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Hebrews Chapter 12. the Endurance of Faith. Presenter: Dr. Doc R. Williams. Hebrews 12: Outline. The Endurance of Faith: 12:1-4: Jesus’ Endurance 12:5-24: The Value of Chastening 12:25-29: Fifth Warning Against Refusing God. Jesus ’ Endurance.
Hebrews Chapter 12 the Endurance of Faith Presenter: Dr. Doc R. Williams
Hebrews 12: Outline The Endurance of Faith: • 12:1-4: Jesus’ Endurance • 12:5-24: The Value of Chastening • 12:25-29: Fifth Warning Against Refusing God Hebrews Chapter 12
Jesus’ Endurance V-1: The Cloud of Witnesses – Believers’ Response • Cloud of Witnesses = Faith Heroes of chapter 11 • Believer’s Response is to Keep the Faith • Race Metaphor – “Self Denial” Run for Eternal Life by, • “Lay aside every weight” – Gk. ogkon is any hindrance or distraction causing one to miss the mark (heaven) • “Sin that entangles” – Gk. Euperistatos, euis unbelief that surrounds believers and drags them down • “Run with perseverance” – Gk. Hupomoneis persistent endurance in Race God has set before us Hebrews Chapter 12
Jesus’ Endurance Vs-2-3: Jesus’ Example of Endurance – Eyes Fixed • Goal & Object of Faith is Jesus, Supreme Example • Messiah Jesus: Chief Leader & Trail Blazer of our Faith • “looking to” is Gk. Aphorao is Visual & Mental Focus • Jesus is Gk. archegonthe Captain of our Faith • Jesus is Gk. TeleiooPerfecter & Completer of our Faith • “for the joy set before Him” – Redemption Completed • “Endure the Cross with its Shame” – Blood Shed at Calvary • “Sat down at His Father’s Right Hand” – Place of Favor • Jesus Messiah Remains Seated as our Intercessor today Hebrews Chapter 12
Jesus’ Endurance Vs-3: Jesus’ Example of Endurance – Consider Jesus Considering Him “will remind you how necessary suffering is. If He could not be perfected with out it, how much more we. If suffering wrought such blessing in Him, how surely in us too, for whose sake He was made perfect, to whom God has given Him as a Leader in the path that leads through suffering to glory.” –A. Murray • “so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.” Gk. Ekluomenoiis “to be enfeebled” or “to be tired out in soul”. Hebrews Chapter 12
Jesus’ Endurance V-4: Hebrew Believers have not Resisted unto Blood • A change in focus to “believers” by way of comparison • Gk. antikathistemiis “to stand against” sin • Gk. Antagonizomaiis “to fight agonizingly against” sin – both words speak of a tremendous fight to the finish against sinfulness in the world. - Jeannette I. Wuest In their “fight” against sin & worldly power none have “shed blood or died” for what they believe. Hebrews Chapter 12
12:5-24: Value of Chastening Vs. 5-6: Disciplineas God’s Love – Prov. 3:11-12 Discipline is Gk. Paideiaused to refer to the whole training & education of children. It speaks also of whatever in adults that cultivates the soul, especially by correcting mistakes & curbing the passions. It speaks also of instruction which aims at the increase of virtue. The word does not have in it the idea of punishment, but of corrective measures which will eliminate evil in the life & encourage the good. Here, the persecutions were used of God in an effort to clarify the spiritual vision of the readers as to the relative merits of the Old Testament and the New Testament, warning them against returning to the temple sacrifices & urging them on to faith in the Messiah as High Priest. The readers had apparently forgotten the lesson of Proverbs. - Jeannette I. Wuest Hebrews Chapter 12
12:5-24: Value of Chastening Vs. 5-6: Disciplineas God’s Love – Prov. 3:11-12 A. Murray says Proverbs warns of a Double Danger, • First Danger – to regard lightly the chastening of the Lord & think too little of it. Here believer fails to recognize God’s hand in it & does not accept it as indeed God’s chastening & loses all the teaching & blessing it was meant to bring. • Second Danger – to become discouraged as if God’s discipline were too heavy. “Learn today the secret of never suffering loss in the soul by the sufferings of life – yea, rather, of always making them your greatest gain. Link them to God and Jesus. It is God who sends them. He sends them to thee in the same love, and will make them thy highest gain.” (p. 487) Hebrews Chapter 12
12:5-24: Value of Chastening Vs. 7-11: Hardship is God’s Training School Here Believers are commanded to “endure hardship” from Gk. Hupomenomeaning “to remain under” - J. Wuest says, “… the recipients of this letter are exhorted to remain under the chastening hand of God, for the purpose of this chastening is disciplinary.” The fact that God is disciplining them through hardships is proof that God is their Father, and they are the children of God. Chastening is “one of the marks of [true] sonship”. - A. Murray Hebrews Chapter 12
