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1.A Lions meeting is convened when: a.) The President, or acting chair, rings the bell, or calls the meeting to order. b.) The Tail Twister arrives. c.) The scheduled time is at hand. d.) All the above.2. The customary way to address a Lion except during debate on a motion is: a.) Lion followed by their name. b.) Lion followed by their current Lions title in Club, District, State. I.E. Lion Secretary, Lion Treasurer. c.) Title, if Lionistic in nature plus name. I.E., King Lion.., PDG.., PIP.. d.) All the above. 1a,2d
3. The Tail Twister’s primary job is to: a.) Collect fines and raise money for the club. b.) Serve as the Lions meeting’s official greeter. c.) Help Lions members forget their outside cares for the duration of the meeting. d.) All the above.4. Which of the following is NOT one of the minimum officers required to hold a Lion’s deliberative meeting? a.) Presiding officer (Chair when at podium.) b.) A Secretary/Clerk to take minutes. c.) A Tail Twister to maintain order. d.) All the above are minimum officers required to hold a deliberative meeting. 3b,4c
5.A Quorum of members at a Lions meeting is; a.) Usually a provision of governing rules and regulations. b.) Or a majority of members where total membership is known. c.) Or a majority of delegates registered at a Convention meeting. d.) All of the above at some Lions meetings may be considered a quorum.6. Which of the following is NOT a custom that should be observed by a Lion member during the business portion of a Lion’s meeting? a.) Members address the chair as Mr. / Madam President or by Official Title, or if temporary position Mr. /Madam Chair or Chairperson. b.) Members address ONLY the Chair or each other through the Chair. c.) Always use members name when addressing each other.d.) Never speak while seated or without obtaining the floor. 5d,6c
7. Which of these customs should be observed by the presiding officer at a Lions meeting? a.) Speaks of themselves using their current acting position; (IE. The Chair recognizes...) b.) When the presiding officer is making an administrative report to members they speak of themselves using their title associated with the report they are giving, not as the Chair of the session; (IE.As the Multiple GMT person I...) c.) In assigning the floor or naming the members to a committee the Chair may use a member’s name. d.) All the above are acceptable customs. 7d
8. Normally to obtain the floor – (be recognized by the Chair) a member should rise in place or go to a mike in a large meeting, when no one else has the floor. Which of the following is NOT true about the member’s preference to speak when a motion is open to debate? a.) First person to follow the above procedure when floor has been yielded is always recognized first. b.) If member who made the motion claims the floor and has not already spoken on the question, he is entitled to be recognized in preference to other members. c.) No one is entitled to the floor a second time in debate on the same motion on the same day as long as any other member who has not spoken on this motion desires the floor. d.) As much as possible the chair should let the floor alternate between a member favoring and opposing the question being debated. 8a
9. Which of the following phrases is NOT the correct way for a member who has been duly recognized and wishes to present a main motion to the assembly? a.) ‘I move that...’ b.) ‘I offer that...’ c.) ‘I make the following motion...’ d.) ‘I move the adoption of the following resolution...’ 10. Which of the following is FALSE about the seconding of a motion? a.) A member must hold the floor to second a motion, but in small assemblies can second without rising. b.) A member should always state their name and say “Mr. President/Chair I second the motion”. c.) If no second the chair says, “Since there is no second, the motion is not before this meeting”. d.) A motion made by direction of the board or duly appointed committee of the assembly requires NO second from the floor. e) A point of order raised, as to no second after debate is begun, is irrelevant to the validity of the adopted motion. 9c,10a
11. Before any subject is open to debate it is generally necessary: a.) That a motion be made by a member who has the floor. ‘I move that...’ b.) That motion should then be seconded. ‘Mr. Chair I second the motion’ c.) That motion must then be stated by the presiding officer. ‘It is moved and seconded that...’ d.) All the above12. A(n) __________ is a motion whose introduction brings a substantive question as a new subject before the assembly. a.) Incidental Main motion. b.) Original Main motion. c.) Privileged motion. d.) Subsidiary motion 11d,12b
