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GREEK ART. ARCHITECTURE. THE GREEK TEMPLE. The Greeks raised various different buildings in their cities and sanctuaries . But the most important of these were the temples, used for religious whorship . The main characteristics of Greek temples are the following :
THE GREEK TEMPLE • TheGreeksraisedvariousdifferentbuildings in theircities and sanctuaries. Butthemostimportant of thesewerethe temples, usedforreligiouswhorship. Themaincharacteristics of Greek temples are thefollowing: • Thereis a greatconcernwithproportion and harmony. Thisiswhyarchitectsfollowedverystrictmathematical rules fortheconstruction of bulidings. • Thebuildings are human-sized. Thedimensions of temples are not as colossal as theEgyptians. • They are made of stone. Themostwonderful temples werebuilt in whitemarble. Thenthemarblewaspainted in brigth red and bluecoloursthathavebeenlost in time. • Theroofs are flats (double-slopedroof) and restonhighcolumns. TheGreeksdidnot use arches and vaults. • Dependingontheshape and ornamentation of thecolumns, there are threetypes of orders: Doric, Ionicand Corinthian.
Double sloped roof dDou sculptures column Pediment metope cornice triglyph shaft frieze architrave echinus capital shaft abacus column cornice shaft stereobato stylobate
Double sloped roof tympanum Acroterium Gargoyle Cornice Freize Triglyph Architrave Metope Guttae Intercolumnation Doric column Naos Peristyle and peripteral Stylobate Pronaos Stereobate
Double sloped roof tympanum Acroterium Gargoyle Cornice Freize Triglyph Architrave Metope Guttae Intercol umnation Doric column Naos Peristyle and peripteral Stylobate Pro-naos Stereobate PARTS OF A GREEK TEMPLE
tympanum Acroterium Gargoyle Pediment ENTABLATURE Triglyph Cornice Freize Metope Guttae Architrave Abacus Echinus Capital COLUMN SHAFT Stylobate Stereobate DORIC ORDER
Acroterium Gargoyle Architrave In three bands Entablature Freize Freize Capital Base Plinth IONIC CORINTHIAN