?
Classroom Phrases ¿CÓmo se escribe…? Coe-moh say S-ree-bay How do you spell….?
Classroom Phrases MÁs despacio, por favor Mas des-pah-see-oh Poor fah-vor Slower, please
Classroom Phrases ¿puedoirpor mi libro? Pu-eh-doh ear poor Mee lee-bro Can I go get my book?
Classroom Phrases No Entiendo No n-tee-end-oh I don’t understand
Classroom Phrases No sÉ No say I don’t know
Classroom Phrases ¿puederepetir, por favor? Pu-ay-day rep-ee-teer Poor fah-vor Can you repeat, please?
Classroom Phrases perdÓn pair-done Sorry
Classroom Phrases Tengounapregunta ten-goh ooh-nah pre-goon-tah I have a question
Think/Pair/Share Think What would you say in the following situation? (Page 8) Choose your responses using the vocabulary from the slides Pair Work with your group to create a skit (I.E. USE ACTIONS to match each vocab word) share Present skits to the class Make sure to listen each group (questions after each round!)
UnaCarta del Biebs Buenos dÍasselena, Hoy era mi primer día de clase. La profesoraentro y dijo, “Siéntense, por favor y abran el libro.” Yodije, “Tengounapregunta. ¿Cómo se dice, “love” en español?” Ella dijo, “se dice, “amor.” Yo no entendí. Pregunte, otravez, “másdespacio, por favor. ¿Puederepitir?” Ella lo dijootravez y yoentendí. Con Amor, Justin Bieber
Brainstorming What is a conversation that a teacher and student would have during class? • Be sure to include at least 2 statements from the teacher and 2 statements from the student • Check your notes • Check the Pared de Palabras (Word Wall)
Multiple Choice Escuchan Read The student is having trouble understanding the lesson. They would say: A) Perdón B) Buenastardes C) No entiendo D) ¿Puedoirpor mi libro? E) None of the above 1) Senorita Bartold just told the class to: • A) Listen • B) Look • C) Take out a book • D) Lower their hands 2) Senorita Bartold just asked: • A) Good afternoon • B) I have a question • C) Excuse me • D) I don’t know