13. An Original main question or motion; a.) Can be made when any other motion is before the assembly. b.) Takes precedence over every other motion c.) Yields to all Privileged, Incidental and Subsidiary motions. d.) All the above.An Incidental Main Motion; proposes an action specifically defined by a parliamentary term, and it does not mark the beginning of a particular involvement of the assembly in a substantive matter. 14. Which of the following are subjects that could be considered as an Incidental Main Motion? a.) A motion to Adoptrecommendations which a committee has prepared upon instructions. b.) A motion to Ratify action taken at a meeting when no quorum was present. c.) A motion to take a Recess made when no business is pending. d.) A motion to place a Limiton speeches throughout a meeting. e.) All the above. 13c,14d
15. An Objection to the Consideration of any Main Motion must be raised before the Main motion is debated. The purpose of this Objection is to enable the assembly to avoid altogether any question it may deem irrelevant, unprofitable or contentious. Which of the following is FALSE about the Objection? a.) The Objection cannot be debated. b.) The Objection must be seconded. c.) The Objection cannot be amended. d.) The Objection requires a two-thirds vote to pass. 15b
Subsidiary Motions as a Class are always distinguished by the following characteristics: 1. They are always applied to another motion while it is pending, and always changes its status in some way- without adopting or expressly rejecting it. 2. They can be applied to any main motion. 3. They fit into an order of precedence. 4. They are out of order when another member has the floor. 5. They are in order during the entire time that a motion to which they can be applied is pending, except as may be precluded by a previously adopted motion to Limit Debate or for the Previous Question which is in effect. Use the following list of Subsidiary motions to answer Questions 16. – 22 below. a.) Previous Question [P16] b.) Amend [P12]. c.) Lay on the Table [P17].d.) Postpone Indefinitely [P11]. e.) Postpone Definitely [P14].f.) Commit or Refer [P13]. g.) Limit or extend limits of debate [P15].
16. If an embarrassing main motion has been brought before the assembly, a member can propose to dispose of this question without bringing it to a direct vote, by moving to ______________. 17. If a main motion might be more suitable or acceptable in an altered form, a proposal to change its wording [either to clarify or, within limits, to modify the meaning] before the main motion is voted on can be introduced by moving to _____________. 18. If more time and information is needed then assembly may wish to turn the motion or resolution over to a committee for further study. Such action can be proposed by moving to ________. 19. If the assembly might prefer to consider the main motion later in the same meeting or at another meeting, this can be proposed by moving to _________. Use the following list of Subsidiary motions to answer Questions 16. – 22. a.) Previous Question [P16] b.) Amend [P12]. c.) Lay on the Table [P17].d.) Postpone Indefinitely [P11]. e.) Postpone Definitely [P14].f.) Commit or Refer [P13]. g.) Limit or extend limits of debate [P15]. 16d,17b.18f,19e
If it is desired to continue consideration on a motion but debate is consuming too much time, then a member may make a motion to ____________. If it is desired to close debate and amendment of a pending motion so that it will come to an immediate vote, this can be proposed by moving the _________. If there is a reason for the assembly to lay the main motion aside temporarily without setting a time for resuming its consideration, but with a provision that it can be taken up again whenever a majority so decides, this can be proposed by the motion to__________. Use the following list of Subsidiary motions to answer Questions 16. – 22. a.) Previous Question [P16]. b.) Amend [P12]. c.) Lay on the Table [P17].d.) Postpone Indefinitely [P11]. e.) Postpone Definitely [P14].f.) Commit or Refer [P13]. g.) Limit or extend limits of debate [P15] 20g,21a,22c
As a Class Incidental motions deal with questions of procedure arising out of: Commonly, another pending motion; but also sometimes, another motion or item of business - that it is desired to introduce, that has been made but has not yet been stated by the chair, or that has just been pending. Use the following list of Incidental motions to answer questions 23. – 32 below.a.) Request to Be Excused from a Duty [P32]. b.) Motions Relating to Nominations]P31].c.) Motions Relating to Methods of Voting and Polls [P30]. d.) Division of the Assembly ]P29].e.) Consideration by Paragraph or Seriatim [P28]. f.) Division of a Question [P27].g.) Objection to the Consideration of the Question [P26]. h.) Suspend the Rules [P25].i.) Appeal [P24]. j.) Point of Order [P23].
