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ANNUAL REPORT 2010/11 DEPARTMENT HIGHER EDUCATION AND TRAINING Presentation to the Select Committee on Education and Recreation 22 February 2012. Presentation Outline. Background Information and Composition of the Annual Report Performance on Predetermined Objectives

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  1. ANNUAL REPORT 2010/11 DEPARTMENT HIGHER EDUCATION AND TRAINING Presentation to the Select Committee on Education and Recreation 22 February 2012

  2. Presentation Outline • Background Information and Composition of the Annual Report • Performance on Predetermined Objectives • Auditor-General Report and Report on Financial Outcome

  3. Background & Composition of Annual Report • The Department was established during the macro re-organisation process of the National Government during 2009/10 • The Department became independently operational with effect from 1 April 2010 and the 2010/11 financial was, therefore the first reporting period of the Department • The Annual Report includes the following information: • - General information of the Department including the message from the Minister and Deputy Minister • Information on predetermined objectives: This chapter in the report includes information on key strategic objectives and achievements for the 2010/11 financial year (This will be the emphasis of the next part of the presentation) • Annual Financial Statements: Although the emphasis is on the statements of the Department, the report also includes the statements of the QCTO, the former Department of Education and the NSF • Report on Human Resources Management

  4. Background & Composition of Annual Report • QCTO: The QCTO was listed by the Minister of Finance on 31 December 2010, retrospective from 1 April 2010. The QCTO was, however, not in a position to function independently and it was agreed between the QCTO, National Treasury and the Auditor-General that the performance information and annual financial statements of the QCTO could be included in the Annual Report of the Department • NSF: As has been the practice, the performance information and annual financial statements is incorporated in the Department’s report • Department of Education: The Department is still listed in Schedule 1 of the Public Service as a functional Department. A Ministerial letter will be addressed to the Minister of Public Service and Administration to request the final abolishment of the Department (with effect from 1 April 2012). In addition, an agreement was reached between the two new Education Departments (in consultation with the Auditor-General and National Treasury) to ensure the closure of all outstanding balances and the transfer of uncleared balances to the relevant new Education Department by 31 March 2012

  5. Performance on Pre-determined Objectives Key Strategic Objectives and Achievements(Annual Report: Page 31 – 61) • Programme 1: Administration • As a newly established Department, the focus for 2010/11 was to put the necessary administrative systems, policies and procedures into place, as well as to provide core capacity for the smooth running of the department. • One key focal area was the filling of critical senior management positions • The department had to improve efficiency by implementing the necessary information and communication technology infrastructure and to establish sustainable, business-appropriate enterprise architecture processes in the department.

  6. Performance on Pre-determined Objectives Key Strategic Objectives and Achievements(Annual Report: Page 31 – 61) • Programme 2: Human Resource Development, Planning and Monitoring Coordination • Human Resource Development • Key Objective: To establish the Human Resource Development (HRD) Council and its structures and to support, coordinate and manage the work-plan of the HRD council. • Key Achievements: The Human Resource Development Council of South Africa (HRDCSA) was established and had four successful meetings.

  7. Performance on Pre-determined Objectives Key Strategic Objectives and Achievements(Annual Report: Page 31 – 61) • Programme 2: Human Resource Development, Planning and Monitoring Coordination • Planning, Information, Monitoring and Evaluation Coordination • Key Objectives: To develop an integrated management information system for planning and monitoring purposes, to support the development of coherent career information services and to ensure credible planning processes in the department. • Key Achievements: • - The scope and plan for the fully integrated management information system was compiled and implementation will commence in 2011/2012 • - Survey data collections and baseline data was collected for FET Colleges and Adult Education and Training Centres • - The HEDCOM subcommittee on Information and Planning was established with all provinces to manage the planning and data collection processes for the FET and AET sectors • - In collaboration with SAQA, the career advice services project was launched as a ministerial flagship project.

  8. Performance on Pre-determined Objectives Key Strategic Objectives and Achievements(Annual Report: Page 31 – 61) • Programme 2: Human Resource Development, Planning and Monitoring Coordination • International Relations • Key Objectives: To pursue African advancement and enhanced international cooperation in education and training and to strengthen South-South, North-South, and multilateral cooperation in education and training. • Key Achievements: • - Participated in and contributed to meetings of the African Union, SADC and ADEA, as well as structured bilateral meetings with a number of other African countries • - Attended the 4th IBSA Summit in Brazil, during which academics from the three countries participated in the IBSA Academic Forum • - Participated in a higher education conference with the European Union in Cape Town • - Held structured bilateral meetings with countries of the north and south, and hosted a number of international delegations on study visits.

