GUY FAWKES' DAY • The typical British holiday Guy Fawkes Day, sometimes also known as Guy Fawkes' Night (5th November). This day commemorates one of the organizers of a failed assassination attempt (Gunpowder Plot) in the British parliament. In 1605, a group of Catholics formed a conspiracy to kill King James I. In the basement of the parliament there were some barrels of gunpowder which were to be detonated.The plot failed. Guy Fawkes (1570-1606) was captured and tortured. He was sentenced to death. Evening, November 5, the British burn effigy of Guy Fawkes, madefrom old clothes stuffed with paper, leaves, etc. A few days earlier with the dummy children go from house to house collecting small presents and after all people eat grilledsausages. assassination – zamach attempt - próba basement – piwnica barrels – beczki gunpowder – proch strzelniczy plot – spisek effigy - kukła dummy - manekin
Halloween Halloweenisvery popular inEngland and Great Britain. Itiscelebrated on 31 October. Thisfeastisthedaybeforeallsaints’ day. On thatdaychildrendressup as ghosts and witches and go from house to house and say "Trick ortreat" and usuallygetcandyor do pranks feast – święto candy – cukierek prank – psota, figiel
Christmas Christmasinthe UK and Englandiscelebratedindifferentways. TheEnglishdon’tcelebrateDecember 24, but thenextdaytheyopenpresents and eat a family dinner. Traditionaldishisturkey. Theysingcarols and theycelebrate. December 26 isBoxing Day whichisalso a dayofffromwork.
EasterDay Easter Day istheday on whichthechurchisgivingawaymoney to thepoor. Theamountisequal to theage of themonarch. In familieskidsusuallylook for chocolateeggshiddenin a houseorin a garden. giveaway – rozdawać equal – równy monarch - monarcha hidden - ukryty
TheQueen’sOfficialBirthday • The Queen's Official Birthday, also known as "the Queen's Birthday" is theday on which the birthday of the monarch of the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth Realms is officially celebrated.It’s not the actual day of the current monarch's birthday (Elizabeth II, was born on 21 April 1926).The exact date of the celebration varies from country to country but it’susuallyinJune.
St. Patrick’s Day • It is a religious holiday celebrated internationally on 17 March. It commemorates Saint Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland, and the arrival of Christianity in Ireland. It is observed by the Catholic Church, the Anglican Communion (especially the Church of Ireland), the Eastern Orthodox Church and Lutheran Church. Saint Patrick's Day was made an official feast day in the early 17th century, and has gradually become a secular celebrationof Irish culture. On that day peoplego to churchwearing something green. Theydon’t drink alcohol,which is often prohibited during the rest of the season. arrival – przybycie observed – przestrzegany secular – świecki proscribed – zakazany