23. Although the presiding officer has the responsibility for enforcing the rules, any member who believes he has noticed a case where the chair is failing to do so can, at the time the breech occurs, call attention to it by making _____________ ; the effect is to require the chair to make a ruling on the question involved. 24. Although the duty of ruling on all questions of parliamentary procedure affecting the assembly ‘s proceedings rest with the chair, any two members, by moving and seconding an ________ immediately after the chair has made such a ruling, can require him to submit the matter to a vote of the assembly. 25. When it is desired that an assembly take up a question or do something that would be in violation of a rule that applies, it can be proposed in some cases to _______________ to permit accomplishment of the desired purpose. Use the following list of Incidental motions to answer questions 23. – 32 below.a.) Request to Be Excused from a Duty [P32]. b.) Motions Relating to Nominations]P31].c.) Motions Relating to Methods of Voting and Polls [P30]. d.) Division of the Assembly ]P29].e.) Consideration by Paragraph or Seriatim [P28]. f.) Division of a Question [P27].g.) Objection to the Consideration of the Question [P26]. h.) Suspend the Rules [P25].i.) Appeal [P24]. j.) Point of Order [P23]. 23j,24i,25h
If an original main motion has been made and a member believes that it would do harm for the motion even to be discussed in the meeting, he can raise an _____________________, provided he does so before debate has begun or any subsidiary motion (other than a Motion to Lay on the Table) has been stated; the assembly then votes on whether the main motion shall be considered (and if there is a 2/3 vote against consideration, the motion is dropped). 27. If a pending main motion (or a pending amendment) contains two or more parts capable of standing as separate questions, the assembly can vote to treat each part accordingly in succession; such a course is proposed by the motion for _____________. Use the following list of Incidental motions to answer questions 23. – 32.a.) Request to Be Excused from a Duty [P32]. b.) Motions Relating to Nominations]P31].c.) Motions Relating to Methods of Voting and Polls [P30]. d.) Division of the Assembly ]P29].e.) Consideration by Paragraph or Seriatim [P28]. f.) Division of a Question [P27].g.) Objection to the Consideration of the Question [P26]. h.) Suspend the Rules [P25].i.) Appeal [P24]. j.) Point of Order [P23]. 26g,27f
28. If the main motion is in the form of a resolution or document containing several paragraphs or sections which (although not separate questions) could be most efficiently by opening each paragraph or section to amendment one at a time (before the whole is finally voted on), such a procedure can be proposed by the motion for ______________________. 29. If a member doubts the accuracy of the chair’s announcement of a voice vote (or even a vote by show of hands – or doubts that a representative number of persons voted – he can demand a _________; a single member thus has the power to require a standing vote, but not to order a count, which only the chair or the assembly can do. Use the following list of Incidental motions to answer questions 23. – 32 below.a.) Request to Be Excused from a Duty [P32]. b.) Motions Relating to Nominations]P31].c.) Motions Relating to Methods of Voting and Polls [P30]. d.) Division of the Assembly ]P29].e.) Consideration by Paragraph or Seriatim [P28]. f.) Division of a Question [P27].g.) Objection to the Consideration of the Question [P26]. h.) Suspend the Rules [P25].i.) Appeal [P24]. j.) Point of Order [P23]. 28e,29d
30. A member can move that a vote be taken; (a) by ballot, (b) by roll call, (c) by a counted standing vote, especially if a division of the assembly has appeared inconclusive and the chair neglects to order a count. This grouping also includes a motion (d) that the polls be closed or reopened in a ballot vote. All these motions are grouped under the heading ______________________________. 31. If the bylaws or rules of the organization do not prescribe how nominations are to be made, and if the assembly has taken no action to do so prior to an election , any member can move while the election is pending (a) to specify one of various methods by which the candidates shall be nominated; or if the need arises, (b) to close nominations, or (c) to reopen them; these are the _________________________. 