12:5-24: Value of Chastening Vs. 7-11: Hardship is God’s Training School Everyone experiences discipline unless they are illegitimate children & not true sons at all • Earthly fathers discipline children & gain our respect • Heavenly Father disciplines His children for good & “so that we may share in His holiness” in the Holiest of all. • Discipline is Painful Now but later on produces a “harvest of righteousness and peace” for those who “remain under” God’s firm hand & in God’s School of Discipline Hebrews Chapter 12
12:5-24: Value of Chastening Vs. 12-13: Shake it Off & Strengthen yourselves • “lift up” (KJV) or “strengthen” (NIV) is Gk. Anorthoobetter translated “’to restore to straightness or erectness, to reinvigorate.’ It was used by medical writers of the act of setting dislocated parts of the body.” - J. Wuest • The appeal is "exert yourselves to make the course [path] clear [level or smooth] for yourselves and your fellow-Christians, so that there be no stumbling and laming“ - J. Wuest Hebrews Chapter 12
12:5-24: Value of Chastening Vs. 14: Remain Faithful; Peace & Sanctification • “Make every effort” – Gk. Diokoexpresses idea "to run swiftly in order to catch” (Phil 3:12) suggests urgency to live at peace with everyone– context suggests “stop quarreling”. Linked with, • “and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord.” – sobering admonition to holy living The Jewish Christians are urged to live at peace with each other & seek after sanctification in an effort to draw near to God in the Holy of Holies. Hebrews Chapter 12
12:5-24: Value of Chastening Vs. 14: Remain Faithful; Peace & Sanctification This is a summons to live in the Holist of All, “My relation to my fellow-men is most intimately one [linked] with my relation with to God.” (Rom 12:8) sanctification is literally ‘holy-making’… Holiness is the highest glory of God, and so ‘holy-making’ is the being taken up into His fellowship, and being made partakers of His holiness… Holiness is the losing of self and being clothed with the spirit and likeness of Jesus… Holiness is found nowhere but with God in the Holiest of All.” - A. Murray (pgs 497-9) Holiness is Jesus living in me! (Gal 2:20) Hebrews Chapter 12
12:5-24: Value of Chastening Vs. 15-17: Remain Faithful; Peace & Sanctification Three admonitions to holiness & not falling - “see to it” is Gk. Episkopeo"looking diligently" "lest any one be falling back… implying previous attainment." ( J. Wuest) Church & individuals should exercise oversight of iself to the end that no one falls from the grace of Godby, • “no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many” – Now growing up revealing its evil character • “no one is sexually immoral” – opposite of holiness • “godlesslike Esau” – Now focused; no desire to repent Admonitions are to Church Leadership & Self Oversight. Hebrews Chapter 12
12:5-24: Value of Chastening Vs. 18-21: Don’t Fear as in Old Testament These verses begin to Compare & Contrast two mountains representing the Old & the New Covenants of God with Humanity. It might be translated, “For ye have not come to the mount [Sinai or Horeb] which might be touched, and that has been set on fire, and to blackness and darkness and tempest. And to a sound of a trumpet, and to a sound of uttered words, concerning which sound those who were hearing, made supplication that there should not be spoken an additional word to them. For they could not bear that which was commanded. And if a wild beast touch the mountain, it shall be stoned. And so terrible was its appearance, that Moses said, I am terrified and trembling.” (J. Wuest) Hebrews Chapter 12
12:5-24: Value of Chastening Vs. 22-24: Instead, Rejoice at Heavenly Mount Zion “But ye have come to Mount Sion, even to the city of the living God, heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable multitude of angels, to a festal gathering, and to the assembly of the first born who are enrolled in heaven, and to God the Judge of all, and to the spirits of just men who have been made perfect, and to Jesus, the mediator of the new testament, and to the blood which speaks better things than that of Abel.” (J. Wuest) Hebrews Chapter 12
