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中国认证认可活动的发展 The Development of China Certification and Accreditation 国家认证认可监督管理委员会 总工程师 刘卫军 Mr. LIU Weijun, Chief Technical Supervisor Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People’s Republic of China (CNCA) 2009 年 10 月 13 日 Oct.13,2009. 主要内容 Main Structure. 1、发展历程
中国认证认可活动的发展The Development of China Certification and Accreditation国家认证认可监督管理委员会总工程师 刘卫军Mr. LIU Weijun, Chief Technical SupervisorCertification and Accreditation Administration of the People’s Republic of China (CNCA)2009年10月13日 Oct.13,2009
主要内容Main Structure 1、发展历程 Development course 2、中国现行的认证认可管理制度 Current management system 3、管理和实施机构 Regulatory authorities and implementation agencies 4、中国认证认可主要实践成果 Main achievements 5、中国的认证认可发展与国际同步 In pace with international certification and accreditation 6、当前中国认证认可工作的重点 Highlights and priorities at current stage
1、发展历程Development course ● 1981年4月,建立了第一个产品认证机构, 中国电子元器件认证委员会。 CCEE was established as the first product certification body in Apr. 1981. ●1983年启动实验室认可制度。 Laboratory accreditation system was launched in 1983. ●1994年启动认证机构认可制度。 Accreditation of certification bodies was launched in 1994. ●1995年启动认证评审员注册制度。 Registration of certification auditors was launched in 1995. 此后,中国各类产品认证、体系认证和服务认证以及中国的认可工作随着中国市场经济发展和中国不断融入国际经济体系之中而不断完善发展。 Various kinds of certification for product, management system and service as well as accreditation have been constantly improved together with the development of market economy in China and China’s integration into the world economic system.
1、发展历程Development course ●1988年12月,《中华人民共和国标准化法》颁布实施,明确实施质量认证工作等。 Standardization Law of the People’s Republic of Chinawas promulgated in Dec. 1988 to set up quality certification system. ●1989年8月,《中华人民共和国进出口商品检验法》颁布实施,明确在进出口商品领域开展质量认证工作。 Law of the People's Republic of China on Import and Export Commodity Inspection was promulgated in Aug.1989 to set up quality certification system in import/export commodities. ●1991年5月,国务院发布了《中华人民共和国产品质量认证管理条例》,全面规定了认证的宗旨、性质、组织管理、认证条件和程序、认证机构、罚则等。 Regulations of the People’s RepublicofChina for the Administration ofProduct Quality Certificationwas promulgated in May 1991 by the State Council to stipulate the main objective, nature, administration, certification requirements and procedures, certification bodies and penalties, etc.
1、发展历程Development course ●1993年2月,《中华人民共和国产品质量法》颁布,明确质量认证制度为国家的基本质量监督制度。 Law of the People's Republic of China on Product Qualitywas promulgated in Feb 1993 to specify quality certification as an essential national quality supervision system. 中国认证认可制度逐步进入到法治化轨道。 China certification and accreditation system has gradually entered into a stage ruled by laws and regulations.
1、发展历程Development course ●2001年国家认监委成立 CNCA was established in 2001. ●2003年《中华人民共和国认证认可条例》颁布 Regulations on certification and accreditation of the People’s Republic of Chinawas promulgated in 2003 自此,中国的认证认可工作进入国家统一管理,全面规范化、法治化阶段。 From then on, China certification and accreditation entered a new stage of unified management, overall regulating and supervision based on laws and regulations.