  9. Performance on Pre-determined Objectives Key Strategic Objectives and Achievements(Annual Report: Page 31 – 61) • Programme 2: Human Resource Development, Planning and Monitoring Coordination • Legal and Legislative Services • Key Objectives: To provide effective legal advice, on time, to the Minister, the Department, government and the public on education legislation and law and to manage any litigation concerning the Ministry and the department. • Key Achievements: • - Legal opinions were given on various aspects including the impact of Section 29 of the Constitution on Skills Development • - Provided advice on the Memorandum of Understanding with HESA concerning the India-Brazil-South Africa (IBSA) Academic Forum • - The Further Education and Training Colleges Amendment Bill, 2011, The Higher Education Laws Amendment Bill, 2011 and the Skills Development Amendment Bill, 2011 were drafted for comments

  10. Performance on Pre-determined Objectives Key Strategic Objectives and Achievements(Annual Report: Page 31 – 61) • Programme 2: Human Resource Development, Planning and Monitoring Coordination • Social Inclusion in Education • Key Objectives: To establish a well functioning social inclusion, equity and transformation unit within the department, to monitor and research transformation processes in the higher education and training system and to identify and monitor curriculum innovations in citizenship and values education. • Key Achievements: • - Defined Social Inclusion in higher education and training by identifying relevant units for collaboration, departmental policies and plans, that address social inclusion and equity issues • - Rendered strategic support and a liaison role to the DHET-SAQA–SABC Education Career Guidance advocacy project • - Represented Department on the Presidential Steering Committee on Nation Building led by the Department of Justice and Constitutional Development

  11. Performance on Pre-determined Objectives Key Strategic Objectives and Achievements(Annual Report: Page 31 – 61) • Programme 3: University Education • Academic Planning and Management • Key Objectives: To improve enrolment planning so as to produce quality graduates, enhance the national Programme Qualification Mix (PQM) grid by refining and aligning universities' PQMs with the National Plan for Higher Education, provide financial management and management support to institutions, improve access to post-school education in Mpumalanga and Northern Cape, improve access to universities via the establishment of a National University Education Information and Application Service and support the improvement of the structure and efficacy of the National Student Financial Aid Scheme • Key Achievements: • - Compiled a national enrolment view in line with the parameters of the Government priorities and growth possibilities within the university sector and the proposed MTEF allocations • - The Programme Qualification Mix grid was completed and is currently being populated with the new approved HEQF programmes of each institution

  12. Performance on Pre-determined Objectives Key Strategic Objectives and Achievements(Annual Report: Page 31 – 61) • Programme 3: University Education • Academic Planning and Management • Key Achievements (continue): • - Constituted two task teams to review and make recommendations on the establishment of new universities in Mpumalanga and the Northern Cape • - A site visit was undertaken to the Centralised Applications Office in Kwazulu-Natal. The ministerial committee report on the establishment of a national higher education information and application service was revisited. The CHE has been requested to advise on the matter • - A turnaround task team was finalised and appointed to oversee the implementation of the strategy and recovery plan of the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS)

  13. Performance on Pre-determined Objectives Key Strategic Objectives and Achievements(Annual Report: Page 31 – 61) • Programme 3: University Education • Financial Planning and Information Systems • Key Objectives: To provide appropriate policy frameworks for improvement of teaching and learning, ensure the effective use of earmarked funds for intended purposes by universities, review the funding of the university education system and ensure that HEMIS meets the needs for management of information across the sector and is properly maintained with the required data. • Key Achievements: • - The Health Sciences Review Committee issued a report in May 2010 with recommendations on the Health Professions Training and Development Grant • - Assessed university progress reports from 2009/10 for various earmarked grants such as the clinical training grant and infrastructure grant • - The Minister approved and signed the appointment of the Committee for the Review of the Funding Framework on 25 March 2011. The Committee commenced with its work • - The audited student and staff data for 2009 from all universities was submitted and captured into the HEMIS database

  14. Performance on Pre-determined Objectives Key Strategic Objectives and Achievements(Annual Report: Page 31 – 61) • Programme 3: University Education • Policy and Development • Key Objectives: To provide regulatory support to universities, support universities in enhancing both student and university governance and leadership, support universities in accelerating the process of transformation and ensure appropriate regulation and registration of private higher education institutions • Key Achievements: • - University statutes were approved and gazetted • - Submissions from institutions in response to the report of the Ministerial Committee on Racism in Higher Education were received and analysed for a Ministerial Report • - Prepared and submitted report on the Language Summit held in October 2010 with a list of recommendations on the development of indigenous languages at universities

