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Your Tour Guide is Jim Provensal

Microsoft Access 2000. For Windows 95 98 & 2000. Your Tour Guide is Jim Provensal. What We Will Cover. Introduction to MicroSoft Access What is a database What is a “Relational” Database The Major Steps and elements of a MicroSoft Access Database

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Your Tour Guide is Jim Provensal

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  1. Microsoft Access 2000 For Windows 95 98 & 2000 Your Tour Guide is Jim Provensal

  2. What We Will Cover • Introduction to MicroSoft Access • What is a database • What is a “Relational” Database • The Major Steps and elements of a MicroSoft Access Database • A Tour of the “NorthWind Traders” Database

  3. What We Will Cover In this session, we will explore the elements of MicroSoft Access, and in the following sessions, we will be building a database application step-by-step using these elements.

  4. We Will Continue to explore Building a database with Access • Defining Tasks • Defining the database • Creating the database

  5. We Will Continue to explore • Fields • Primary Keys • Validation Rules • Relationships • Indexes and database limitations

  6. We Will Continue to explore • Modifying a database design • Inserting & changing fields • Changing attributes and primary Keys • Splitting tables • And More on Relationships

  7. We Will Continue to explore • Using and viewing datasheets • Modifying the datasheet • sorting, searching and printing a datasheet

  8. We Will Continue to explore • Select Queries And Query Wizards • The basic QBE Grid (Query by Example) • Calculated Fields • Expressions in Queries • Criteria in Queries

  9. We Will Continue to explore Because Queries are the heart of MicroSoft Access we will continue exploring queries and their uses.

  10. We Will Continue to explore Special & Action Queries • Total & Crosstab Queries • Make Table Queries • Append Queries • UpDate and Delete Queries

  11. We Will Continue to explore An introduction to basic form design and setting object properties

  12. We Will Continue to explore Customizing Forms Calculated fields Subforms

  13. We Will Continue to explore Report building from scratch and using Wizards and Sorting & Grouping

  14. Before we continue we need to cover some administrative items. • Course Syllabus • A Discussion on the Student Disks • E-mail Addresses • Introductions • Questions?

  15. What is a Database? In the simplest sense, a database is a collection of records and files that are organized for a particular purpose!

  16. Microsoft Access as an RDBMS Microsoft Access is a fully functional Relational Database Management System

  17. Microsoft Access is a database. • This means that it is a program that will • store lists of information. • These lists are called “Tables”.

  18. icrosoft Access is a toolbox that will assist the user • in creating a system that will automatically manage • the information stored in the tables. • his means that Access is not only a database, • but a “Database Management System”.

  19. ince some lists (or tables) contain information that • is related to other lists, the user can tell Access which • lists are related and what piece of information in each • list should be used to connect each list. • his means that Microsoft Access is a • Relational Database Management System.

  20. Main Functions of a Database • Data definition • Data manipulation • Data control • Data reporting

  21. Main Functions of a Database Data definition You can define what data will be stored in your database, the type of data (for example, numbers or characters), and how the data is related. In some cases, you can also define how the data should be formatted and how the data should be validated.

  22. Main Functions of a Database Data manipulation You can work with the data in many ways. Select which data fields you want, filter the data and then sort it. You can join data with other related information. You can Summarize (group, subtotal and total) the data.

  23. Main Functions of a Database Data control You can define who is allowed to read, update, or insert data. In many cases, you can also define how data can be shared and updated by multiple users.

  24. Main Functions of a Database Data reporting You can create and save “Pre-defined” report formats that at a click of the mouse can produce up to the minute reports showing (in most cases) data that is within seconds old.

  25. What is MicroSoft Access? Access is a very powerful “Tool Box” that will allow you to not only “Collect” data, “Store” data, “Manipulate” data, and “Report” data, but it will also allow you as a “Non-Programmer” to create actual applications (programs) for others to use. These applications in most cases can be put together quite quickly and made to look very professional.

  26. The Major Steps of a MicroSoft Access Database • Tables • Queries • Forms • Macros • Reports • Modules

  27. 1) TABLES: The basic element of a data base used only to store raw data. 2) QUERIES: Sets of data consisting of some or all data from one or more tables with related data. 3) FORMS: Screens that are linked to either tables or queries and are used for data entry data editing and controlling what data is accessed and how it looks. 4) REPORTS: Pre defined and pre designed output documents generally used for hard copy output. 5) MACROS & Modules:Tools used for automation of tasks.

  28. A collection of related tables is called a database, or relational database. Our Case Study’s database will contain two related tables: The Customer table, which has already created, and The Order table which you will create in Tutorial #2.

  29. Sometimes you might want information about customers and the orders they placed. To obtain this information you must have a way to connect records in the Customer table to records in the Order table. You connect the records in the separate tables through a common field that appears in both tables.

  30. Figure 1-2 shown on page AC-1.05 of your book shows that each record in the customer table has a field named Customer Number, which is also a field in the Order table.

  31. Each Customer Number in the Customer table must be unique, so that you can distinguish one customer from another and identify the customer’s specific orders in the Order table.

  32. The Customer number field is referred to as the primary key of the Customer table. A primary key is a field, or a collection of fields, whose values uniquely identify each record in a table.

  33. In the Order table, the Order Number field is the primary key for that table.

  34. When you include the primary key from one table as a field in a second table to form a relationship between the two tables, it is called a foreign key in the second table as shown above.

  35. Fields Records In a table, the rows are called records and the columns are called fields.

  36. A relational database management system (DBMS) allows you to create database structures containing fields, tables, and relationships.

  37. It lets you easily add new records, change field values in existing records, and delete records.

  38. It contains a built-in query language, which lets you obtain immediate answers to the questions you ask about your data.

  39. It contains a built-in report generator, which lets you produce professional-looking, formatted reports from your data.

  40. It provides protection of data through security, control, and recovery facilities.


  42. If you haven’t already powered up your computer, lets do so now.

  43. Let’s take a look at the basic elements that we will encounter when we first create a database or open an existing one for modification.Let’s start Access now and open a new database.

  44. Title Bar Menu Bar Tool Bar Status Bar Database Window

  45. Command Buttons Object List Object Buttons

  46. Before we begin working on our Case Study’s database and using Access, we need to understand a few key terms and concepts associated with databases.

  47. Before storing data on a computer, you first must organize the data. We can do this using a data analysis technique, identifying the individual groups of data that will eventually be called tables and each unique item in each group that we will call fields.

  48. A field is a single characteristic or attribute of a person, place, object, event, or idea. For example, some of the many fields that Valle Coffee tracks are customer number, customer name, customer address, customer phone number, order number, billing date, and invoice amount.

  49. Next, you group related fields together into subjects, or tables. A table is a collection of fields that describe a person, place, object, event, or idea.

  50. Data Analysis Task Analysis Data Analysis

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