2、中国现行的认证认可管理制度Current Management System ●统一的认证认可监督管理制度(统一管理、共同实施) Unified certification and accreditation supervision system (unified management and joint implementation) ●统一的认可制度(06年CNAS) Unified accreditation system (CNAS was established in 2006) ●自愿性认证和强制性认证相结合的认证制度 Combination of compulsory certification and voluntary certification
2、中国现行的认证认可管理制度Current Management System ●认证机构、认证培训机构和咨询机构的审批制度 Approval system for certification bodies, certification training and consultancy bodies ●认证从业人员注册管理制度 Registration system for certification-related personnel ●实验室、检查机构的资质认定制度 Qualification verification and approval system for laboratory and inspection bodies
2、中国现行的认证认可管理制度Current Management System ●行之有效的监督管理制度 Effective supervision system 法律约束、行政监管、认可约束、行业自律、社会监督 Law-binding, administrative supervision, accreditation, self-discipline and social supervision ●符合认证认可行业特点的法律责任制度 Legal liability system based on characteristics of certification and accreditation 认证认可监督管理部门;认可机构;认证机构、检测机构;被认证对象的关系人;产品/服务经营活动者。 Supervision authority, accreditation bodies, certification bodies, testing bodies, certified bodies, product/service operators. ●统一规范、积极推动的国际合作制度 Unified and active international cooperation system
3、管理和实施机构Regulatory authorities and implementation agencies ●行政监督管理部门 regulatory authority ●认可机构: Accreditation body ●认证及相关机构 Certification bodies and related bodies
3、管理和实施机构Regulatory authorities and implementation agencies ●行政监督管理部门regulatory authority 中国国家认证认可监督管理委员会 Certification and Accreditation Administration of People’s Republic of China (CNCA) 2001年8月成立,行政监管职能由中国国务院直接授权:统一监督、管理和综合协调中国认证认可工作。 CNCA was established in Aug.2001 and is authorized by the State Council to exercise unified supervision, management and overall coordination for certification and accreditation activities across China 地方认证认可监督管理部门 Local certification and accreditation supervision departments
3、管理和实施机构Regulatory authorities and implementation agencies ●认可机构:Accreditation body 中国合格评定国家认可委员会 China National Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment (CNAS) 负责产品认证机构、管理体系认证机构以及检查机构和实验室的资质能力认可。 Responsible for the competence accreditation of product and management system certification bodies , inspection bodies and laboratories
3、管理和实施机构Regulatory authorities and implementation agencies ●认证及相关机构 Certification bodies and related bodies 内资认证机构133家;133 Domestic CBs 外资的认证机构35家;35 foreign-invested CBs 认证培训机构38家;38 certification training bodies 认证咨询机构430家;430 certification consultancy bodies 授权的认证从业人员注册机构: authorized registration body for certification personnel 中国认证认可协会 China Certification and Accreditation Association (CCAA)
4、中国认证认可主要实践成果Main achievements ●颁发各类认证证书数量 △强制性产品认证(CCC)证书25万多张。 around 250,000 China Compulsory Certification (CCC) certificates △自愿性产品认证证书10多万张。 around 100,000 voluntary product certificates △ISO9001质量管理体系证书22万张。 220,000 ISO9001 certificates △ISO14001环境管理体系证书4.5万张。 45,000 ISO14001 certificates
4、中国认证认可主要实践成果Main achievements △GB/T28001职业健康安全管理体系证书2.3万张。 23,000 GB/T28001 certificates △服务认证(绿色市场、商品售后、体育等)249张 249 service certification certificates (covering green market, product after sale, sports certification and etc.) △认证从业人员近6万人. 认证覆盖多种领域、多种产品、涉及多种单位 About 60,000 personnel covering various industries, products and institutes
4、中国认证认可主要实践成果Main achievements ●认可的认证机构、检查机构、实验室数量 △认可的认证机构123家 123 accredited certification bodies △认可的检查机构153家 153 accredited inspection bodies △认可的实验室3802家 3802 accredited labs 认可覆盖认证、检查、检测活动各领域 accreditation covering all the fields including certification, inspection and testing
4、中国认证认可主要实践成果Main achievements ●认证认可对国民经济和社会发展的作用不断增强 Certification and accreditation are playing more and more important role in national economic and social development.
