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Our DOW The Divine One Within

Our DOW The Divine One Within. With Jasmuheen. DOW CHARACTER. DOW- Atman – Monad - I AM Presence ALL KNOWING, ALL LOVING, ALL WISE EVERYWHERE - IN US, AROUND US, IN ALL ETERNAL – INFINITE Anchored in the FIELD OF LOVE, the field of Supreme Intelligence

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Our DOW The Divine One Within

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  1. Our DOWThe Divine One Within With Jasmuheen

  2. DOW CHARACTER • DOW- Atman – Monad - I AM Presence • ALL KNOWING, ALL LOVING, ALL WISE • EVERYWHERE - IN US, AROUND US, IN ALL • ETERNAL – INFINITE • Anchored in the FIELD OF LOVE, the field of Supreme Intelligence • Is the Boss of our 6.3 trillion cell bio-system • Is the Master Computer controller of our system • Is the One who breathes us • Our DOW is the One the Universe sees when it looks at us asking to serve us

  3. THE LAW OF LOVE & OUR DOW Our DOW exists due to The Law of Love • This Law states that all life, all atoms, all molecules, all energy fields have come into existence due to the Love of the original force of creation. • It also states that when we treat all life with love, honor and respect as if it is part of us, then the Law of Love will magnetize you to Its river of Grace and embrace you back into itself as one of Its own.

  4. OUR DOW & GRACE • The greatest gift our DOW has for us is … GRACE • The Law of Love finds the seekers of miracles and Its Grace teaches us how to recognize, enjoy and also how to create them. And in the experiencing of these miracles we find ourselves already made perfect and also free. • GRACE IS A SIGN THAT WE ARE ALIGNEDTO THE LAW OF LOVE.

  5. OUR DOW & THE FIELD OF LOVE • Aligning to & merging with our DOW • Allows us to experience & dwell in • THE FIELD OF LOVE. • This is the most nourishing field there is. • Time in the field of love fulfills all our longings, • answers all our questions & • nourishes us on all levels

  6. FEELING OUR DOW • The easiest & fastest way to feel & connect with our DOW • Is through matching Its rhythm via our • BREATH • Doing deep, fine & connected breathing & • Using the LOVE BREATH tool

  7. LOVE BREATH • Step 1 - imagine yourself connected on the inner planes with a beam of pure  love that flows from the heart of the Divine Mother into your heart chakra  • Step 2 - Inhale of this love deeply and chant as you reclaim "I am love' keep chanting this mantra over and over with sincerity  • Step 3 - Exhale this love slowly out into your body and chant "I love" over and over with sincerity as you imagine this love filling every cell and then flowing out from your auric field in your outer world.  • Also with this tell your body over and over until it tingles "I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you" • Together this exercise opens your cells and atoms up to receiving pure Divine Mother Love as it strengthens your divine heart and your ability to attract hold and radiate love in this world. It also changes your brain wave patterns from beta-alpha to the theta-delta zone. 


  9. MIRACLES - Seekers & Makers Coming from the Latin word ‘miracula’ the witnessing of miracles usually promotes awe or excitement as the act is seen to come from Divine Grace. MIRACLES COME with our …. • Allowance & Openness • Alignment & Action – ACT AS IF • Acceptance via Recognition & Experience • Appreciation & Biofeedback • Demonstration of our Divinity • DOW Downloads • Directed Focus & Field Enhancement • BEing Clear & Dreaming the Outcome

  10. AWAKENING to our DOW • SENSING & sensitivity • DISCERNING • DOING then just BEING • GATHERING & assessing • ALIGNING & merging • ANCHORING & experiencing constancy • SHAPE-SHIFTING at will • SIDELINING for learning & rest

  11. DOW - GIFTS & ATTRIBUTES • Divine Love Field • Divine Radiance • Divine Revelations • Divine Nutrition • Divine Support • Divine Guidance • Divine Co-creation • Divine Bliss • Divine BEing

  12. DEVOTEES OF OUR DOWEXPERIENCE MANY FREEDOMS • Freedom from the creation of dis-ease. • Freedom from aging of the physical system. • Freedom from the need to sleep. • Freedom from time constraints. • Freedom from the need for physical food. • Freedom from the need for liquid. • Freedom from the physical world laws that restrict a physical systems movement through time and space i.e. bi-location, dematerialization.

