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Frog and Toad Together Big Question: What changes happen in a garden?. Author: Arnold Lobel Genre: Animal Fantasy. Timer. Small Group. Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5. Big Question What changes happen in a garden?. Frog and Toad Together Day 1. Daily Fix-it.
Frog and Toad TogetherBig Question: What changes happen in a garden? Author: Arnold Lobel Genre: Animal Fantasy
Timer Small Group
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Big QuestionWhat changes happen in a garden?
Daily Fix-it Dan helpped me plant my seeds They will be litle plants son. Unit 3 Frog and Toad - Day 1
Daily Fix-it Dan helpped me plant my seeds Dan helped me plant my seeds. They will be litle plants son. They will be little plants soon. Unit 3 Frog and Toad - Day 1
Morning Warm-up In winter, flowers go away. In spring, flowers start to grow in gardens. Do we have a garden near our school? What changes happen in a garden? Unit 3 Frog and Toad – Day 1
Oral Vocabulary Sprout! It’s a Garden Here is what a good gardener knows- Seeds need sunshine golden. Rain falls down and each seed grows. Sprout! It’s a garden. It takes time to see the plants. The blooms will not be sudden. Just let nature have a chance. Sprout! It’s a garden. Unit 3 Frog and Toad - Day 1
Amazing Words • gardener A gardener is someone who grows plants. • nature Nature is everything in the world that is not made by people. • sprout Sprout means “to begin to grow.”
Inflected Endings • melted melting • pet petted petting • batting • ripped • hopping • stepped • shutting • tagged • digging • begging • slipped • chopped • swimming • stopping Unit 3 Frog and Toad - Day 1
planned letting Ending -ed planned rested tripped thanked Ending -ing letting jumping landing hugging Unit 3 Frog and Toad - Day 1
tapping sipped jogging running pinned flipped ringing clapping hummed asked fixes getting yelled wishes zipped Unit 3 Frog and Toad - Day 1 Word Reading – ed, -ing
Reading WB page 33 • Spelling WB page 61 • Journal – List plants you would grow in your garden. • AR test • Centers Unit 3 Frog and Toad - Day 1
Daily Journal WritingDay 1 List plants you would grow in your garden.
Daily Fix-it 3. I plantted seeds last spring 4. next year I will do it agan. Unit 3 Frog and Toad – Day 2
Daily Fix-it 3. I plantted seeds last spring I planted seeds last spring. 4. next year I will do it agan. Next year I will do it again. Unit 3 Frog and Toad – Day 2
Morning Warm-up We will read about the four seasons. Many things change with each season. Why do you think the seasons change? Unit 3 Frog and Toad – Day 2
Amazing Words • dim Dim means “not bright.” • shade Shade is a place that is darker than the area around it because light has been blocked from the sun.
r-controlled ar • cat • had • hard hard • far • card • barn • smart • march
Word Work • car • mark • yarn • harp • star • chart • large art
jar sort cat yard more cart dark scarf ham hard porch harm sharp start bark Word Reading r-Controlled ar Unit 3 Frog and Toad – Day 2
1. Reading WB pages 34, 35, 36 2. Spelling WB page 62 3. Journal – Write about a time when you or someone you know planted a seed. 4. AR test 5. Centers Unit 3 Frog and Toad – Day 2
Daily Journal WritingDay 2 Write about planting a seed.
Daily Fix-it • I put thre seeds in one pot? • then I gave them watter. Unit 3 Frog and Toad - Day 3
Daily Fix-it • I put thre seeds in one pot? I put three seeds in one pot. • then I gave them watter. Then I gave them water. Unit 3 Frog and Toad - Day 3
Morning Warm-up Today we will read about Toad. Toad plants seeds in a garden. He reads and sings and shouts at his seeds. What does a real garden need to grow? Unit 3 Frog and Toad – Day 3
Amazing Words blossom – A blossom is the flower of a plant. When a plant blossoms it has flowers. Unit 3 Frog and Toad – Day 3
Inflected endings r-controlled ar • clapping • clapping • thanked • smart • flipping • large Unit 3 Frog and Toad - Day 3
Grandpa’s Garden Grandpa was digging Far back in the yard, Planting a garden, And working real hard. He stopped when it got dark And plopped down to wait For someone to tell him The garden looked great. We all started clapping. We patted his arm. Now Grandpa is planning To start a small farm.
barked digging stepped parking started swimming hummed marching Unit 3 Frog and Toad – Day 3
Sometimes people try different things to keep the plants in their garden growing. Toad is a character in the story we are about to read. His garden is not growing the way he thinks it should. We’ll find out what advice Frog gives Toad and if anything ever grows in the garden.
Vocabulary • rain • ground • head • shouted • shouting
High-Frequency Words • work • very • again • grow • few • day • were • how • read • afraid • soon • home • together Unit 3 Frog and Toad - Day 3
1. Reading WB page 37 2. Spelling WB page 63 3. Journal – Write about your favorite flower, plant, or tree. 4. AR test 5. Centers Unit 3 Frog and Toad – Day 3
Toad shouts at his seeds. Toad shouted at his seeds. Toad is shouting at his seeds. -s -ed -ing start plant walk look play Unit 3 Frog and Toad – Day 3
Toad did stuff to his seeds. First get some seeds, tiny and brown. Then put them deep into the ground. The rain comes, and the sun shines down. Up go the flowers, large and round. Unit 3 Frog and Toad – Day 3
Daily Journal WritingDay 3 Write about your favorite flower, plant, or tree.
Daily Fix-it • They ned sunn. • I am hapy when they gro. Unit 3 Frog and Toad - Day 4
Daily Fix-it • They ned sunn. They needsun. • I am hapy when they gro. I am happy when they grow. Unit 3 Frog and Toad - Day 4