  15. Performance on Pre-determined Objectives Key Strategic Objectives and Achievements(Annual Report: Page 31 – 61) • Programme 3: University Education • Teacher Education and Development • Key Objectives: To ensure an adequate supply of quality teachers for the Basic Education System, promote research in teacher education, so as to strengthen the capacity and capability of universities to produce Foundation Phase teachers for the Basic Education System and develop regulatory policies for teacher/lecture qualifications in line with the HEQF • Key Achievements: • - A long term Integrated Strategic Planning Framework for Teacher Education and Development for South Africa (2011-25) was approved and published • - Published the draft policy on the Minimum Requirements for Teacher Education Qualifications, which is aligned with the HEQC, for comments

  16. Performance on Pre-determined Objectives Key Strategic Objectives and Achievements(Annual Report: Page 31 – 61) • Programme 4: Vocational and Continuing Education and Training • Planning and Institutional Support • Key Objectives: To support the development of college institutional capacity to achieve transparency, enhanced performance, accountability and efficiency, to plan and monitor the equitable distribution of funding to increase access to a variety of approved programmes in public FET Colleges and public Adult Learning Centers, to provide support for the progressive improvement in the conditions of service of FETC employees and to regulate and support private colleges, as a means of expanding the institutional base for providing quality post-school education and training opportunities • Key Achievements: • - Developed manuals and guidelines for implementing generally accepted accounting practices in colleges • - The funding norms for FET Colleges were implemented • - Processed 954 (89%) out of 1071 applications for private FET college registration

  17. Performance on Pre-determined Objectives Key Strategic Objectives and Achievements(Annual Report: Page 31 – 61) • Programme 4: Vocational and Continuing Education and Training • Programmes and Qualifications • Key Objectives: To develop and maintain a diverse range of high-quality responsive vocational programmes for colleges, train and support lecturers to ensure a competent college workforce, initiate and support interventions aimed at addressing the challenges facing students particularly with regard to student access and academic performance, forge strong linkages and partnerships with agencies and structures dealing with challenges facing the youth, review AET provision to ensure that responsive and enabling policies and programmes are in place, ensure the quality, credibility and fairness of the assessment process in Public Adult Learning Centres (PALC) • Key Achievements: • - Expansion of NC(V) offerings in FET Colleges through the introduction of 3 new vocational programmes • - Strengthened the quality of curriculum delivery in colleges by adding 54 titles to the catalogue of student textbooks for NC(V) qualifications

  18. Performance on Pre-determined Objectives Key Strategic Objectives and Achievements(Annual Report: Page 31 – 61) • Programme 4: Vocational and Continuing Education and Training • Programmes and Qualifications • Key Achievements (continue): • - Permission was granted to 4 FET Colleges to provide higher education qualifications under the authority of higher education institutions • - Undertook lecturer training initiatives in colleges where more than 450 units of training were delivered in different focus areas to improve curriculum delivery • - Strengthened student support services in 23 colleges, with particular emphasis on academic support • - The draft NSC qualification for out-of-school youth was completed and submitted to Umalusi for finalisation and registration and the NSC for Adults (NASCA) was published for public comment

  19. Performance on Pre-determined Objectives Key Strategic Objectives and Achievements(Annual Report: Page 31 – 61) • Programme 4: Vocational and Continuing Education and Training • FET Examinations and Assessment • Key Objectives: To provide credible examinations and support quality assessment practices for vocational and adult education, provide administrative support to all examination and assessment processes at FET Colleges as well as to coordinate and administer credible resulting and certification processes for vocational and adult education • Key Achievements: • Delivered 7 FET College sector and 2 AET sector examinations during 2010/11 that resulted in: • - The registration of 698 581 candidates for national examinations • - Setting and moderation of 1 619 question papers and 73 site-based assessment tasks • - Printing, packing and distribution of question papers for FET College sector • - Monitoring of examination centres • - Resulting and certification of candidates for the FET College sector

