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REVIEW. What: Aspect of G reek culture When: Where: Why important: Effect on Greek culture :. Parthenon Architecture Golden Age Athens Greeks honored their gods by building temples Provides a sample of Doric column. What: Aspect of G reek culture When:

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  2. What: Aspect of Greek culture When: Where: Why important: Effect on Greek culture: Parthenon Architecture Golden Age Athens Greeks honored their gods by building temples Provides a sample of Doric column

  3. What: Aspect of Greek culture When: Where: Why important: Effect on Greek culture: Olympian gods Religion Mount Olympus Greeks used gods to explain laws of nature Greeks believed their gods controlled all aspects of their lives and tried to please them in many ways

  4. What: Aspect of Greek culture: When: Where: Why important: Effect on Greek culture: Greek naval ship - trireme Warfare Persian Wars Battle of Salamis Athenian ships were smaller, faster ( 3rows of oars) and easier to maneuver in confined areas Allowed Greeks to control the Mediterranean Sea and improve trade

  5. What: Aspect of Greek culture: When: Where: Why important: Effect on Greek culture: Hoplitodromos Festivals, Sports and Leisure Every four years in the Olympic Games Olympia Greeks honored their gods by doing their best in everything, including athletic competition Olympic Games united Greeks in competition and sacred truce.

  6. What: Aspect of Greek culture When: Where: Why important: Effect on Greek culture: Theater of Dionysus Theater Golden Age Athens Greeks honored their gods by performing plays Comedies (spoofs) and tragedies (suffering) portrayed Greek life

  7. What: Aspect of Greek culture When: Where: Why important: Effect on Greek culture: Ballot box Government Democratic elections Athens Greeks believed all their citizens should have the right to take part in government Greek citizens were conscious of their duty to vote

  8. What: Aspect of Greek culture When: Where: Why important: Effect on Greek culture: Homer Poetry and Literature 500 years after the Trojan War Wrote the Iliad and Odyssey Information in these epic poems served as an education for all Greeks

  9. Philosophers: Socrates, Aristotle, Plato Philosophy Golden Age Athens, Academy (Plato’s school), Lyceum (Aristotle’s school) Greeks began to use logic and reason to explain ideas and not their gods Increased their store of knowledge and interest in science and math What: Aspect of Greek culture When: Where: Why important: Effect on Greek culture:

  10. What: Aspect of Greek culture: When: Where: Why important: Effect on Greek culture: Archimedes: Water screw and method of determining mass of irregular shaped object (crown) Science Fields of science and math were explored Greek scientists began to make innovations and inventions to improve their store of knowledge

  11. What: Aspect of Greek culture When: Where: Why important: Effect on Greek culture: Storage and wine vessels Pottery Remains have been found throughout the Mediterranean Greeks traded and founded colonies. Wine and olive oil were main exports. Designs give us insight into the Greek culture and lifestyle

  12. Island of Crete • Comfortable climate and fertile soil • Isolation spared it from constant warfare • Hot and dry • Rocky soil • Seafaring culture • Art was used for decoration • Bull jumping • Society based on warfare • Art was about warfare and hunting • Homer • Multi-room Buildings (Palace at Knossos) • Plumbing systems • Thalos tombs were large burial chambers • Fortress – palace on hilltops • Polytheistic • Primary gods were female • Mother earth Goddess • Polytheistic • Involved offerings and sacrifices • Monarchy • Priests dominated the government • Wanax ruled • Women participated in sports • Social equality due to wealth of civilization • Kings accumulated vast wealth • Grew grapes and olives • Fishing • Traded raw goods (oil and skins) for jewelry • Trade • Export wine, olive oil and jewelry • No walls • Built first major navy in the world • Cities were fortresses surrounded by thick walls

  13. Sparta Athens Well-rounded: “A strong mind in a strong body”. Children were educated at an early age Democracy: Council of 500, Assembly of tribes. Voting by lot. Ostracism of dangerous citizens Upper and lower classes Women had few rights; were expected to organize and run the household Greatest navy in Greece Militaristic: Lifestyle based on warfare and preparation for war Monarchical, democratic oligarchy: 2 kings, Council of Elders, Ephors, Assembly 3 social classes: Equals, Perieoci, Helots Women had rights; were educated and played an important role – “With it or on it” Greatest army in Greece

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