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Self Assessment for Educational and Training Organisations. Quality and the Organisation. There is an increasing market driven demand for commercial training providers as well as public institutions of education to show a certified quality standard.
Quality and the Organisation • There is an increasing market driven demand for commercial training providers as well as public institutions of education to show a certified quality standard. • In this context, the widely used ISO 9000 standard can only be seen as a minimum requirement. • To move beyond ISO and towards Excellence, many organisations only need small hints for the next improvement steps. • It is the challenge to offer guidance in small and easy to implement steps and in such a way, that organisations slowly but continuously move towards an internationally recognised “Level of Excellence” • TheEuropean Quality Assurance Reference Framework in Vocational Education and Training (EQARF in VET) is reflecting this and demands regular self-assessments as a starting point for improvements.
Beyond ISO: EFQM • The groundwork for a continuous improvements approach has been laid through the EFQM Excellence Model developed by the European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM). • To close the gap between ISO 9000 and the holistic approach of the Excellence Model it is not sufficient to just use different “scales“. • Instead, the organisation has to introduce some basic concepts to ensure the efficient use of the Excellence Model. • Using the EFQM approach is also consistent with the requirements for self-assessment. • EFQM-based self-assessment is consistent with demands of the European Quality Assurance Reference Framework in Vocational Education and Training (EQARF in VET)
How does EFQM help me? • By taking your organisation’s “temperature” It tells you: • where problems are located • how customers, employees and other stakeholders view your organisation • where you can find room for improvement • who you can learn from (benchmarking) • Business Excellence has a very strong ROI • Shareholder Value is higher in companies that regularly assess and improve using CAF / EFQM / MBNQA • It leads to faster growth and better operative results • Opens the door to Excellence Awards (This in itself can be very motivating for the organisation)
How does self-assessment help me? • Self-Assessment is a • holistic • regular • systematic • evaluation of the duties and results of the organisation. • The objective of self-assessment is • the examination of the organisation’s performance and • the continuous improvement of its activities.
How does self-assessment help me? Reasons • Investigate current status • Enable comparison • Identify strengths and weaknesses • Foster improvement activities in the organisation • Assessment based on facts • Basis for comparison with other organisations • Can be used in all areas of the organisation Advantages • Participation of management • Active involvement of core areas • Information of all employees • Avoiding that people might feel controlled • Creating a common understanding of quality Pre-requisites
Benefits of EFQM software support • If you are serious about EFQM you must regularly assess your situation! • The software “explains” the model as you go along. • Instead of reading a book on EFQM, the software leads you step-by-step through the process. • The EFQM based analysis of strengths and weaknesses will be • linked directly to continuous improvement and • in line with your corporate strategy. • The costs saved in a single assessment in terms of time and staff can already cover the costs of a software package.
Benefits of EFQM software support “Home-grown” solutions (e.g. using Excel) cost at least as much as GOA/SAETO but are far less powerful and time-saving. • A standardised Software: • has automatic updates, • offers upgrades with new, additional features, • evolves just as the EFQM Model evolves, • offers automated distribution of questionnaires, • allows anonymous analysis of survey data, • offers expansion towards related models • etc…
Benefits of an inquiry software support • EFQM calls for systematically obtained data • Web-based inquiries can be carried out anonymously • Particularly important for satisfaction inquiries (students, personnel, teams, 360°management feedback, ...) • Regularly conducted inquiries allow fast reaction to felt, “smaller”problems and thereby strongly improve motivation • Satisfaction surveys can be used as valuable input for the continuous improvement process
Benefits of an inquiry software support • Electronic surveys are fast to implement and low cost to conduct. • Analysis of returned data is an integrated part of the tool and the results can be automatically printed into reports. • The GOA knowledge bases deliver the structure and contents for implementing organisation specific surveys. • The GOA/SAETO knowledge bases offer a catalogue of assessment and survey questions that have been thoroughly field tested and validated. • Those questions provide a basis and can be adapted to your organisation’s specific needs.
