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SPI - ACS EM Scientific Measurements. August 19 - September 4, 1998 at DSS (Friedrichshafen) A. v. Kienlin, R. Georgii, C. Wunderer. Overview. ACS EM configuration for scientific measurements Results Linearity and Calibration of Energy and Event Thresholds Single Photoelectron Spectrum
SPI - ACS EM Scientific Measurements August 19 - September 4, 1998 at DSS (Friedrichshafen) A. v. Kienlin, R. Georgii, C. Wunderer SPI-Team Meeting, Paris, 7.-9.10.98
Overview • ACS EM configuration for scientific measurements • Results • Linearity and Calibration of Energy and Event Thresholds • Single Photoelectron Spectrum • Gamma-ray Line Spectra • Processing Times and Jitter • Overrange Signals, overall ACS rate monitor (“burst mode”) • Problems encountered • SPI Documents: SPI-MPE-PL-12-22 (Plan) SPI-MPE-RP-12-26 (Report, in preparation) SPI-Team Meeting, Paris, 7.-9.10.98
ACS EM SPI-Team Meeting, Paris, 7.-9.10.98
U Q ACS EM Configuration for scientific measurements (I) • 1 BGO detector module • 2 PMTs • 1 BGO crystal, consisting of 2 crystal blocks glued together, total dimensions 1.6 5 8 cm3 • 1 LED dummy • 2 PMTs • 3 LEDs for generation of single photoelectrons (SPE), lower energy and overrange events • 1 RC circuit (“charge box”) for precise charge injection to CSA input of FEE C R SPI-Team Meeting, Paris, 7.-9.10.98
LED-Dummy SPI-Team Meeting, Paris, 7.-9.10.98
BGO Crystal Detector Module SPI-Team Meeting, Paris, 7.-9.10.98
ACS EM Configuration for scientific measurements (II) • 1 FEE with CSA output connector (“reference FEE”)(not officially part of ACS EM) • FEE Unit Tester (FEE-UT) • 2 FEEs • EMC representative ACS EM with VCU • VCU Unit Tester (VCU-UT) • all 3 FEEs: design status MARCH 1998 SPI-Team Meeting, Paris, 7.-9.10.98
FEE-Unit Tester with FEE and LED-Dummy SPI-Team Meeting, Paris, 7.-9.10.98
VCU - Unit Tester SPI-Team Meeting, Paris, 7.-9.10.98
Linearity of Event-Trigger Thresholds SPI-Team Meeting, Paris, 7.-9.10.98
Linearity of Energy Thresholds SPI-Team Meeting, Paris, 7.-9.10.98
Generation of Differential Spectra • Measure number of counts per 5 sec for each energy or event-trigger threshold setting • This „Stepping Method“ yields integral energy spectra (counts above threshold) • Differentiate to obtain energy spectra (counts per channel) SPI-Team Meeting, Paris, 7.-9.10.98
Single Photoelectron (SPE) Spectrumusing LED Dummy PMT : HV nominal (1129 V) HV low (1088 V) HV high (1170 V) SPI-Team Meeting, Paris, 7.-9.10.98
Single Photoelectron Measurements • Using • FEE event-trigger threshold calibration (knowledge of charge at CSA input corresponding to an event-trigger level) • knowledge of PMT gains at different HVs • observed peaks correspond to 1.7 x 10-19 ( 0.3 x 10-19) Cb generated at photocathode • SPE spectrum from LED with a different FEE corresponds to 2.0x10-19 ( 0.3 x10-19) Cb • results consistent with expected values (single photoelectrons!)!! So far SPEs measured only using LED Dummy !! SPI-Team Meeting, Paris, 7.-9.10.98
Ab hier „Reservefolien“ SPI-Team Meeting, Paris, 7.-9.10.98
Detail ACS EMLED-Dummy and „Crystal Dummy“ SPI-Team Meeting, Paris, 7.-9.10.98
LED - SPE Spectrum measured automatically using VCU-UT program SPI-Team Meeting, Paris, 7.-9.10.98