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KS3. I’ve laid out a structure for each of the key stages. Links follow through PowerPoint slides. Is this Realistic 2. doable in the time available The font is letteromatic!. KS4. KS5. Key Stage 3 Chemistry. Course Requirements. Scheme of Work. Resources. Teaching Groups. Main Menu.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. KS3 • I’ve laid out a structure for each of the key stages. Links follow through PowerPoint slides. Is this • Realistic • 2. doable in the time available • The font is letteromatic! KS4 KS5

  2. Key Stage 3 Chemistry Course Requirements Scheme of Work Resources. Teaching Groups Main Menu

  3. Teaching Groups 9AB1 9AB2 9v 9cd2 9cd1 9fg1 9fg2 What happens of 9ab1 repeats for other classes 9jk1 9jk2 9lm1 9lm2 KS3

  4. Class list 9? Teacher Name Form Name Form Test Dates Classwork / Homework Teaching Groups

  5. Homework and Classwork exercises will be posted here. Class List

  6. Test and Examination dates will be posted here. Class List

  7. Course Requirements National Curriculum Chemistry How Science Works Science 1 Investigation. Assessed Exercises. Ks3 chemistry

  8. A copy of National Curriculum KS3 requirements will appear here Course Requirements

  9. How science works requirements will be posted here. Course Requirements

  10. The requirements for the Science 1 Practical Assessment will be posted here Course Requirements

  11. The requirements for assessed exercises will appear here. Course Requirements

  12. A copy of the whs scheme of work for KS3 Year 9 Chemistry will appear here. Ks3 Chemistry.

  13. Resources Practical Exercises. Course notes Revision Questions Revision powerpoints. Ks3 Chemistry.

  14. Course Notes. Lots of stuff will be posted here. Need to be able to go back to ‘resources’ from any place. Can this be done? Resources

  15. Practical Exercises. Lots of stuff will be posted here. Need to be able to go back to ‘resources’ from any place. Can this be done? Resources

  16. Revision Questions Lots of stuff will be posted here. Need to be able to go back to ‘resources’ from any place. Can this be done? Resources

  17. Revision Powerpoints Lots of stuff will be posted here. Need to be able to go back to ‘resources’ from any place. Can this be done? Resources

  18. Key Stage 4 Chemistry Year 10 Course Requirements Schemes of Work Resources. Teaching Groups Main Menu

  19. Year 10 Teaching Groups 10a 10f 10l 10g 10m 10b 10n 10c 10h 1od 10j 10ts1 10ts1 10e 10k What happens of 10A repeats for other classes KS4

  20. Class list Teacher Name Form Name Form Test Dates Classwork / Homework Teaching Groups

  21. Year 10 Homework and Classwork exercises will be posted here. Class List

  22. Year 10 Test and Examination dates will be posted here. Class List

  23. Year 10 Course Requirements Chemistry 1 Specification Chemistry 2 Specification How Science Works Assessed Exercises. Ks4 chemistry

  24. WJEC Chemistry 1 A copy of chemistry 1 spec will appear here Course Requirements

  25. WJEC Chemistry 2 A copy of chemistry 2 spec will appear here Course Requirements

  26. Year 10 How science works A copy of how science works spec will appear here Course Requirements

  27. Year 10 Assessed Exercises. Info about KS4 assessed exercises will appear here Course Requirements

  28. Year 10 Schemes of work Dual Award Fast Track triple science Triple science Ks4 chemistry

  29. Dual Award A copy of the whs scheme of work for Year 10 dual award Chemistry will appear here. Ks4 Chemistry.

  30. Triple science Fast Track A copy of the whs scheme of work for Year 10 fast track Chemistry will appear here. Ks4 Chemistry.

  31. Triple Science A copy of the whs scheme of work for KS4 Year 10 Triple science Chemistry will appear here. Ks4 Chemistry.

  32. Year 10 Resources Practical Exercises. Revision notes Revision Questions Revision powerpoints. Ks4 Chemistry.

  33. Year 10 Topic Notes. Atomic structure water Elements and compounds Structure and Bonding Reaction rates What happens for atomic structure repeats for other topics The periodic table Making new materials fuels Nanoscience resources

  34. Atomic structure Summary notes on atomic structure will appear here topics

  35. Year 10 Practical exercises. Atomic structure water Elements and compounds Structure and Bonding Reaction rates What happens for atomic structure repeats for other topics The periodic table Making new materials fuels Nanoscience resources

  36. Atomic structure Practical exercises on atomic structure will appear here Practical exercises

  37. Year 10 Revision questions. What happens for atomic str. repeats for other topics Atomic structure water Elements and compounds Structure and Bonding Reaction rates Christmas Revision The periodic table Making new materials Mock Revision fuels Nanoscience resources

  38. Atomic structure Revision questions on atomic structure will appear here Revision questions

  39. Year 10 Revision powerpoints. Atomic structure water Elements and compounds Structure and Bonding Reaction rates What happens for atomic structure repeats for other topics The periodic table Making new materials fuels Nanoscience resources

  40. Atomic structure Revision powerpoint on atomic structure will appear here Revision powerpoints

  41. Advanced supplementary Advanced a2 InternationalBaccalaureate The structure for as chem. repeats for other two courses Main menu

  42. Key Stage 5 as Chemistry Course Requirements Schemes of Work Resources. Teaching Groups Key skills Main Menu

  43. Teaching Groups Year 12A Year 12b What happens for 12A repeats for 12B and 12C Year 12c As chemistry

  44. Class list 12a Teacher Name Form Name Form Test Dates Classwork / Homework Teaching Groups

  45. Homework and Classwork exercises will be posted here. Class List

  46. Test and Examination dates will be posted here. Class List

  47. WJEC as Chemistry A copy of as chemistry spec will appear here Course Requirements

  48. As Chemistry A copy of the whs scheme of work for ks5 as Chemistry will appear here. Ks5 as Chemistry.

  49. As chemistry Resources Practical Exercises. Course notes Revision Questions Revision powerpoints. Ks5 as Chemistry.

  50. AS Chemistry Course notes. The structure for RS repeats for other three teachers rs sj jwd do As resources

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