Planning(purpose and plan) Methodology Review(Feedback and procedures for change) Implementation Assessmentandevaluation The added benefit of the SAETO solution • Copenhagen Process: self-assessment will become the cornerstone of continuous improvement in education and training in Europe. • TheEuropean Quality Assurance Reference Framework in Vocational Education and Training (EQARF) requires continuous improvement and provides a homogeneous framework of quality assessment across all existing quality systems and levels ofeducation • SAETOmeets all requirements of EQARF in VET.
The added benefit of the SAETO solution • Software and tutorials are a European solution with a multinational validation. • The product is based on EFQM & ISO and licensed by EFQM. • There exist extensive survey catalogues for stakeholder analysis. • All questionnaires are adapted in language and contents to the educational and training sector. • A modular structure allows for short or in-depth surveys. • The solutions is adaptable to specific and individual needs. • SAETO offers a direct follow-up on improvement suggestions by using GOA Balanced Q-Card. • Integration of methodology, training modules and software. • Implementations are support by an international partner network.
Compatibility • The SAETO solution is compatible with ETO specific quality systems, such as: • CQAF: (European) Common Quality Assessment Framework • ANECA: Spanish National Agency for Quality Assurance and Accreditation • eduQua: Swiss quality certificate for ETOS • Gütesiegelverbund Weiterbildung: Quality Label Association for Continuing VET, Germany • LQW: Learner-oriented Quality in Continuing VET, Germany • YODEK:Academic Evaluation and Quality Development Commission, Turkey.
What is special about the SAETO software solution? • All assessment and survey catalogues have been adapted in content and language to the educational and training sector. • The assessment solution is scalable to the organisations size and requirements and the advanced modules cover both EQARF/EFQM and ISO 9001 . • The survey questionnaires are built both on the requirements collected by a stakeholder analysis and the expert knowledge on what kind of questionnaires are mostly used when evaluating ETOs. • The modular structure of the catalogue of questions allows to fit each survey exactly to the demand in size, depth and complexity.
Benefit of GOA/SAETO WorkBench • Conforms to the EFQM model and is always up to date. • Supports methodology and provides a well structured implementation. • Offers self-assessment as well as a number of surveys for collecting the needed raw data. • Minimises the training needs to implement EFQM. • Adaptable to the individual requirements of your organisation. • Offers multilingual assessment and survey catalogues. • Fast and efficient reporting integrated. • Follow-up on improvement suggestions and CIP implementation planning with the Balanced Q-Card.
GOA Basic Assessment for Education The GOA Basic/Easy Assessment modules provide sector specific, simplified translations of the EFQM Model. The translations minimise the size and complexity of the assessment catalogues, to allow for a fast and easy first implementation of the Excellence concepts. The reductions have been done so well, that after a short introduction period, a full self-assessment can be done in less than a day. The following short introduction will explain this approach, usingthe example of the GOA Basic Assessment Education module. This modulewas developed as part of the European funded Leonardo da Vinci Project SAETO as an adaptation to the educational and training sector.
Entering a project When starting the program, the user is greeted by the screen below. After clicking the button „New“ you get an invitation to implement a new project. Click here
Entering a project In this new project, you will find an overview of the 9 criteria according to EFQM with contents already „translated“ into easy to understand questions. If you call up an existing project instead, the window shows an overview of the scoring, as a total and a per chapter score.
Starting the assessment When you click on a criterion folder, you see the list of correspondingassessment questions in the right part of the window. Click here
Starting the assessment When you click on a single question, an additional window will open up, and the economic context of that specific question is explained. This window can be shown or deactivated via the menu View Click here
Answering single questions You have to assess the degree of fulfilment and the urgency of improvement for each question. There is also the possibility to suggest improvement actions and take additional notes. Give your scores by pushing the triangle to the desired score. This button opens a Notepad.
Answering single questions For better reading, active questions are shown again in the blue field below the selection window. By clicking on the scoring pointer it becomes active and orange. Click and drag
Assessment Notes&Improvement Suggestions By clicking on Assessment Notes or Improvement Suggestions you open a window where you can write down your information. You can enter several comments to allow an individual follow up on each of them in the subsequent processes. Click here
Suggest improvements Enter „new“ for separate notes for individual follow up.
Suggest improvements Enter „new“ for separate notes for individual follow up. Delete comments with the waste paper basket button.
Suggest improvements Enter „new“ for separate notes for individual follow up. Delete comments with the waste paper basket button. Browse your entries with the scroll bar.