  13. DEVOTEES OF OUR DOWEXPERIENCE MANY FREEDOMS • FREEDOM TO BE NOURISHED BY DOW POWER & DIVINE LOVE • Freedom from the need for physical food. • Freedom from the need for liquid.

  14. Our DOW’s Sacred Support Systems of Communication & Guidance • Our DOW – 1st level guidance • OUTER PLANE - 2nd level confirmation via body & breath responses • INNER PLANE - Angels, Guides, Holy Help via C.N.N. (Cosmic Nirvana Network) & the U.F.I. (Universal Field of Infinite Love & Intelligence) • Detoxify our internal & external energy fields TO TUNE TO our DOW CHANNEL & HEAR & WITNESS IT IN LIFE

  15. DOW RADIATION • Immortality and harmonious health all relate to our DOW’s radiation levels as we release It from within us and allow It to flow through us and out into the world. • We can control our DOW’s radiation levels via our attitudes and lifestyle. • Diet, nutrition and the oxygenation of our physical system plus exercise and service provide a powerful template for our DOW to be anchored in. • Positive emotional and mental attractor patterns also increase Its radiation capacity as does time spent in silence and meditation where we make ourselves available to experience more consciously Its Presence. • When radiant and connected with our DOW, It consciously links us to the DOW of all, and lights up pathways through the Universal Field of Intelligence that bring clarity, tools and support for whatever we need, exactly how we need it and until we need it no more.

  16. THE ETERNAL DOW • Immortal in nature, we can download or tune to all our DOW’S qualities & enjoy all Its gifts of which PHYSICAL IMMORTALITY is one. PHYSICAL IMMORTALITY is achievable when we:- • let go of limiting belief systems and all fear of physical death; • release restrictive mortality patterns; • reprogram the master glands of the systems; • act as if it is possible and a truth for us; • repattern our self-talk into the “I have forever” reality of an immortalist. • Detoxify our physical, emotional, mental & spiritual systems

  17. THE IMMORTAL DOW PERFECT HARMONY = PERFECT FIELD FLOW All levels, all lives with all creation – I AM … LOVE • TAOIST IMMORTAL FETUS – Tao of the DOW, food for growth & aligned to OR small & ignored • DOW DOWNLOAD: recognition, reclamation, acceptance, enhancement, alignment, surrender, merging, Being; • PERFECT BIO-BODY & the SELF SUSTAINING TEMPLATE • COMPOSITE SELF CREATION & MERGING – future / past virtues etc

  18. DOWDOORWAY & HEART • Our DOW is anchored into this realm via our heart chakra • When our Heart is in Harmony or Entrainment • then our DOW’s Radiation is strong • The DOW heart Doorway is opened further via not just the Love Breath • But also via the Harmony Code

  19. HEART HARMONY CODE MEDITATION • How to set our energy fields to be in harmony with all fields: • First centre yourself in meditation using the love breath tool or any breath technique that allows you to be aligned and more conscious of your DOW. • Next fill your heart with the pink light of Divine Mother love by imagining that your heart chakra is connected on the inner planes to a never ending source of pure love (as in the Love Breath Meditation) • Next if you need to come into an emotion of feeling love, think for a few moments of the happiest most loving experience of your life. • Imagine your heart chakra now full of love and opening and that you are beginning to beam out beams of pure pink light into the fields around you in a 360 degree motion, just like a lighthouse. • Imagine as these beams radiate out from you that you are now connecting via this beam of love into the heart of every living creature, into the heart of every culture and into the very heart of every institution on earth just keep pulsing out this love from your heart, beaming throughout the worlds.