32. A member may _________________________ if he wishes to be relieved from an obligation imposed upon him by the bylaws or by virtue of some position or office he holds. Use the following list of Incidental motions to answer questions 23. – 32 below.a.) Request to Be Excused from a Duty [P32]. b.) Motions Relating to Nominations]P31].c.) Motions Relating to Methods of Voting and Polls [P30]. d.) Division of the Assembly ]P29].e.) Consideration by Paragraph or Seriatim [P28]. f.) Division of a Question [P27].g.) Objection to the Consideration of the Question [P26]. h.) Suspend the Rules [P25].i.) Appeal [P24]. j.) Point of Order [P23]. 30c,31b,32a
33. Which of the following is NOT a type of Request and Inquiry that a member can make in connection with business that someone desires to introduce, or which is pending or has just been pending? a.) Parliamentary Inquiry – A request for the chair’s opinion on a matter of parliamentary procedure as it relates to the business at hand; not involving a ruling by the chair. Request responded to by chair, or by a member at the direction of the chair. b.) Request for Information (Point of Information) – An inquiry as to facts affecting the business at hand; directed to the chair or, through the chair to a member. Request responded to by chair, or by a member at the direction of the chair. c.) Request for Permission (Leave) to Withdraw or Modify a Motion – After it has been stated by the chair. This can only be granted by the assembly. d.) Request to Read Papers. This can only be granted by the assembly. e.) Request for any other Privilege. This can only be granted by the assembly. f.) All the above are Types of Requests and Inquiries. Use the following list of Incidental motions to answer questions 23. – 32 below.a.) Request to Be Excused from a Duty [P32]. b.) Motions Relating to Nominations]P31].c.) Motions Relating to Methods of Voting and Polls [P30]. d.) Division of the Assembly ]P29].e.) Consideration by Paragraph or Seriatim [P28]. f.) Division of a Question [P27].g.) Objection to the Consideration of the Question [P26]. h.) Suspend the Rules [P25].i.) Appeal [P24]. j.) Point of Order [P23]. 33f
37. A member can propose to close the meeting entirely by moving to _________. This motion can be made and the assembly can adjourn even while business is pending, provided that the time for the next meeting is established by rule of the society or has been set by the assembly. Unfinished pending business either falls to the ground or is carried forward to the next meeting, depending on the circumstances [pp 236-7]. 38. Under certain conditions while business is pending, the assembly- before adjourning or postponing the pending business- may wish to fix a date and hour, and sometimes the place for another meeting. In cases of this kind, the motion to ____________ can be made- even while a matter is pending- unless another meeting is already scheduled for later in this session. Characteristics of Privileged Motions as a Class; 1) They have to do with special matters of immediate and overriding importance which, without a debate, should be allowed to interrupt the consideration of anything else.2) They fit into an order of precedence.Use the following list of Privileged motions to answer Questions 34. – 38 below:a.) Recess. [P20] b.) Adjourn [P21 c.) Call for the Orders of the Day. [P18]d.) Fix the Time to which to Adjourn [P22] d.) Raise a Question of Privilege [P19] 37b,38d
39. Questions of Privilege are questions relating to the rights and privileges of the assembly, or any of its members. Which of the following statements about Questions of Privilege is FALSE? a.) If the question requires immediate action it can interrupt a member’s speech. b.) The assembly must take final action on the question when it is raised. c.) The question may be referred to a committee. d.) The question may be laid on the table. e.) The question can have a motion applied to it. 40. A Motion to Adjourn is: a.) Not debatable. b.) Cannot be amended. c.) The Vote cannot be Reconsidered d.) All the above 39b,40d,
