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Discoveries of Eighteenth Century

Discoveries of Eighteenth Century. Average Life Span: 40 to 50 years. 18 th Century (cont). Gabriel Fahrenheit (1686-1736) created 1 st mercury thermometer Ben Franklin (1706-1790) i nvented bifocals for eyeglasses Dr. Jessee Bennet Performs 1 st successful C-section in 1794.

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Discoveries of Eighteenth Century

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  1. Discoveries of Eighteenth Century Average Life Span: 40 to 50 years

  2. 18th Century (cont) Gabriel Fahrenheit(1686-1736) • created 1st mercury thermometer Ben Franklin (1706-1790) • invented bifocals for eyeglasses Dr. JesseeBennet • Performs 1st successful C-section in 1794

  3. Edward Jenner (1749-1823) • Country doctor in England • Developed a vaccination for smallpox in 1796 • How did he find this? …..next page

  4. Jenner observed that individuals who had caught the less serious cowpox generally did not catch smallpox. • This led him to discover technique of vaccination when he deliberately infected a small boy with cowpox. • He found that this gave the child immunity against deadly smallpox.

  5. The word “vaccination”, made up by Jenner for his treatment (comes from Latin vacca, a cow). Word was later adopted by Pasteur for immunization against any disease.

  6. CheckPoint 10. The word vaccination is derived from a Latin word, which means . . ?.

  7. Discoveries of 19th Century Average Life Span: 40 to 65 years

  8. 19th Century (cont) • Period known as the “industrial revolution” • Major progress in medical science occurred • due to development of machines • ready access to books

  9. Rene Laënnec (1781-1826) • French physician • Invented stethoscope (1816) • Cylinder originally made from paper, then made from hollow wooden tube • Hailed as Father of Thoracic Medicine

  10. Before stethoscope, doctors put ear directly to body.

  11. Evolution of Laennec’s stethoscope

  12. 19th Century(cont) Florence Nightingale (1820 – 1910) Pioneer of Nursing • Established efficient and sanitary nursing care units for injured soldiers during the Crimean War • Began professional education of nurses

  13. Florence Nightingale tending the ill • Often called the “Lady with the Lamp” after her habit of making rounds at night

  14. Although bedridden for many years, she campaigned tirelessly to improve health standards • published 200 books, reports & pamphlets • In recognition of her work Queen Victoria awarded Miss Nightingale the Royal Red Cross in 1883. • She died at age 90.

  15. 19th Century (cont) • Major Developments • Infection Control • Associated microscopic organisms with disease • Methods developed to stop the spread of organisms • Women became active participants in medical care • Elizabeth Blackwell – 1st female physician in US • Dorothea Dix – appointed Superintendent of Female Nurses of the Army • Clara Barton – founded the American Red Cross

  16. CheckPoint 11. Laennec’s first stethoscope was made of:  a. paper b. wood c. tree bark.

  17. CheckPoint cont. 12. Before Laennec’s stethoscope, how did physicians listen to heart & lung sounds? .

  18. James Blundell (1790-1877) • 1818- performed 1st successful human blood transfusion • transfused blood from husband to his wife by means of syringe

  19. Blundell performed 10 transfusions up to 1830 • about half were successful • At this point, blood typing had not been developed & transfusions were risky. • In 1870's, doctors began using milk from cows, goats & humans, as blood substitute • This was replaced with saline solution in 1880's.

  20. William Morton (1819-1868) • developed anesthesia techniques that made surgery painless

  21. CheckPoint MATCHING: 13. Reformed hospitals; pioneered nursing 14. Successful blood transfusions 15. Developed anesthesia techniques. Morton Nightingale Blundell

  22. Louis Pasteur (1822-1895) • Father of Bacteriology • Discovered that microorganisms were everywhere • Proved that microbes caused disease.

  23. Discovered that heating of milk killed germs--hence the term “pasteurization”. The process of boiling a liquid to destroy bacteria is still used today; most dairy products are pasteurized.

  24. Pasteur also developed vaccines against anthrax & rabies. Louis's pupil, Emile Roux, inoculating boy against rabies at Pasteur Institute

  25. Sir Joseph Lister (1827-1912) • Used asepsis in surgery • Discovered that carbolic acid killed germs. Carbolic acid sprayer

  26. Lister Introduces Antisepsis • For six weeks, Lister had treated a boy's compound fracture wound with carbolic acid. • When Lister removed dressings from fracture, he found wound had healed without infection--something unheard of at that time!

  27. Wilhelm Roentgen (1845-1923) • German physicist • Discovered x-rays in 1895 • 1st X-ray was of his wife’s hand

  28. Roentgen’s wife & X-ray of her hand

  29. CheckPoint MATCHING: 16. Discovered x-rays 17. Developed rabies vaccine 18. Used carbolic acid to kill germs. Lister Pasteur Roentgen

  30. Twentieth Century • Most rapid growth in health care Average Life Span: 60 – 80 years

  31. Development of Rehabilitation Professions Physical Therapy Occupational Therapy Orthotics and Prosthetics Audiology Art Therapy Kinesiotherapy

  32. Physical Therapy1894 Originated in England • Nurses were 1st Physical Therapists • RN using a Current impulse stimulator

  33. Another type of physical therapy Using a “shoulder wheel” which was used after arm & shoulder injuries

  34. Occupational Therapy - 1917 • Developed in response to injured veterans returning from WWI. • Needed rehab in order to get back to work. Occupational Therapy Ward

  35. Depiction of wounded soldier weaving belt with aid of apparatus designed to exercise his injured arm.

  36. WWII - physical therapy in use following surgery

  37. Orthoticsand Prosthetics • Began with ancient art of splinting • Associated with amputation surgery after wars • Grew after WWI and WWII and the polio epidemics in late 1940’s & early 1950’s

  38. Audiology - 1920’s • Origin in 1920’s when audiometers were 1st designed to measure hearing • Profession surged after WWI & II from noise induced hearing loss

  39. Art Therapy - 1940’s • Patient’s creations were thought to reveal hidden feelings & emotions.

  40. Kinesiotherapy - "Corrective Therapy" • Rehab programs developed during WWII to expedite return of soldiers to active duty following battle injuries.

  41. CheckPoint 19. Many rehab professions developed in response to _______ injuries.  • industrial • farm • polio • war.

  42. Other new developments during the 20th Century • Use of new machines, i.e. X-Rays, MRI, ultrasound, CT scans, PET scans • New medicines and vaccines were developed • Causes of many diseases were identified • Physicians were able to treat the causeof the disease to cure the patient

  43. X-Ray / MRI Scanner

  44. Ultrasound of fetus

  45. Walter Reed • Demonstrated that mosquitoes carry yellow fever (1900)

  46. Sir Alexander Fleming • Accidently discovered penicillin in 1928 • Became known as the “Wonder Drug” • Penicillin is a broad- spectrum antibiotic since it kills a wide range of bacteria

  47. Dr. Michael DeBakey Well-renowned Houston cardiologist 1937 - Linked Lung cancer to cigarette smoking 1950s – One of the first to perform Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery 1953 – Performed the 1st successful Carotid Endarterectomy (plague removal and stent placement) Pioneer in development of artificial heart. First to use an external heart pump successfully – a “left ventricular bypass pump”.

  48. 20th Century (cont) • Jonas Salk • Discovered a killed polio virus would afford immunity to poliomyelitis. • Developed the polio vaccine in 1952 • Albert Sabin • Developed an oral live-virus polio vaccine in mid- 1950s

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