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Arms Proliferation 武器擴散. Arms questions include China’s arms sales, sales of arms to China and US proposal to build “national missile defense” (NMD) and “theatre missile defense” (TMD) systems 武器問題包括中國武器出售, 向中國出售武器及美國提議建立”國家導彈防禦系統”及”戰區導彈防禦系統”
Arms Proliferation武器擴散 • Arms questions include China’s arms sales, sales of arms to China and US proposal to build “national missile defense” (NMD) and “theatre missile defense” (TMD) systems 武器問題包括中國武器出售, 向中國出售武器及美國提議建立”國家導彈防禦系統”及”戰區導彈防禦系統” • US tries to control actions of smaller countries by restricting flow of arms to them from sources outside US control 美國透過限制來源不是由美國控制的武器的流向, 來嘗試控制小國的行為
US has 40% of arms market. Sells arms to anti-democratic regimes. China's share of arms market 3% 美國佔據40%的武器市場. 出售武器給反民主的政權. 中國在武器市場的份額佔3% • In 1980s, China mostly sold arms to Iran & Iraq 80年代, 中國多出售武器給伊朗和伊拉克 • Silkworm missile became famous Chinese product 蠶式導彈是出名的中國產品
From 1988 on, Foreign Ministry's 3 arms sales principles have been: 1. strengthen legitimate self-defense capabilities of buyers 2. promote peace, security and stability in region of buyers 3. don't use sales to interfere in internal affairs of buyers. • 1988年及以後, 外交部的三項武器出售原則: 1. 增強購買者的合法防衛能力 2. 促進購買者區域內的和平, 安全和穩定 3. 不利用出售來干涉購買者的內部事務
Main reason for PRC arms sales is money 中國出售武器的主要原因是金錢 • China has bill-to-order sales; excess military items sold for cash up front. 中國有訂貨出售; 過多的軍備現金交易 • Arms export companies controlled by PLA 出口武器的公司由解放軍控制
Companies negotiate without interference from the Foreign Ministry; run by "princelings" 公司的協商未受到外交部的影響; 由”太子黨” 操控 • Poly Technologies had big sale of CCS-2 missiles to Saudis Poly Technologies 向沙特出售大量的CCS-2式導彈 • Intermediate-range missile, but inaccurate; works best with nuclear warhead 中程導彈, 但不精確; 以核彈頭為最好的產品
Sale helped establish relations between PRC & Saudi Arabia 出售有助於建立中國與沙特阿拉伯的聯系 • China proclaims 3 principle of nuclear trade: 1. sales for exclusively peaceful purposes 2. accept safeguards of IAEA 3. no transfer to any third party without PRC's permission 中國宣布三項核貿易原則: 1. 出售以和平為最高目的 2. 接受國際原子能組織的保護 3. 沒有中國允許不可向第三者轉讓
PRC has sold many articles of nuclear proliferation 中國已經出售了許多核擴散產品 • Early 1980s: sale of uranium, heavy water to Argentina; Uranium to Brazil + liquid fuel missile guidance technology • Uranium to South Africa; heavy water to India 80年代初: 向阿根廷出售鈾和重水; 向巴西出售鈾和液體燃料導彈推動技術; 售南非鈾; 售印度重水
Criticism of China's arms sales began in 1987: US reflagged Kuwaiti oil ships, but China sold anti-ship missiles to Iran 自1987年起批評中國的武器出售: 美國換科威特油輪的旗但中國向伊朗出售對艦導彈 • 1983, US claims PRC gave Pakistan complete design of nuclear weapon & enough uranium to fuel 1-2 bombs 1983年, 美國稱中國向巴基斯坦提供完整的核武器設計和足夠1-2個炸彈的鈾
Chinese scientists seen working at Kahuta, Pakistan's nuclear weapons facility 發現中國科學家在Kahuta工作, 巴基斯坦的核武器基地 • 1989, PRC sells Pakistan and Iraq ring magnets for centrifuges that make weapons-grade uranium 1989年, 中國向巴基斯坦和伊拉克出售環磁, 用於分離武器級的鈾
Helps Pakistan build nuclear-capable missiles; M-11 mobile launchers seen in Pakistan 幫助巴基斯坦建造核導彈, 在巴基斯坦發現M-11移動發射架 • M-11 may violate MTCR, the Missile Technology Control Regime, an informal agreement among states to control proliferation of intermediate and long-range missiles and their technology . M-11可能違反了MTCR-導彈技術管制方法,一個各國之間的非正式協議,用以管制中長程導彈及其技術的擴散。
