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The Renaissance in the North

The Renaissance in the North. Early Northern Renaissance Artists.

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The Renaissance in the North

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  1. The Renaissance in the North

  2. Early Northern Renaissance Artists The most outstanding exponents of _________________________Flemish painting during the first half of the _____________century were _______________________________________________. About 1425-1428, _____________painted an altarpiece now known as ____________________________________________________

  3. Mèrode Altarpiece

  4. The _______________________________treatment of _____________in the central panel of the Mérode Altarpiece represents a major _________________________of ____________________________. The strongest ____________________________________________________________________________________(corresponding with the picture’s surface), as if __________________________were entering through the opened front of the room that allows the viewer to observe the scene.

  5. Tempera vs Oil Technique

  6. The altarpiece is an excellent example of the Flemish desire to _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. Rogier van der Weyden, Deposition, commissioned before 1443. 7' 2 5/8" x 8' 7 1/8”.

  7. Tapestries • The importance of ______________________in the ______________________century cannot be overemphasized. Major weaving centers arose in ________________________________________________________________, where Flemish and French artists produced outstanding tapestries that served both as sumptuous wall coverings and as a form of _____________________________. Indeed, the wealth of individuals can often be judged from ________________________________________________________________________________________ The Unicorn is Found, from the Hunt of the Unicorn tapestry series, c. 1498–1500. 12' 1" x 12' 5”.

  8. Hign Renaissance Painting in Germany: Dürer and Grünewald In the visual arts _________________________________ saw the spread ________________________________________ideas northward. Some major northern artists, like _________________________________, actually traveled to Italy. Dürer's art was strongly influenced by ______________________________________________________________________________, although he retained the strong interest _________________________________________. But not all his contemporaries showed the same interest in Italian styles. _______________________________________paintings do not show __________________________________________________; instead, they draw on _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

  9. Albrecht Dürer Albrecht Dürer, Self-Portrait, 1500. 26 1/4" x 19 1/4"

  10. Albrecht Dürer, Adam and Eve, 1504.9 7/8" x 7 5/8”

  11. Matthias Grünewald NikolausHagenauer and Matthias Grünewald, Isenheim Altarpiece (closed). Painting c. 1510–1515. center painted panels 9' 9" x 10' 9"; each wing 8' 2" x 3' 1⁄2"; predella 2' 5 1⁄2" x 11' 2"

  12. TilmanRiemenschneider, Altarpiece of the Holy Blood, 1499–1505.height of altar 29' 6”

  13. High Renaissance Painting in the Netherlands: Bosch and Bruegel The two leading Netherlandish artists of the century, ___________________________________________________________, were also influenced by ____________________________________. Their work has other characteristics in common__________________________________________________________________________________________________________. Bosch's paintings are complex and ________________________; Bruegel shows a broader range of interest in ____________________________________________________________________________________________.

  14. Hieronymus Bosch, The Seven Deadly Sins, c. 1480

  15. Hieronymus Bosch, Garden of Earthly Delights, c. 1500 central panel of the triptych left wing right wing

  16. Pieter Bruegel the Elder, Return of the Hunters, 1565.3' 10 1/2" x 5' 3 3/4"

  17. Pieter Bruegelthe Elder The Tower of Babel1563 The Triumph of Deathc. 1562

  18. The Cultural Consequences of the Reformation The political and cultural life of northern Europe was profoundly changed by the _______________________________. After centuries of domination by the __________________________, many northern countries gradually switched to one of the various forms of _______________________________, whose ideas and teachings were rapidly spread by the use of the ____________________________. The consequences of this division did much to shape modern Europe, while the success of the Reformation movement directly stimulated the Counter-Reformation of the seventeenth century. Portrait of Henry VIII1536 Hans Holbein the Younger Martin Luther at age 46 (Lucas Cranach the Elder, 1529)

  19. Printing and Literature The growth of ___________________both north and south of the Alps made possible by the easy availability of books produced a vast new reading public. Among the new literary forms to be introduced was that of ______________________________________________________________________. The revival of interest in _____________________________________produced a new and enthusiastic audience for plays; those written by Elizabethan dramatists like Christopher Marlowe combined high poetic and intellectual quality with popular appeal. The supreme achievement in English literature of the time-and perhaps of all time-can be found in the works of ____________________________________. Furthermore, in an age when the importance of ________________________was emphasized, many advances in science were made and important scientific publications appeared. Gutenberg printing press

  20. Renaissance artistic ideas, new Reformation religious teachings, and the developments in the Sciences Thus the combination of _____________________________________and __________________________________________roused northern Europe from its conservative traditions and stimulated a series of vital cultural developments. The 16th century was not merely a ____________________________________________________________________________. It was also a decisive age in the history of science. The new __________________________________________would test his or her hypotheses through practical tests to determine their validity. This procedure laid the foundation for _____________________________________

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