4、中国认证认可主要实践成果Main achievements △ 认证认可评价结果被社会各方面广泛采信 Certification and accreditation results are widely recognized and adopted by various social sectors. 多部法律、行政法规中规定了应用相关认证认可制度;政府主管部门转变政府职能,在行政管理工作中积极采信认证认可的评价结果;获得节能环保认证的产品在政府采购中优先采购 ;企业和消费者利用认证认可的评价结果采购或者购买质量和安全性符合标准要求的产品、服务;强制性产品认证保护人身安全、环境、国家安全。 Many laws and regulations have stipulations related to certification and accreditation. The government agencies are adopting more and more certification and accreditation results in their efforts of transforming government functions. Products passing energy-saving and environmental protection certification are given priority in government procurement. More enterprises and consumers purchase goods according to conformity assessment results or quality, safety marks. Compulsory product certification could protect safety of human being as well as national security.
4、中国认证认可主要实践成果Main achievements △企业通过认证,提高了产品、服务质量和管理水平 product, service quality and management level have been enhanced through certification 获证企业产品的平均合格率为92.06%,未获证企业产品的平均合格率为79.14%; The average rate of product quality above standard in certified enterprises is 92.06%, and in un-certified ones is 79.14%. 有95.88%的被调查企业认为认证能提高顾客的满意度,95.31%的企业认为认证能提高企业产品质量,有88.64%的企业认为认证能提高企业品牌知名度 95.88% of surveyed enterprises believe that certification could improve the customer satification,95.31% believe that certification could enhance product quality while 88.64% think certification could enhance the brand.
4、中国认证认可主要实践成果Main achievements △认证认可在一定程度上促进了国民经济和社会的发展。 To a certain extent, certification and accreditation have been promoting the national economic and social development. 2005年认证认可对我国经济增长的贡献率为0.671%,拉动率为0.32%。其含义是:在2005年18万亿元GDP中认证认可事业作出了1229亿元的贡献;在2005年10.4%的GDP增幅中,认证认可拉动了0.32%;认证认可对社会发展的贡献率为0.314%。其含义是:在当年社会发展水平提升幅度中,认证认可所做出的贡献为0.314% In 2005, certification and accreditation contributed 0.671% to Chinese economic growth with the pulling rate of 0.32%, i.e., within total GDP of 18 trillion Yuan, certification and accreditation contributed 122.9 billion Yuan. Within the total GDP growth of 10.4% in 2005, certification and accreditation pulled 0.32%. certification and accreditation contributed 0.314% to social development, i.e. within the growing volume, certification and accreditation contributed 0.314%.
5、中国的认证认可发展与国际同步In pace with international certification and accreditation ●积极采用国际标准和导则,建立中国认证认可制度,并有效实施(ISO/IEC标准和指南); to set up Chinese certification and accreditation system and implement effectively by actively adopting international standards and guides (ISO/IEC standards and guides) ●积极参加20多个认证认可国际和区域组织,推动国际认证认可事业的发展; to actively participate in the activities of over 20 international/ regional certification and accreditation organizations to promote international certification and accreditation development. ●中国已与24国家和地区的34个政府、主管部门、合格评定机构签订了37个合作协议或备忘录。 China has reached 37 agreements/ MOUs with 34 competent government authorities or conformity assessment bodies from 24 countries/regions.
6、当前中国认证认可工作的重点highlights and priorities ●打造认证认可工作的科学性、有效性、服务性、权威性; To make the certification and accreditation more scientific, effective, authoritative and more service-oriented ●促进经济社会又好又快地发展:以产品质量和产品安全为核心,围绕质量效益型社会建设、节约型社会建设、环境友好型社会建设、创新型社会的建设、新农村建设;和谐社会建设,大力推动认证认可活动的应用。 to promote sound and fast economic and social development to put product quality and safety as the core element, actively promote the application of certification and accreditation in the making of a quality and efficient, resources-saving, environment-friendly and creative society, in the new rural-area and harmonious society construction.
http// www.cnca.gov.cn E-mail: liuwj@cnca.gov.cn