41. The effect of a PASSED Motion to Adjourn, unqualified as to time is to: a.) Make the next meeting after an adjourned meeting legally the continuation of the adjourned meeting during this term of the assembly. b.) Move the interrupted business to first in order after reading of the minutes at the next meeting (Unfinished business) c.) Cause the unfinished business to fall to the ground if there is not another meeting during this term of the assembly. d.) All the above. 42. When by written agenda, one or more subjects have been assigned to a particular day or hour; they become the orders of the Day/Hour. They cannot be considered before that time, except by a two-thirds vote of the assembly, but if not taken up on the day specified, the Order falls to the ground. Which of the following is FALSE about a motion for The Orders of the Day/Hour? a.) They can be General or Special Orders. b.) The Order is debatable. c.) The Order is not amendable. d.) The Order is in order even when another member has the floor. 41d,42b,
43. Which of the following is FALSE about a Motion to Lay on the Table (Table) a question/motion under consideration? a.) It is a not amendable. b.) It is not debatable. c.) If the Motion to Lay on the Table passes, it ALWAYS delays action on the tabled motion to some future meeting. d.) Requires a simple majority vote to pass. 44. A Call for the Previous Question is equivalent in effect to moving [that debate now cease and the assembly proceed to vote on the pending question under discussion]. Which of the following is FALSE about The Call for the Previous Question itself? a.) It requires a simple majority to pass. b.) It is NOT amendable. c.) It is NOT debatable. d.) All of the above are TRUE. 43c,44a,
45. An Amendment to a motion may be to: a.) Add or strike out words or paragraphs. b.) Strike out certain words and insert others. c.) Substitute a different motion on the same subject. d.) Dividing the question into two or more questions. e.) All the above. 46. A Question of Order takes precedence over the question giving rise to it, and must be decided by the presiding officer without debate. If a member objects to the decision, he Appeals the decision of the chair. This Appeal is NOT debatable: a.) When related to indecorum. b.) When related to transgressions of the rules of speaking. c.) When related to the priority of business d.) When made while the Previous Question is pending. e.) All the above 45e,46e,
47. Which of the following about the Appeal of a decision of the chair is FALSE: a.) The Appeal is not amendable b.) Can have unlimited debate from each member. c.) The appeal is in order even when another member has the floor. d.) All the above are TRUE. 48. Which of the following is not a valid committee? a.) Standing committee appointed for some definite time. b.) Select committee appointed for some specific purpose. c.) Committee of the whole consisting of the entire assembly. d.) All the above are valid committees 47b,48d,
49. Which of the following is the best way for the assembly to receive a report from a committee? a.) If a report contains merely a statement of opinion or facts, the best form of the motion is to [accept] the report. b.) If the report concludes with resolutions then the best form of the motion is to [to agree to the resolutions] c.) If the report concludes with orders then the best form of the motion is [to adopt the orders]. d.) All the above are acceptable. 50. Which of the following is FALSE about the conduct of debate during an assembly? a.) Any member must attain recognition from the chair before he can debate a motion. [For purposes of debate the chair recognizes..] b.) Any recognized member can speak on the subject, but the member bringing the motion is allowed the courtesy to speak first. c.) The maker of a motion cannot speak against his motion. d.) A member may speak more than once on the subject provided all other members have been given the opportunity to speak. e.) The Chair can cease debate at any time he chooses by wrapping the gavel. 49d,50c,
51. Which of the following motions requires a simple majority vote of the assembly? a.) To make a Special Order which suspends all the rules that interferes with the consideration of the question at the specified time. b.) To take up a Question out of Its Proper Order is a change in the order of business. c.) An Objection to The Consideration of a Question if sustained suspends or conflicts with the right of a member to introduce a measure to the assembly. d.) To Extend the Limits of Debate, is to suspend a rule or an order of the assembly. e.) The Previous Question, which suspends the fundamental principle of deliberative bodies. f.) None of the above. All require a two-thirds vote for their adoption for reasons stated. 51f