MTCR bans missiles that can carry payloads of 500 kilos to target 300 kilometers away MTCR禁止可運載500公斤射程300公里的導彈 • 1991, China pledged to abide by MTCR; did not join Nuclear Suppliers Group 1991年, 中國保證遵守MTCR; 不加入核供應集團 • 2000, China published regulations and a control list modelled after the MTCR 2000年,中國依據MTCR的模式,公布了規管及管制名單
PRC claims M-11 does not violate MTCR; promised US in 1994 to not sell missiles that can be modified to exceed MTCR limits 中國宣稱M-11沒有違反MTCR; 1994年對美國承諾不出售導彈, 對超出MTCR的限制有了緩和 • 1993, CIA reports that PRC was shipping missile components to Pakistan 1993年, 中情局報告說中國運送導彈部件到巴基斯坦
US blocked sales of satellite technology to PRC, but sold nuclear-related technology 美國對向中國出售衛星技術設置障礙, 但出售與核有關的技術 • Ban on sale of US satellite technology lifted in 1996 96年2月解除禁止出售美國衛星技術 • At same time, US detects sale to Pakistan of ring magnets 同時, 美國查覺向巴基斯坦出售環磁
PRC is an NPT state. Nuclear Proliferation Prevention Act requires that states which proliferate can be denied credit from US Export-Import Bank. 中國是NPT簽約國. 《核不擴散條約》要求, 擴散的國家會被美國國家銀行拒絕信貸 • US president can waive penalties. Other penalties can be invoked instead. 美國總統可放棄處罰. 可用其它代替處罰
China continued to help Pakistan develop nuclear weapons and missiles and, as of 2003, was still doing so. 中國繼續幫助巴基斯坦發展核武器和導彈,直到2003年,仍然如此。 In 2004, it was revealed that head of Pakistan’s nuclear program had sold nuclear technology with Iran, N. Korea and Libya. 在2004, 有消息指出巴基斯坦的核項目負責人向伊朗.北朝鮮和利比亞出售了核技術.
In 2005, US said it will sell nuclear fuel and components to India, despite Nuclear Suppliers Group ban. Harder now for US to pressure Pakistan or China. 2005年, 美國宣布它將無視核供給集團的禁令,對印度出售核燃料以及其組成部分.現在美國要對巴基斯坦與中國施壓變得越來越難. • US particularly disturbed about PRC-Iran arms connection 美國因中國與伊朗的武|器關系而惱火
1990, Iran agreed to buy research reactor from PRC China helped Iran build 2 nuclear power plants 1990年, 伊朗同意向中國購買研究反應堆. 中國幫伊朗建立兩座核電站
1992, US Congress passes Iran-Iraq Arms Non-proliferation Act Requires President to act against any destabilizing sale of arms to either country 1992年, 美國國會通過了《伊朗-伊拉克武器不擴散法》要求總統反對任何向兩國出售武器的行為 • 1995, US says PRC has nuclear cooperation agreement with Iran. PRC says it cancelled reactors contract 1995年, 美國說中國與伊朗有核合作協議. 中國說已取消了反應堆合同
1992, US claims China has shipped poison gas ingredients to Iran; banned HK companies from selling in US 1992年, 美國稱中國向伊朗船運毒氣原料; 禁止香港公司在美銷售 • 1993, US initiates Yin He incident over alleged chemical weapons precursors on ship bound for Iran 1993年, 美國制造了”銀河號”事件, 該船被指運送化學武器往伊朗
1995, US says Iran learning from China how to produce intermediate range missiles Sanctions under US Arms Export Control Act possible 1995年, 美國稱伊朗向中國學習如何制造中程導彈 可以根據《美國武器出口控制法》進行制裁, 但未提出 • 1996, US says Iran bought C-802 cruise missiles from PRC 96年, 美國稱伊朗向中國購買C-802巡航導彈
2000, US Congress enacts Iran Nonproliferation Act to stop Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons or technology, chemical weapons or certain kinds of missiles 2000年,美國國會實施了伊朗不擴散法案,用以阻止伊朗獲得核武器或核技術,化學武器或某些種類的導彈 • Sanctions imposed on PRC companies in 1997, 2001, 2002 2003, 2004, 2005 for selling missiles, chemical weapons or their components to Iran 中國公司因在1997, 2001, 2002,2003, 2004 及 2005年售賣導彈,化學武器或部件給伊朗而受處罰。
1999 allegations that China has supplied missile related items to North Korea 1999年聲稱中國向北韓提供與導彈有關的配件
2002, 2003 complaints that China facilitates transfer of North Korean missile parts to other countries 2002 及 2003年投訴中國協助北韓轉移導彈零件到其它國家。 • China has joined several anti-proliferation treaty systems. Encouraged to do so in order to get right to buy US hi-tech items, e.g. supercomputers 中國加入了几個不擴散條約組織. 鼓勵這樣做, 是為了得到向美國購買高技術產品的權利, 比如超級計算機