Answering Questions By the colour of a question or chapter you can see if it has already been answered or not: BLUE = still unanswered BLACK = already answered Answered Unanswered
Reporting The reporting function is called upon by clicking on „Report“. The drop-down menu allows you to select the type of report you want. Click here
Reporting The following reports are available: • Excellence Report generates a word file with your scoring and the needs for improvement as well as your assessment notes. • Areas for Improvement generates a word file with improvement ideas you have collected during the assessment on each question. • All Data exports collected data into a separate format, that can be imported into spread sheets like MS Excel for a more detailed statistical analysis.
Easy Assessment Team Besides the free Basic Assessment, an advanced commercial version called Easy Assessment exists, which offers a number of additional functions. • The most important are: • The Team-Assessment allows you to distribute single questions, chapters or even complete assessments electronically andto collect answers from your colleagues of a team of experts. • The assessments can be conducted multilingually, questions can be enumerated as well as the question text can be adapted. • ISO Reference Documents contain all the information you collected during the assessment that could be relevant to your ISO manual. The function generates a folder ...\ISO with word files for each ISO chapter. The rules as to which assessment question feeds into which ISO chapter have been developed by the SAETO project and are hard coded into GOA. • The improvement suggestions collected during the assessment can be processed in the GOA Balanced Q-Card starting from the priorisation of ideas and ending in a detailed implementation planning and controlling of complete improvement projects.
Roots of GOA Easy Asessment GOA Basic & Easy Assessment both started as the electronic adaptationof the „Fit for Excellence“ concept developed by Dr.Fritz Ospelt of the TRIGONUM AG in Liechtenstein. GOA Easy Assessment exists today for different management methods (Business Excellence, Project Excellence, Basel II, etc.), as well as for different branches (SME, educational sector, public administration,..).
GOA/SAETO Tools – an Overview GOA/SAETO offers numerous, scalable software modules for assessments and surveys that are required for the implementation of the Excellence Model.
Self-Assessment Modules GOA offers a number of software modules for self-assessment based standards, such as CAF (Common Assessment Framework), EFQM Excellence, ISO 9004 or Project Excellence. These solutions are scalable (from beginner up to professional assessor teams) and offer also sector specific adaptations (industrial users, SMEs, ETOs,...)
Inquiry and Survey Modules • GOA Survey & reporting facilitates the design and implementation of all kinds of surveys. • The generic solution can be extended by a number of knowledge bases, that contain multilingual, task specific question catalogues and processing rules. • Examples are: • Assessment of Innovation Management • Company Objectives & Goals Definition • Customer Satisfaction Inquiries • People Satisfaction Inquiries • Team-Effectiveness Surveys • These „standard“ surveys can be enhanced by surveys using the 360° Feedback Methodology, which can be used e.g. for measuring the efficiency of leadership.
GOA Survey Modules supporting the Excellence Model Team Effectiveness LOP Inventory Objectives InnoMan Kultur People Inquiry Organisational Climate Customer Inquiry KVP WorkBench Project Excellence InnoMan Process & Project Objectives 360° Management Feedback Supplier Audits (Inq. Prof) Basell II Inquiry Prof.
CIP Support • Balanced Q-Card (BQC) supports the follow-up on improvement suggestions, from the prioritisation of the ideas, upto the planning and monitoring of improvement projects. • BQC supports: • Filtering and selection of ideas from previous assessments and surveys • Prioritisation of improvement actions, optionally by all employees • Definition of improvement projects • Planning and management of improvement projects • Monitoring of all active improvement projects • BQC is available as: • stand-alone solution • Team solution with web support
Benefits of GOA/SAETO • Complete solution for self-assessment, satisfaction surveys and selection, planning and management of improvement projects. • Modular and scalable according to the requirements of your organisation. • Minimises the training effort for EFQM, conforms to the model and is always up to date. • GOA/SAETO empowers you to conduct self-assessments with little effort in order to fulfil the requirements of the EuropeanQualityAssuranceReferenceFrameworkinVocationalEducationandTraining (EQARF in VET).
Fachinformation und Bibliothek GOA/SAETO Pilot Users (Excerpt) Additional Information:www.ti-saeto.com
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