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School Education to the Children with V isually Impairment (CVI) in Nepal. 1.Introduction 2. Policies on Education to CVI 3. Access to Education to CVI 4.Quality Aspect of Education to CVI 5.Problems to Education to CVI 6. Lesson Learnt. Introduction. Nepal is 147181 sq km in size.
School Education to the Children with Visually Impairment (CVI) in Nepal 1.Introduction 2. Policies on Education to CVI 3. Access to Education to CVI 4.Quality Aspect of Education to CVI 5.Problems to Education to CVI 6. Lesson Learnt.
Introduction Nepal is 147181 sq km in size. Whole population of VI is 94765. Nepal has accepted seven types of disability. Visual impairment is legally defined. The history of education to CVI is short. There is one special school, 10 integrated and 70 resource class schools now. The number of CVI in school 5029.
Policies on Educaton to CVI in Nepal Protection and welfare of the disabled persons act 2039 BS (1982). CRPD is ratified in 2009. Protection and welfare of the disabled persons act says the disabled persons are to admitted in any institutions without any fee.
Access to education to cvi in Nepal The number of special, integrated and resource class schools are limited. Most of the CVI do not have access of special or integrated and resource schools in their vicinity. The special or integrated and resource schools have residential facility. The CVI in special or integrated and resource schools get Rs 17000. to 20000. for residential cost. About 1228 CVI study in residential schools and 3701 CVI study in normal schools.
Quality aspect of education to cvi in nepal Indicators or norms are not developed to measure the education quality of the CVI. SLC result of the CVI is not different with normal students. Low participation of lower grades CVI in classroom activities.
Possible causes of low participation of the lower grade cvi in classroom activities Not adequate O&M training to them. Not adequate sensory training to them. Not effective pre braille training. Not suitable teaching learning activities in the integrated class.
Problems of education to cvi in nepal Inclusion strategies is not developed yet for the education of CVI. Realiable data of school aged blind and low vision children not available. Problem of trained teachers. Problem of devices and materials in the schools.
Lesson learnt Use of local teachers for data collection and enrolling CVI in school. Use of information technology for the education of the CVI. Quality indicators for integrated and resource class are to be developed. Importance is to be given for teacher training. A vision alliance is to be developed for medical service and education to the CVI.