Two schools of thought in US about PRC & arms treaties: 1. PRC lies when it joins treaty systems 2. China has abided by some treaties, but not others 關於中國及武器條約, 美國有兩派看法: 1. 中國加入條約組織時撒謊 2. 中國遵守了一些條約, 但另一些則沒有 • 1995, PRC & US agreed to work to convert Chinese research reactors to using only low-enriched uranium 1995年, 中美同意致力將中國的研究反應堆轉換成僅利用低含量鈾
China claims that nuclear industry now mostly oriented to peaceful uses 中國宣稱現在的核工業絕大部份的方向是和平用途 • PRC companies will continue to try to make money through illicit arms deals 中國公司將繼續通過非法的武器交易來賺錢
In May 2000, some US Senators introduced a bill to create a China Non-Proliferation Act. It would require annual assessment by Congress of China’s arms activities and penalties if these violated a treaty or US law 2000年五月, 部份美國參議員提出議案關於中國武器不擴散法. 要求由國會每年審查中國武器活動及加以懲罰當此等活動違反條約或美國法律 • Concern by US also about sale of arms to China, especially by Israel and Russia 美國也注意向中國出售武器, 特別由以色列及俄國
Israel announced in 2000 that it would sell China an aircraft with very advanced radar system. US feared it would be used against it if there’s a war in the Taiwan Straits. 以色列2000年公佈將會出售中國有非常先進雷達系統的飛機. 美國恐當台海戰爭出現,中國會用它來對付美國 • US has retaliated against Israel by delaying its requests to buy advanced weapons from the US 美國向以色列報復, 拖延以色列向美國購買先進武器的要求
US objects to sale of Russian destroyers to China’s navy. The destroyers have anti-ship missiles; one was delivered in 2000 and another in 2001. In 2001, Russia also delivered 40 advanced fighter aircraft to China. • 美國反對俄國向中國海軍出售驅逐艦. 其驅逐艦擁有反艦艇導彈; 一艘在2000年移交, 另一艘在2001年. 2001年俄國移交了40架先進戰鬥機給中國
US Congress members have introduced legislation to prevent Russia from providing China with any more anti-ship missiles. Russia would be penalized with regard to loans from the US if it continued such sales. • 美國國會成員提出立法以防止俄國向中國提供任何反艦艇導彈. 俄國如果繼續出售將得不到美國貸款 • EU considering removal of ban of arms sales to China. US objects. • 歐盟考慮解除對華武器銷售禁令,美国反對。
China is critical of US plans for National Missile Defense [NMD] and Theatre Missile Defense [TMD]. These are systems to use missiles to shoot down missiles aimed at the US or at its troops abroad. • 中國批評美國的國家導彈防禦(NMD)及戰區導彈防禦TMD計劃. 這些系統用意以導彈擊落對付美國或其海外軍隊的導彈
NMD is supposedly to be used against so-called “rogue states,” states that US says don’t obey international law and perhaps support terrorism. NMD是用來對付” rogue states”, 美國形容這種國家為不遵守國際法及支持恐怖主義. • NMD in testing stage and will only be developed if US missiles become more accurate. NMD正處試驗階段及當美國導彈更加精確時才會發展
China objects to TMD because in East Asia it will include Japan and maybe Taiwan. Japan already has advanced missiles, air defense system and anti-missile missiles. 中國反對TMD, 因為東亞將會包括日本及可能台灣. 日本已有先進導彈, 空防系統及反導彈導彈 • Taiwan has advanced satellites to detect in-coming missiles and makes its own ground-to-air missiles. 台灣有先進衛星探測外來導彈及可自製地對空導彈
China says that TMD set up, it will lead to arms race in East Asia. If TMD goes forward, China may reverse its policy of rejecting requests for help with nuclear weapons by other countries and again start to sell medium range missiles. 中國認為TMD建立後, 將會引起東亞軍備競賽. 如果TMD持續, 中國或會不再反對其它國家要求核武幫助及會開始出售中程導彈 • In May, 2003, the US announced a Proliferation Security Initiative to interdict transfer of weapons of mass destruction. There is speculation that China may be asked to join. 2003年5月,美國公布了一項增強安全行動,用以禁止轉移大殺傷力武器。推測可能會邀請中國參與。