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2009 Safety Review. Window Tint with less then 32% light transmission will fail. You can only charge the labor for a failed inspection. Hybrids 1996 and newer in an emission county get an OBD inspection. . Vehicles that over 35 year old receive no safety inspection.
Window Tint with less then 32% light transmission will fail. • You can only charge the labor for a failed inspection. • Hybrids 1996 and newer in an emission county get an OBD inspection.
Vehicles that over 35 year old receive no safety inspection. • All paper work pertaining to NCSI is maintained for not less then 18 months. • All vehicles must be raised during an inspection.
If any part of the Evap System is disconnected the vehicle fails NCSI. • All Front Windshield wipers must be in good working order. • All NCSI poster must be displayed in view of the customer. • Stoplights are inoperative vehicle will fail NCSI.
Shocks are part of steering. • You must calibrate your tint meter Prior to each vehicle tint test. • Failed vehicles can be repaired at another facility. • November of 2008 NCSI fee went to $13.60 for a vehicle that passed.
Safety Emission license in valid for 4 years. • Tires will fail for side wall or tread separation. • GVWR of heavy duty vehicles is 8500lbs and up.
GVWR over 10,000lbs requires a left and right door mirror. • Condensation in a light lens is not a reason to fail NCSI. • Brake noise is a reason to do a visual to determine pass or fail. • The windshield in not part of the NCSI.
Technicians license is revoked or expired will not do any NCSI inspections. • Inspection fees are non taxable. • Parking lights on or near the front are to be: clear, white, or amber. • Headlamp aim is to be check with every inspection.
Brakes will fail for, leaking air, vacuum, or fluid. • You can not have more then two (2) backup lamps on one (1) switch. • Customers must approve all repairs. • Failed vehicles have 60 days to be re-inspected.
Brakes will fail if the linings are cracked. • Motorcycles are required to have only one (1) brake. • To do NCSI you must have a drivers license that is valid in NC. • Committing a type one inspection violation you can loose your license for 6 months.
Brakes fail NCSI for low fluid. • Customer must sign VIRS and repair order. • Trailers with a GVWR of 4000lbs are required to have at less one (1) stoplight. • CV boot are not part of an NCSI inspection.
All LED tail and or brake lights must work at 100%. • There are 48 NCSI/OBD counties in NC. • High beam indicator must work to pass NCSI.
All tag lights must work. • 2/32” is the minimum allowable tread depth of a tire. • If a vehicle is presented for a NCSI you must complete it even if it is going to fail. • Aftermarket or auxiliary lights are not part of a NCSI.
To obtain a NCSI license you must take the required courses. • NCDMV audits can be conducted more then once per year. • The degree of difficulty to perform a NCSI dose not change the amount you can charge.
Your NCSI license must be issued by NCDMV. • Re-inspection must be done within 60 days of the initial inspection. • Aftermarket window tint inspection has a mandatory addition charge of $10.00.
You are required to perform a proper inspection for the DMV. • Guilford Ct is and OBD county. • A flux capacitor is not part of the NCSI. • Vehicles that move into NC must comply with all NCSI laws
You are never to use the access code of another NCSI tech. • Safety re-inspection you inspect only the failed item. • 1995 and older vehicles receive a safety with a visual on emission components.