52. When a question has been once adopted, rejected, or suppressed it cannot be again considered during that session except by a Motion to Reconsider the vote on that question. Which of the following is FALSE about the Motion to Reconsider? a.) The motion to reconsider can be made by any member present. b.) The motion to reconsider must be made on the day the vote was originally taken. c.) The motion to reconsider takes precedence over every motion, except to adjourn and to fix the time to which the assembly shall adjourn. d.) All the above are TRUE. 53. A Motion to Reconsider a debatable or non debatable question: a.) Can be moved and entered on the record when another has the floor, b.) Cannot interrupt a question before the assembly, c.) Must be made on the day, or the day after, the original vote was taken. d.) All the above. 52a,53d
54. Which of the following is FALSE about A Motion to Reconsider? a.) If debatable opens the main question to further debate. b.) Can be amended. c.) Cannot itself be reconsidered d.) May not be debatable depending on the main question e.) All the above are TRUE. 55. Which of the following motions CAN NOT interrupt a speaker? a.) Appeal from the decision of the chair. b.) A Call for orders of the day. c.) A Point of order d.) A Question of Privilege or Quorum 54b,55a
56. Which of the following motions require a second? a.) Call for the division of the assembly (recount of vote). b.) To adjourn. c.) Nominations. d.) Point of Order 57. The Chair may NOT vote on which of the following? a.) When the vote is by written vote. b.) To untie a simple majority vote. c.) Always if the vote is by show of hands. d.) With the minority to produce a tie vote. 58. Which of the following is FALSE about a Motion to Suspend the Rules? a.) It is debatable. b.) It is NOT amendable. c.) It Can NOT have a subsidiary Motion applied to it. d.) It requires a two thirds vote to suspend. 56b,57c,58a
59. A main motion requires a majority vote except: a.) When the By-Laws specify more than a majority vote. b.) When adoption would suspend a rule of order or parliamentary right of a member. c.) When adoption would have the effect of changing something already adopted. d.) All the above 60. Which of the following motion(s) CAN be Reconsidered? a.) Adjourn b.) Division of a Question c.) Discharge a Committee d.) Recess 61. Which of the following motion(s) CAN NOT have an affirmative Vote reconsidered although a negative Vote can be? a.) Amend Something Previously Adopted. b.) Postpone Indefinitely. c.) Lay on the Table. d.) Reopen Nominations 59d,60c,61b
62. Which of the following are considered improper motions? a.) Motions that conflict with the corporate charter, by-laws. b.) Motions that are in conflict procedural rules prescribed by national, state, or local laws. c.) Motions that present practically the same question as a motion previously decided at the same session. d.) All the above are improper motions. 63. Which of the following Motions can be Renewed at a later meeting of the same session? a.) Motion to Reconsider that has been rejected. b.) Suspend the Rules. c.) Fix the Time to Which to Adjourn. d.) All the above can be Renewed. 62d,63d
64. The motions to Rescind and to Amend Something Previously Adopted are not in order: a.) When it has previously been moved to reconsider the vote on the main motion, and the question can be reached by calling up the motion to Reconsider. b.) When something has been done, as a result of the vote on a main motion, which is impossible to undo. c.) When a resignation has been acted upon, or a person has been elected to or expelled from membership or office. d.) All the Above. 65. Filling blanks, although not a form of amendment in itself, is a closely related device by which an unlimited number of alternative choices for a particular specification in a main motion or primary amendment can be pending at the same time. Which of the following ways can a blank to be filled be created? a.) A member can offer a motion or an amendment containing a blank. b.) A member can move that a blank be created in a pending motion. c.) The chair can suggest the creation of a blank. d.) All the above. 64d,65d