The Deep Forest Hazel Karter Onyedikachi
Herbivore The ecosystem we live in is the forest. The name of my species is The Berry Sucker. My species eats grass plants flowers . My species skin is thick/warm. My species defensive mechanism is to camouflage with Red bushes. My species is a prey. My species will be eaten by a Shireengan. The Carnivore will be eaten by a Tiger Shark . The Omnivore will be eaten by the Spider Tiger Fly .
Omnivore The Ecosystem my species lives in is the forest. The name of my species is Shireengan. My species eats meat and plants such as berries,SpiderTigersharks,BerrySuckers, and other small animals and plants. My species defense mechanism is to fly away from enemies and camouflage with trees. My species is a predator. The berry sucker will be eaten by the SpiderTigerfly. The SpiderTigerFlywill be eaten by the Shireengan. The Shireengan will be eaten by the SpiderTigerFly.
Carnivore The Ecosystem is the forest. The name of my animal is Spidertigerfly. My species eatShireengan and Berrysuckers.. My species skin is rough and breaths air for me. My species defense mechanism is to use its head and its teeth and feet. My species is a predator. The berry sucker will be eaten by the Shireengan, the Shireengan will be eaten by the Spidertigerfly.
The Deep Forest Things that we need in our Ecosystem to survive are grass ,trees, Berrysuckers, Shireengans, Spidertigersharks, outdoor areas, shaded areas, berry bushes, and water.