  20. Performance on Pre-determined Objectives Key Strategic Objectives and Achievements(Annual Report: Page 31 – 61) • Programme 5: Skills Development • SETA Coordination • Key Objective: To support and manage the functioning of SETAs in implementing the National Skills Development Strategy • Key Achievements: • - All 23 SETAs implemented their approved 2010/11 Service Level Agreements and submitted their quarterly reports on the implementation and achievement of the agreed objectives and targets • - Implemented initiatives to strengthen and improve the functioning of the SETAs • - The Minister approved and published the new SETA landscape that was implemented on 1 April 2011 • - Introduction of a standard Constitution for all SETAs to ensure that there is consistency and alignment with regard to the functioning of SETAs • - The National Skills Development Strategy III was launched to guide the work of the SETAs and directs the use of the National Skills Fund

  21. Performance on Pre-determined Objectives Key Strategic Objectives and Achievements(Annual Report: Page 31 – 61) • Programme 5: Skills Development • National Skills Authority Secretariat • Key Objective: To advise the Minister on a National Skills Development Policy and Strategy • Key Achievements: • - Held public consultations with regard to the National Skills Development Strategy III and the new SETA landscape • - Capacitate constituencies to understand the NSDS III and advocate it to their members to enable them to play a meaningful role in its implementation • - Provided advice to the Minister on matters regarding the National Skills Fund, NSDSIII and SETAs, including: • Increasing the capping on NSF administration from 2% up to 10% • Extending the lifespan of SETAs • Poor performing SETAs and the process of putting them under administration

  22. Performance on Pre-determined Objectives Key Strategic Objectives and Achievements(Annual Report: Page 31 – 61) • Programme 5: Skills Development • INDLELA: (Institute for the National Development of Learnerships, Employment Skills • and Labour Assessments) • Key Objective: To establish and manage the National Artisan Moderation Body (NAMB) and provide assessment and moderation services • Key Achievements: • - The National Artisan Moderation Body (NAMB) was formally launched by the Minister on 30 November 2010 • - Established partnership forums on artisan development including: • The Artisan Development Technical Task Team that reports to the Human • Resource Development Council • A Public FET College Artisan Development forum • - Assessed 7 484 candidates with a pass rate of 41 % in a range of trades • - Conducted audits at 41 SETA accredited trade test centres in collaboration with the relevant SETAs

  23. Annual Financial Statements • 2010/11 – Allocation versus Expenditure • Main Reasons for Under-Expenditure • Audit Report

  24. 2010/11 Allocation versus Expenditure

  25. Reasons for Deviations • Programme 1: Administration • (Unspent: R3.735 million) • Signing of service level agreement between Department and SITA took longer than anticipated • Programme 2: Planning and Monitoring • (Unspent: R0.864 million) • Vacant posts not filled as projected and the concomitant saving on goods and services • Saving on membership fees due to the favourable exchange rate • Programme 3: University Education • (Unspent: R1.870 million) • Delay in the appointment of the Ministerial Task Teams for the establishment of the new universities in Mpumalanga and the Northern Cape as well as the review of the current and future position of Medunsa at the University in Limpopo resulted in work that started later than planned

  26. Reasons for Deviations • Programme 4: Vocational and Continuing • Education and Training • (Unspent: R3.583 million) • Cost containment measures put in place in the examination and assessment function to prevent over-expenditure • Vacant posts not filled as projected and the concomitant saving on goods and services • Programme 5: Skills Development • (Unspent: R13,796 million) • Under-spending i.r.o. the QCTO and the filling of posts in the QCTO that was dependent on the amendments made to the Skills Development Act • Under-spending on the Indlela security system previously managed by the Department of Labour

  27. Spending Trends per Economic Classification

  28. Auditor-General Report The Department received an unqualified audit opinion Key matters raised by the Auditor-General: Significant uncertainties • As disclosed in disclosure note 19 to the financial statements, the department is the defendant in a number of law suits. The department is opposing the claims and the ultimate outcome of these cannot be presently determined. Irregular Expenditure • As disclosed in disclosure note 24 to the financial statements, the department incurred irregular expenditure of R4 023 000 due to non-compliance with supply chain management processes. Findings on performance information • Inadequate explanations for major variances between the planned and the actual reported targets for the programmes relating to Universities, Vocational and Continuing Education and Training, and Skills Development. • Reported performance information was deficient in respect ofconsistency and measurability.

  29. Action Plan Audit Findings • The Department completed action plans regarding audit findings • These plans include all areas raised in the Audit Report as well as all other matters identified during the audit that resulted in audit queries • Four separate plans have been prepared, namely: - Predetermined Objectives - Departmental Operations - IT Audit - NSF Audit • The action plans were approved by the DG and progress will be monitored on a monthly basis • Reports will also be submitted to the Audit Committee

  30. Thank You

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