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“One Good Turn Deserves Another”: Family Policy, Fertility, and Ageing

“One Good Turn Deserves Another”: Family Policy, Fertility, and Ageing. Ákos Tárkányi. Age pyramid of the population in Hungary, 1995, 2025, 2050 Baseline variant. Total fertility rate, 1935 – 1970. Total fertility rate, 19 80 – 1995. Hungarian t otal fertility rate, 19 11 – 2000.

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“One Good Turn Deserves Another”: Family Policy, Fertility, and Ageing

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  1. “One Good Turn Deserves Another”: Family Policy, Fertility, and Ageing Ákos Tárkányi

  2. Age pyramid of the population in Hungary, 1995, 2025, 2050Baseline variant

  3. Total fertility rate, 1935–1970

  4. Total fertility rate, 1980–1995

  5. Hungarian total fertility rate, 1911–2000

  6. Child care allowance and child care fee as a percentage of the average wage, 1967–1990

  7. The Level of Family Allowance as Compared to the Average Earnings, 1949–1997 (%) Source: Sarah J. Jarvis – John Micklewright in: Esély 1994/2; Magyar Statisztikai Évkönyv 1994, 1996; Magyar Statisztikai Zsebkönyv 1997.

  8. Total fertility rate and contribution to TFR by birth order in France

  9. Development of completed fertility in female cohorts born between 1930–1960

  10. Development of completed fertility in female cohorts born between 1930–1960

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