  20. HEART HARMONY CODE MEDITATIONEXERCISE continued … • Imagine that from your heart chakra circles of pure healing green light are now pulsing out like ripples across a pond from where a stone has landed, but that stone, is the centre – your heart – a centre from where wave after wave of green healing light is rippling out through space and time, washing through all other fields, connecting you in a loving, safe, healing way with all. • As you keep this image in your mind, you begin to chant over and over: “Perfect field harmony now. Perfect harmonization with all fields now! Perfect healing and harmonization with all fields now.” • Ask the intelligent quantum and virtual fields to connect your DOW to the DOW of all life now and state the intention that: “From this moment on I connect DOW to DOW with all life, and flow in perfect harmony through all the fields. Universal waves of harmony and synchronicity constantly flow through me. PERFECT FIELD FLOW NOW!So it is! So it is! So it is!”

  21. DOW LOVE - HEART LOCK-IN EXERCISE FOR TUNING OUR HEART ENERGY TO OUR DOW’S BEAT …. Find a quiet place, close your eyes and breathe deeply. • Focus your attention in the heart area • then do the love breath meditation until you feel centered and still. • Scan your memories until you find one where you felt a lot of love, • or focus on someone who is easy for you to love, or focus on something positive in your life, a person or situation that you really appreciate. • Feel these feelings for at least 5 to 15 minutes. • You may wish to use nostalgic music or sacred music to help trigger these emotions. • Next send these feelings of love and/or appreciation from your heart into your body or out through your body to radiate these feelings out to others. • If your mind wanders bring it back to the heart with the love breath meditation or by recalling the memory and feelings again. • To complete this exercise be aware of any intuitive thoughts or feelings that came to you and then write these down so that you can act on them later. • Additionally you may wish to ask your DOW – as your heart is now open and loving – if there is anything else you need to know right now. • Trust what comes, write it down and act on it.


  23. Our Brain Wave Patterns The amplitude or height of the wave indicates the total number of neurons at work, coalescing on a problem or feeling at any given time. The frequency of the wave is the dominant frequency or pulsing of the brain in each of the areas studied, it tells us basically, "How fast the engine is running?" BETA : Beta 1 - 13 to 20; Beta 2 - 20 to 40 cps • Fully awake, alert, excited, tense. Speedy, not ‘centred’. ALPHA : 8 - 13 cps—cycles per second • Deeply relaxed, passive but aware, composed, state of waking and just before sleep. Perfect programming time. Early meditative state, entry pattern in higher consciousness. Integrated hemispheric brain function. Subconscious mind/brain function.

  24. Our DOW’S Brain Wave Pattern DOW GUIDANCE & ITS HEART VOICE IS EASIER TO HEAR WHEN WE ARE IN THE THETA OR DELTA LEVELS THETA : 4 - 7 cps • Deeper meditation. Drowsy, waking dream state. Associated with feeling states. Gateway to learning & memory. Increased state of creativity & intuition. Subliminal conscious states - ESP, channeling, insight, profound understanding. DELTA : .5 to 3 cps • Slow wave pattern & signature frequency of the brainstem. Deep sleep state. Ultimate reality - ‘beyond mind’ meditation. Delta range frequencies trigger healing & rejuvenation. Gateway to ‘satori’ or enlightenment & quantum consciousness. • We consider these brainwave frequency patterns as indices of levels of consciousness. Delta is first line (the signature frequency of the brainstem); theta is characteristic of the feeling or second-line limbic level; and alpha is third-line cortical level.

  25. Changing Our Brain Wave Patterns • Our DOW communicates to us through our heart pulse and via our 6th & 7th senses which use our pituitary & pineal glands & their secretions & radiations • We can stimulate our pineal gland’s production of PINOLINE via certain sexual muscle contractions • We can stimulate our pituitary gland & its production of AMRITA via certain tongue positions • & we can stimulate our heart and change its radiations via the LOVE BREATH

  26. The Divine One Within

  27. The Divine One Within


  29. The Divine One Within Understand Dimensional Biofield Science to experience more of its power in this realm…

  30. For more exercises on tuning to our DOW read • IN RESONANCE • THE FOOD OF GODS • THE LAW OF LOVE • FOUR BODY FITNESS – BIOFIELDS & BLISS • CO-CREATING PARADISE • THE PRANA PROGRAM • These books by Jasmuheen plus more can be purchased as inexpensive e-books at • http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/cia-education.asp

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