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École Deer Meadow School

École Deer Meadow School. Strategic Education Plan and Report 2013-2014 www.deermeadow.ca. É cole Deer Meadow School is a vibrant middle school serving students in grades 5 through 8 offering programs in English and French Immersion. Current student population is 413

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École Deer Meadow School

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  1. École Deer Meadow School Strategic Education Plan and Report 2013-2014 www.deermeadow.ca

  2. École Deer Meadow School is a vibrant middle school serving students in grades 5 through 8 offering programs in English and French Immersion. • Current student population is 413 • Student base is a mix of urban and rural • École Deer Meadow School is known for our caring culture and strong school spirit All About DMS

  3. Encourage, Engage, Inspire Guiding Principles: School Motto

  4. By building meaningful relationships, Deer Meadow will cultivate a spirit of excellence. Collaboratively we will engage each student in all aspects of learning. DMS Mission Statement

  5. École Deer Meadow School will be recognized in our community for upholding high standards, establishing a culture of integrity and personalizing learning in order to develop compassionate, responsible citizens. DMS Vision Statement

  6. Middle School Philosophy • Meeting the needs of the whole child • Focusing on social and character development • Building respect and integrity in all that we do • Striving for academic excellence DMS Values:

  7. Supportive, inclusive learning environment • French Immersion Program • French Second Languages programs offered in all grades • Academies of Excellence offering over 40 different choices in the areas of Leadership, Fine Arts and Sports • With All Due Respect program to build character and reinforce expectations Our Programs AreWhat Makes Us Unique

  8. Mentorship program • YES program (Youth Empowerment and Support) • Heroes and Heroes 2 Program • Friends for Life Program • Sports teams (14) and extra curricular activities Our Programs:What Makes Us Unique

  9. Excellent Academic/(P.A.T.) Results • Grade 7/8 Academies of Excellence • French Immersion Program • Recognized for Student Leadership • Enhanced School Spirit • Interact partnership with Horizon School • Excellent Results in Accountability Report Successes: What We Accomplished in 2012-2013

  10. Accountability Pillar Report • Achievement Test 5 Year Roll Up • Other Indicators of Success 2012-2013 RESULTS

  11. Artifacts: Accountability Pillar Report Card

  12. Areas Where ÉDMS Has Demonstrated a High Level of Achievement: • Safe and Caring • Addressing Program of Studies • Education Quality • PAT Results DMS Report Successes in Detail

  13. Provincial Achievement Tests

  14. Meaningful Parental Involvement • Continuous Improvement • Citizenship (more leadership opportunities for Gr. 5/6) • Communication regarding access to additional supports Areas for Improvement

  15. Fundraising/Global Awareness • Academies of Excellence • Creating an Atmosphere of High Expectations • Supportive Learning Environment Notable Achievements, Accomplishments, Proudest Moments

  16. Reading with Students • Breakfast for Learners • Pizza Tuesdays • Fund Raising Projects • Dances • Canadian Parents for French • Volunteers for field trips, library, sports teams… School Council/Parental Involvement

  17. What is Driving Change at École Deer Meadow School? • Data from our artifacts • Collaborative Planning Days • Instructional Leadership Initiative • Quality Learning Environment • Living up to our Mission, Vision and Motto Planning for 2013-2014

  18. Continued Emphasis on Literacy and universal targeted reading strategies • Common/collaborative staff professional learning goals • Personalized Instruction and Assessment • Positive relationships and engagement are an essential keys for learning Areas for Growth and Focus: Informed by Research and Best Practices

  19. 1. Engage each student in all aspects of learning; cultivate a spirit of excellence Our students will meet or exceed provincial standards for acceptable and excellence in all subjects. 2. Enhance collaboration, build relationships, personalize learning • Our teachers will collaboratively address common literacy strategy growth goals • All students will be challenged and supported to grow in the area literacy fluency and comprehension 3. ÉDMS will effectively communicate student achievement • Assessment and reporting will clearly communicate student achievement of curriculum outcomes. • Parents will be clearly informed of how students are achieving in the Academies of Excellence Goals and Targets for 2013-2014

  20. Personalized Instruction • Multiple reading supports • Supportive learning environment, EA support, Literacy Room, and Academy Alternative • Expand high interest/low vocab. library • Student recognition for academic improvement, athletic endeavors, school spirit, character skills, leadership, excellence in Academies • Embedded technology, increased access to technology • Well developed library collection and research tools • Opportunities to explore and excel in a great array of areas through Academies of Excellence • Instructional Leadership Focus to enhance teaching practice and collaboration Key Strategies for engaging each student in all aspects of learning, cultivating a spirit of excellence

  21. Collaborative staff learning guide goals addressed in pairs/teams • All teachers will engage in team teaching and reflective/coaching discussions • Collaborative teams will develop lessons, common assessments, build assessment exemplar batteries, etc. • Personalized instruction • ORF testing for all students, Literacy Links, Precision Reading, Continuum of Supports, Accelerated Reader Key Strategies for enhancing collaboration; building relationships; personalizing learning

  22. With All Due Respect Program • Student of the Month recognition for character quality of the month • Promotion of mission, vision and motto • Emphasis of new CESD mission and vision • Emphasis of QLE • Building positive relationships with students, staff and parents • Quality instruction enhanced by Instructional Leadership focus • Special education/Action on Inclusion Coaching • Success in School Meetings • Extensive literacy focus and special education support • Embedding reading strategies for all students in all subject areas • Increased communication with parents, especially via website and teacher pages Key Strategies for striving for success for each student

  23. Increased parental communication and involvement • Effectively using the website and other media (Alert Solutions) to showcase our school and students and to liaison with the community • Instructional Leadership to build capacity and to enhance personalization of learning • Increased professional collaboration and team teaching Three Trends: What is on the Horizon?

  24. Ability to provide grade level planning time • Smaller staff threatens specialist positions (PE/Band) • Staff reduction inhibits coverage/release opportunities • Decreased enrollment • Fewer families with young children moving to Olds • Catholic school competing for new students • High housing costs in Olds • Technology Access and Personal Devices • Aging lap tops • Mobile lab durability and replacement costs • Evolving practices/policies regarding cellphones/digital devices Three Challenges: What we need to look into

  25. We are known for a culture of caring • We have a vibrant school spirit • Integrity and Respect are core values at DMS • We have a compassionate and globally aware student body who raise an amazing amount of money to support charities and causes • Staff are constantly evolving in their practice to meet ever-changing needs of students in the 21st Century • We strive for success for every student by building positive relationships and effective teaching practices Key Messages: What you should remember about DMS

  26. What do you see as our greatest strengths? • Have we targeted the right areas for growth? • Was this report meaningful to you? • Do you need more information? E-mail your questions or comments to: Principal Randy Wiberg rwiberg@chinooksedge.ab.ca or to Vice Principal Carey Collin ccollin@chinooksede.ab.ca Have Your Say:

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