12:5-24: Value of Chastening Vs. 187-24: “Out whole epistle has taught us that all God’s dealing with man is founded on two principles of two dispensations – the one of preparation and promise, of weakness and failure; the other of fulfillmentand perfection, of life and power, the power of the endless life. The Epistle has taught us, too, that though we now have our place in the new dispensation, we, just as the Hebrews, may be living in the old, through ignorance and unbelief, experiencing nothing of the power and the life of the better covenant. As a consequence, all the weakness and sin of Israel of old still continues in the Christian; s/he knows not what the eternal redemption is, and cannot live in it.” - A. Murray (pgs. 505, 6) Hebrews Chapter 12
12:5-24: Value of Chastening Vs. 187-24: “Mount Sinai means, as man takes it, life by self-effort, by our own goodness, God helping us; by a religion of self, with God’s grace to fill out what self cannot do. Mount Sinai, as God means it, is sin and wrath and condemnation: the death and the end of self, to prepare the way for Christ. Mount Sinai point to Mount Sion and to Christ.” - A. Murray (pg. 508) Paul said in Gal 3:24-25, “So the law was put in charge to lead us to Christ that we might be justified by faith. Now that faith has come, we are no longer under the supervision of the law.” (NIV) Gal 3:24-25, “Therefore the law was our tutor to bring us to Christ, that we might be justified by faith. But after faith has come, we are no longer under a tutor.” (NKJV) Hebrews Chapter 12
12:25-29: Fifth WarningAgainst Refusing God Vs. 25-27: Refuse Him not in Shaking God’s Message through Moses & Jesus Contrasted, “see to it” is Gk. Blepo“Constantly be seeing to it” “Constantly be seeing to it that ye do not disavow Him who is speaking. For if, as is the case, those did not escape who disavowed Him that warned (them) upon earth, much rather shall not we escape who are turning away from the One who is speaking from heaven. Whose voice then shook the earth: But now He has promised, this promise being on record, saying, Yet once (more) I will shake not only the earth but also the heaven.” (J. Wuest) (see Rev. 21:1) Hebrews Chapter 12
12:25-29: Fifth WarningAgainst Refusing God Vs. 28-29: Receive the Unshakable Kingdom of God “reverence and awe” are Gk. Eulabeia& deos "pious care“ & “wholesome regard for a holy God and His standards and requirements, which if a person violates, he must suffer the consequences.” - J. Wuest “The words, ‘our God is a consuming fire’ are derived from Deut. 4:24. Expositor's says: ‘The fire and smoke which manifested His presence at Sinai (v. 18) were but symbols of that consuming holiness that destroys all persistent inexcusable evil. It is God Himself who is the fire with which you have to do, not a mere physical, material, quenchable fire.’ The historical background of this last statement here is that of the apostate Jew who having left the temple sacrifices, and having made a profession of faith in Messiah as High Priest, now renounces that professed faith and returns to the Levitical system. To that person, God is a consuming fire.” - J. Wuest Hebrews Chapter 12
12:25-29: Fifth WarningAgainst Refusing God Vs. 28-29: The Kingdom that cannot be shaken “In that final shaking all created things will be removed, that only the things which cannot be shaken, the city that hath foundations, may remain. In that day nothing will stand but Mount Sion, which shall never be moved, and they that dwell there. … There is only one thing that cannot be shaken: the kingdom of God – that spiritual world in which His will is done and His love revealed. That kingdom we receive by faith into our hearts. The kingdom of God is within you. And the more our faith knows and owns, amid the things that are shaken and shall not remain, the unmovable kingdom, the more will itself become firm and steadfast, and enable us to stand unshaken and immovable too.” - A. Murray (pg. 514) Hebrews Chapter 12
12:25-29: Fifth WarningAgainst Refusing God Vs. 29: Our God is Consuming Fire “Fire may be either a blessing or a curse. All depends upon my relation to it whether it meets me as a friend or an enemy. The fire of God, as it comes to purify, to consume the sacrifice and convert it into its own heavenly light-nature, to baptize with the Holy Ghost and with fire, to transform our being into flames of love, - blessed the man who knows His God as a consuming fire. But woe to him on whom the fire of God descends, as on Sodom and Gomorrah, in wrath and judgment.”- A. Murray (pg. 515) Hebrews Chapter 12
Questions Hebrews Chapter 12